You mean I can't go wif you?..Is it cause I aweady have one?
What????They don't let woggies in???????
in that case, wake me when you get home
so Mommi and Daddi went to the US Embassy to get weplacements fow theiw lost passpawts..sounded easy peasy
they found the pwetty squawe whewe the addwess was
walked all awound,
nevew saw an amewican flag
finally went into a hotel to ask whewe it is
yep, it was half a block away, but it sowt of looked like a constwuction zone wif big
iwon fencing all awound
they had to go wound and wound and wound and finally a nice policeman showed them how they had to go in on a side stweet and then go thwoo a maze, etc
phew..they finally got in and evewyone was vewy nice and asked why they wewe late
well DUH! if you hide the place...sheeesh
they will get theiw passpawts in about a week
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Another picture collage by Smilebox |
aftewawds, they went to a Mexican westauwant neew the Embassy(weely , weely good) to toast to my god-cousinCawina's Biwfday, and have a dinnew..then walked home on a bootiful night
on the way home, they passed a spwing outdoow cwafts festival and thought of auntie Kawen Seigew
I of couwse was home waiting like an angel
(don't wowwy, as soon as they got home, Mommi took me out fow a walk and shawed hew daily gelato wif me)
smoochie kisses

Sweetie: Passpowts pale in importance to your Gelato. We are feeling much more secuwe now that your mommi and daddi have taken care of that, and we will write the embassy to complain about their problems finding it!
Glad you got all that sorted. Sadly we cant get the smilebox to play.. You are looking so good Asta sweety.. HUgs GJ xx
Asta we are so glad that the passports are all sorted and we are sure you were a little angel while Home Alone!
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
I'm glad to hear you got your gelato after mom and dad got back from their adventure to the embassy.
Sorry you couldn't comment on my post the other day. I don't know why that happened. I hope it works for you next time.
Hi Asta - I'm happy you have your passport all sorted - so you didn't have to go round and round and round the buildings too. Sounded stressful. Just as well you could support from your chair at home while having your eyes shut.
A Daily Gelato??????? Lucky Duck!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
U r so cute asta! I'm glad u got a treat at the end of the night :)
A Mexican Westuwant in BootyPest??!! BUENO!!!!!!!
I'm going to ask me Mommy, and Daddy, to move there,,,we can be you neighbows!
Hi Asta
So glad the passport issue got all taken care of.
I think going to a mexican restuarant for dinner sounds wonderful.
I know you were home keeping everything safe.
Asta, as long as you got gelato, it was probably best you stayed home. It sounds like it was a like of rigamarole.
Loveys Sasha
Hi Asta - long time no woof!! And gosh - I didn't realise you'd moved to Budapest - I'm so out of the loop! What a grand adventure...and it looks like such a beautiful place from the pictures. Oh, and I love that old armchair you're sitting on! So how come you are in Budapest? Is it weird talking to other doggies - do they understand your woofs with an American accent? - hee! hee!
Honey the Great Dane
At least your patience was FINALLY rewarded with gelato! Glad Mommi and Daddi finally found the Embassy and the way in...surprised that replacements will come so fast.
The Mexican Restaurant made me feel like they were visiting Albuquerque!
Hi Miss Asta, wow whee you are looking wonderful. We are glad your mum and dad sorted out the passport business. The photos are lovely but especially the outdoor crafts festival. It looks like something from a movie! You sure are a lucky girl to have a daily gelato. We must whisper in mum's ear about this lovely little tradition you have. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Sorry Miss Asta, our sissy's name Lisa came up on our comment. Its us really. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Dear Asta, I'm so glad the gelato was not forgotten.
Gail love's the look of the cafe/bar in the smile box (top row second left).
Toodle pip!
Wost a sillisome embassy fur not lettin doglets in butts how loverly dats yoo gots gelato sounds nommy to us
Sidney, Ronnii, Izzy n Uji
xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
At least you had a nice comfy spot to wait for them, Asta. What flavor gelato did you have?
Love ya lots,
Look at those wonderful outdoor places! Mom just luvs outdoor restaurants and fairs! :D
Asta, how'd your Mom and Dad lose their passports? You didn't eat them did ya? ;P
BTW very stylish chair you waited for them in :)
Waggin at ya,
Dearest Asta, the human is loving your pics of Budapest but we dogs have more important matters to consider.
Now we know it is hard being home along although we find snoozing works well for passing the time and of course treats are essential!
We cannot understand the American Embassy not allowing 'woggies' only today we read about Mrs Obama thinking of Bo, her dog, as one of her children. Indeed referring to him as her son. Now we found this a little confusing but you know what these humans are like!
You would think that with the First Lady so committed to her 'woggie' that the American Embassy would be laying out the red carpet for you Asta.
We are thinking of writing to the President on your behalf.....!!!
Much love
Martha and Bailey xxx
ps of course we meant 'home alone' if only this silly human could hit the right keys on the 'puter!!!
Asta, you and your Mommi MUST consider writing a book about your new life. EVERYTHING is so interesting...I simply can NOT choose a favorite post. Please think about writing and illustrating some sort of Going Native in Budapest book, complete with cooking , dining out, and entertainment indices in the back...oh, and lots and lots of pictures...and maybe a symphony CD, and put me down for an advance copy!
Happy days to you all.
Hey Asta!
Wow, sounds like you had a wonderful nap while your peeps were out-and-about! Gelato is a great treat and I love your header pix! Delish.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Asta, you're a master (mistress) at making those Smile Boxes-and the music you choose is extraordinary! Glad you parent's passports are now up-to-date. (We love seeing the stunning architecture in Budapest).
P.S. Those chairs are even more beautiful than Parental Unit thought-and you fit just perfectly, Ms. Asta!
PP.SS. We agree with Leah, a book is in order-sign us up for the second copy!
Why did they hide the EM BOCCI? That's like odd...
I coulda flown them there on the does have precise military grade GPS...
It just doesn't always do landings that well....
Gross I'm not sayin' that other word...your mom washed my mouth out with Schlag so many times I've gained another pound...
Lacie Cakes
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