I commented on it and the sweet fwiend sent me a bottle of it all the way acwoss the pond fwom Amewica to Hungawy
The postman wang my bell (he came all the way up to the fouwf floow whewe I live(this is NOT a doowman building like we had in NewYAwk, hehehehehehe)
he said thewe was a package fwom a Mw. Fwankie Fuwtew fow me
I wan awound alike a maniac twying to see it and get it fwom Mommmi
not only did it have the toofie gel, but a bootiful note fwom Fwankie and Ewnie and a big bag of people cookies!
I tasted them as soon as the box got opened and then Mommi put the gel on my toofs and it was gweat!!!!
hewe is a smileybox to show you my excitement and pictoowes of the box and lettew and Fwankie and Eawnie just so you see how handsome they awe
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This digital collage personalized with Smilebox |
today was a most gowgoos Spwing day and we wanted to go fow a big walk
we combined it wif food shopping fow a dinnew we'we having fow fwiends tomowwow night
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Make your own photo album |
The Mawket is a big food Hall..wif all sowts of vendows fow vegebulls, meets, bweads, and stuff inside
aftewwawds, Daddi went to a wine stowe to get some dwinkabulls to go wif it all.
Cwoss fingews ouw fiwst dinnew fow fwiends goes well
hope all of you awe having a bootiful Spwing day too
smoochie kisses

Asta, I am SO enjoying your life in Budapest. I adore the Smileboxes. My heritage is Austrian-Czechoslovakian, so I am especially interested in the dinners your Mommi makes. Your Christmas feast is so like my family's. Are you all so very happy in your new home? Oh, I do hope so. How lovely it all seems.
Happy days.
Leah, I don't know how to answer you because you come in as anonymous..thank you for your comments I'm so glad you enjoy the smileboxes
love and Asta's smoochie kisses
ps let me know where to reach you
Asta, How exciting to get a package from Frankie!! That was so cool and I can see that you really enjoyed it. My Mom is well, drooling over the pastries and pictures on the second smiley box. Thanks for sharing all that.
Loveys Sasha
Yummmmmmm....that pear and cheese thingy looks wonderful. I hope Miss Asta got some.
Asta if you keep showing us grrrreat foodable places like that..we are ALL gonna move to Boot A Pest too!!! I'm just sayin. Can't wait to see pix of your dinner pawty. Drrrrroooool
I am very much glad that your Apartment Warming Pressie arrived safely.
I suspect your letter carrier just wanted to get a look at your beautiful self and just used the excuse of a pressie package to do it. Maybe he has a Boy Dawg and is thinkin.. well, he just doesn't know about Gussie that's all.
Hi Asta, isn't Frankie a sweetie?
That Frankie Furter and his mom are the greatest! I love the architecture where you live now. Keep the smile boxes coming. I may never travel to Budapest, but thanks for taking me there on your daily adventures.
Oh my, that is quite an afternoon snack ...feeling a little flushed it looks so absolutely yummy! Gorgonzola and pear ...good gravy, that sounds perfect on a spring day.
And that Frankie is one in a million, always thinking of everyone else. What a wonderful doggie!!
Your pal, Pip
Hey Asta - mum and I WISH we could come to your mom and dad's dinner pawty - I suspect it will be FABULOUS! More great smileboxes, thankyou - we enjoy them so much. As for that afternoon snack - consider me THERE!!!!!!!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
Your new home looks so lovely and historic! You must be having a great time exploring it all!
That Frankie is one nice guy! Definitely a great friend!
How nice (as always) of Frankie to send you a special package!
I'm really happy that you are getting adjusted to life in Budapest, finding great places to frequent & new friend to enjoy special days with.
Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & Pam
Oh my!
I know how very excited you were to get your very own package in the mail!
What a good friend Frankie Furter is!
I just know those cookies were soo yummy and the toofy gel too.
Dear Asta,
I haven't had the chance to drop by your bloggie for a long time and to wish you well for your new life in Budapest. I loved your smilebox and seeing all the delicious pastries. No wonder you couldn't resist buying a few.
What a lovely surprise to get such a special package from Frankie.
Wishing you all the best in your new life there.
Lots of love to G too.
I am so enchanted by your smileboxes!!! THANK YOU So much for sharing your new old world with me...it means so very much to me to see the old country again...the buildings, the people, the food, the charm...you just make me smile and I feel like I anm there with you and that is tonic to this homesick soul....
I know your dinner party will be the biggest hit!!!
XOXO Karla
Hi Asta, it is so important for us girls to look after our toothypegs! Your will now be sparkling - what a fun package, we could see how excited you were.
We are just loving seeing Budapest, the historic buildings, the tramcars and even the street musicians. It all feels like a great atmosphere there.
The food looks so yummy, especially your tango (hope that's right!).
Our own human who is trying to not eat too many yummies right now was drooling at the afternoon treat!
Martha & Bailey xxx
That was so nice of Frankie and Ernie!
I was drooling looking at all of the luscious pastries. Have fun with your company, Asta!
Love ya lots,
Miss Asta,
Are those your foodable bowls I saw in the movie? Momma says they look like bed pans. Huh?
Your adventure in toofer cleaning inspires me. I might ask momma to break out my special gel so I can be all sparkly like yourself.
Ooh! That market looks gorgeous from the outside--next time, let Ami take some photos inside, Asta! That Westie looks like Hamish! Did it remind you of our walks along the Hudson?
Your pal Petey ( who is nine years old today!)
Isn't that so nice of Frankie and Ernie to send you some of the special Teef Gel!!
My momma will be anxious to see how it works fur you.....her wants to get some for our teefs.
Asta, we take it as an excellent sign you are all settling in well, if Mommi and Daddi are already busy entertaining friends with their wonderful meals.
And you will be grinning away, showing off your sparkling teeth no doubt.
Toodle pip!
PS You are impossibly gorgeous, however your coat is groomed.
Hi Miss Asta, what lovely friends Mr Frankie and his mum are. How exciting to get a present through the mail. We loved your smile boxes and hope your dinner party goes perfectly. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Oh what wonderful treats your folks get to choose from. We know your mama always shares with you, so be careful not to gain tooooo much weight Bol. How swell of Frankie & Ernie to send you tooth paste and treats. Now we shall go on a mission to find something for you to help warm your house too!
Smooches from your pals,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie
ps-We sure do enjoy your Smileboxes. The music is always such fun! Is your mama starting to paint in your new home yet??
Oh my...your first dinnerpawty at your new house???
And sparkling new toofers from the Furter???? Well, stuff to make em sparking new???
I AM EXHAUSTED. Mumsie is the biggest baby and worst patient ever. LACIE, you so don't have my straw properly positioned...LACIE, I'm gonna barf...LACIE, I need fresh linens NOW...
Sheesh...you shoulda seen her...her head was rotating 360 degrees...
I'm gonna go lie down with a cool compress on MY HEAD.
Miss Nancy Beastie Nursie
Hi Kousin Asta,
Great gifts from Frankie and Ernie. Now you are even more bootiful with your bright white teethes.
What a neat market your Mommi and Daddi found. Lots of good stuff. And with your Mommi's cooking, we know her dinner party will be pawfect.
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Frankie and his family are magnificient to send a housewarming pressie...your first package in your new home. It does look like a beautiful day much better than all that cold and snow...Spring is coming!
All of the foods look so tasty and we know your Mommi is an excellent cook so we are certain the party was a smashing success.
Thanks for sharing your journey...we love the Smileboxes.
Wat wonderful playce! Luvly food! Asta, look so pritty in spring sunshine!
Asta, you may reach me at my private E-mail:
I call it "private" because I never answer anyone whose contact I have not pre-approved. So very kind of you to contact me. thank you very much.
Happy days to you all.
Asta how fabulous to receive a special parcel from Frankie.. what a lucky girl you are.
we loved your smilebox....all those gorgeous yummy pastries!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
We heart your smilebox too! We learn so much from your blog.
Frankie rocks!
Check you e-barks. We figured out how to save some semblance of our guestbooks which disappear on 6 March.
Essex & Sherman
Oh how nice of Frankie to send you a pressie! Have a nice week, Asta!
We hope your dinner party was a smashing success!! When my Angel brother Gizmo was sick Mr. Bert sent him a prezzie. I gotted SO excited just like you did cuz I could smell Bert. Our noses can smell friendship across the miles!!
rottie kisses,
Ruby (and Bart, too)
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