Mommi is too tiwed to move, but guess what?
the boxes awe finally gone, and thewe is a fwidge and gas and oven , and she even managed to make the washing machine wowk, heheheh..think it's easy?
guess's tiny, and thewe awe a kajillion intewnational(hmm, not known to the US symbols that you have to figoowe out so it acshooally dwains and then the same machine dwies the clothes..only took hew all day fow one tiny load, hehehehe
hewe awe mowe scenes fow youw viewing plesoowe
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I'm hoping this means that pwetty soon, she'll play wif me and even , dawe I hope, will evenshooly have time to come awound and visit all of you
pleeez keep being patient
smoochie kisses

Wow what a fabulous kitchen, it looks very smart indeed!
With all the boxes gone you must be feeling so much better, all homely now and getting back to normal.
Asta may we suggest you go and make Mommi sit down and jump on her lap and don't let her move for a week.
You have all done so much in such a short time.
Loved the Smilebox, thank you for showing us your lovely new home.
Have you had snow yet? We have loads coming tomorrow and Saturday. Yippee.
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie.
Mom's are really funny about getting their homes "just right" and they are not happy until they be patient little Asta, Mommy will be playing with again in no time and taking you on some pawsome adventures
Congratulations for getting all the boxes taken care of. Your apartment looks great. I liked that thing that went into the street and then came back up.
Yipeeeeeeeeeeee fur your mom . She did a grrrreat job of getting the boxes taken care of... and the washing machine... Licked!!!
Hi Asta,
We're waiting for the Smile Box to load - we know it will all look fab!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ivy
At what point does a house become a home? If you are not there, you are surely VERY close...the space is so inviting and warm and safe feeling. Now you must all take some time to savor your work and soak up the joyful muse that inhabit your space.
Starting to look familiar. Now you know that there is tons more space there than in your old estate so once those boxes are gone... woo hoo!
It's looking so much like a home and I am happy to hear you are settling in nicely. The kitchen is lovely. HUgs GJ xx
Thanks for sharing pics of where you live. Your Mom has been working very hard but it looks like she is getting closer to being able to relax a bit. Asta, it is wonderful to see & hear from you and your Mom again. We missed your sweetness.
It's looking very nice, Asta! Pretty close to being all finished. Hope Mom isn't so tired that her accidentally puts wheelies on your paws too. BOL
We think your new home is lovely! Your kitchen is so sleek and modern then we see the beautiful umbrella stand which is so old world! Love your eclectic style!
((((Hugs)))) from Colorado,
Winston, Chloe, Cecil
and Shawn
Oh Miss Asta, your new home looks amazing, especially that fancy new kitchen. I am just SO HAPPY for you and your family! Enjoy!
Your pal, Pip
Kousin Asta,
Wow! Looks like you are making lots of progress. Soon your new apartment will look just like home.
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
At least you have a kitchen. We have a tool store where our kitchen should be, and a sink and a cooker in the sitting room :D
Now I have some news. Remember my film project of a zillion (four) years ago? Well I have decided to revive it and would love you to be in it again, and then we can add in the Budapest Connection.
Pippa x
Ha! We had been waiting for the post about how European washing machines are tiny and take forever. Gail says she can understand why ours might be smaller (less space in European homes generally) but why they are so slow compared to the typical US model is a mystery. After all, its not as if Americans all go round in half-washed, smelly clothes!
We loved the video - never seen anything like that before.
Toodle pip!
Bertie (and Gail).
Hi Asta - thank goodness the apartment seems to be almost finished and you stuffs in place. We can't believe the amount of umbrellas you have ( we are lucky to know where one is!! ) (doesn't rain much here!) and we are also concerned that you might bonk your heads on the cupboard over the be careful!!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
Ahhhh sweet pea, doesn't your new home look super smashing. Fabbers kitchen, looks like the counters are special surfer height for you too huh?!!. Yeah I loved all of that smile box until ggggggggrr the last page showing them pesky old wheelies.Them fight off intruders?? HAAAharrrharr. As if. After their dip in the briny they'll be even more crusty n rusty. Wonder who got 'em water wings? Think I'll nip over to see Cyril Spy check out what's going on. Watch 'em Asta.
Wiry love and whisker kisses Eric xxxxxx
I love your new home, Asta! I can just imagine all of the delicious meals that you'll be helping your mommi whip up in her beautiful new kitchen. I hope you get to test everything!
Love ya lots,
The muzzer says she is envious of your kitchen cooktop. She so misses her gas stove. She is sooooo strange.
We have watched with awe while your miracle worker pawrents worked their magic! The apawtment is looking like a welcoming home and now you can enjoy it.
We love the smilebox. You guys are wonderful reporters.
gussie n teka
Your Mommi must be so pleased that all the boxes are gone. We're glad you have a kitchen now too!!!
The Florida Furkids
Just try to relax and suddenly everything will be "normal" again. (Then you should pop up to Oslo for a visit! BOL!)
Gummi & The Kitties
Hi Asta, at last you can all start to relax and enjoy your new home. It always feels like home when you have your own possessions all around you. See ya sweetie pie. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Myrna my look lovely as ever ....our
Trip to the south of France has done wonders for you my dear!!!! You're not um well in a delicate condition again are you???
All my love to you and our children ...
Your Gilbert
Asta, we have enjoyed so much, looking at all of your Smileboxes!!!
That was a tremendous move and we are thankful(as we are sure your Mom is) that your ordeal is mostly over :)
Your new home looks lovely too!!!!!
Have fun!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia ,
Tiger, Treasure and JJ
Asta it really be starting to look like a home now, and not just any home, your home! Especially with the piccures and the Wheelies.
~Lickies, Ludo
Hey Asta!
Wow, looking good there! Disappearing boxes is a good thing and having a kitchen is really important! That's where all the yummers are.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
It's looking better and better over your way, Asta!
#1 says that European washing machines are pathetic in how long they take to do a load of laundry!
Dear Asta, I am so sorry I have been missing from the blog world and the facebook world too. Due to family stuff going on here we haven't been able to do much on the computer.
I am so glad your move went well, it looks amazing where you are living.
And we send you all our very best wishes for a happy future in your new home!
lotsaluv, and many licks, Marvin xxxxx
oh and love from Jeannie too!
Asta, what a beautiful kitchen! I bet you'll be finding lots of crumbs on that floor. heh heh. Now that all the boxes are gone, you can all sit back and relax, and enjoy your beautiful new home. Lots of love and laughter await you there. xox
Oh Asta, we will wait for you forever if we have to, all though I hope we don't have to wait that long!
Nubbin wiggles,
hi Asta, it's so cool to see photos of your new apartment and your area where you live now. the floor in your apartment looks beautiful. are there a lot of dog parks? you do need places to play!
No wonder that your mom is tired. She has done a lot of work. Glad too that we were able to help out and move things along quickly. Phew.
Don't forget that we are staying over to watch the game today.
Miss Asta! Miss Asta! Miss Astaaaaaah!
Meee was MIA and when Meee got back, Meee realized that you MOVED to BUDAPEST! Wow! How Kool is that??? you lucky Girl...
Do you realize that you will be able to go visit a Budavári Palotát?
Have fun in your new city!
Neeko :o)
P.S. My Mommy liked to hear the voices in Hungarian on the video :o)
This is Hanne Ami :) I have just looked at all your videos and smilie cards and read about your looks amazing there. I hope you are happy and content!! Love always from Sir Chancelot and Me!!!!!
Asta your new place is starting to look like home. Well done on unpacking all those boxes.
Your new kitchen looks fab!
Take care of your Mom.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Your new place is stunning already! Glad to catch a glimpse of those fabulous chairs...:-)
We're so enjoying seeing these pictures as you set up your new home-thanks for sharing with us!
Your new home is sooooooo
You will be having so much fun at your new home.I cannot wait to hears all about it!
Wow Asta, you have a lot of umbrellas! Do you think it might rain soon? Bol! Miss you lots.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie
ps-The place looks great!!
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