we awe all snug and wawm inside
i just go out fow quick walks and then back again into my wawm chaiw ow sofa ow bed
hewe awe some scenes fwom ouw snowy city
hope you can see it and enjoy
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Photo album customized with Smilebox |
Mommi of couwse now has a cold, and that's hew newest excoose fow not giving me my bloggie time,
honestly, i need a new secwetawy
but pleeez don't give up on me, i am detewmined to come visit all of you vewy soon
smoochie kisses

Europe's in the midst of some snow storm alright! Stay warm - lucky for us the snow has blown across Europe but stopped in the UK and Ireland is snow-free!!
We loved your smilebox!
take care
Clive & Murray
Hi Kousin Asta,
Nice Smilebox! I really like the moosic and all the photos of your apartment and the city in winter. You have a lot more snow than we do. We don't have any!
Hope your Mommi feels better soon.
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
I was wondering how you were doing with all the cold and snow we have been hearing about. I am glad that you are all WARM and Dry.. and comfy.
I just love your smileboxes, Asta! Your new home looks so warm and inviting and your neighborhood looks like fun. I bet it will be just beautiful in the spring when the flowers start to bloom!
Love ya lots,
Oh I just loved getting a glimpse of your new world. I hope you make some new doggie friends there and that you get some sun soon!
my dearest friends...you are so faraway and settled snuggly into your new nest high atop the ancient buildings overlooking the highest views of the beloved old county!! I am so delighted that you are doing so well and seem to have seemlessly made the move over the big pee...how quickly it all went...I am amazed by that!
Thank you for showing us all the wonders to see surrounding you and your new hometown...the New York shop had us smiling....a bit of homeaway from your former home. Look forward to all your new adventures.....
Love the cozy cottagers
The quote about the colors of winter is one of momma's favorites! Your neighborhood looks very beautiful frosted in white... but also very cold. Stay warm and cozy, dear friend...and we are sending White Dog snifflies healing energy to your Mommi.
darling Asta we understand perfectly that your mum is trying to make your apartment cosy and lovely. Along with your dad's and your help it is looking just grand.. Stay warm and snug and we will be here when you have the time..Love and hugs GJ xx
love it, just watched it again
Oh Miss Asta, Budapest is so lovely and magical. Your apartment looks very warm and cozy and you all look settled in! Keep posting these fabulous pictures.
Your pal, Pip
Hi Asta
Thank you for the snowy photos of your snowy city! Its cold here too.
I hope your momma gets well soon!
It's so good to hear from you again!
The photos look like picture postcards saying, wish you were here, having a lovely time. We are glad you are snug and warm and have some places nearby to visit. Pawhugs
We just love the smilebox with the photos and the poems. The colour of winter is certainly in the imagination in Aberdeen.
Toodle pip!
Bertie (who also enjoys sharing an apple).
Asta thank you for showing us all the snowy images. We have been watching the Budapest weather forecasts and you have certainly had some very cold temperatures.
Keep snuggling on your comfy chair and keep warm.
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
Budapest must be so beautiful. I hope you are having fun
Oh are those roofs beautiful not to mention the architecture of your building!!! Is Lacie coming home soon? She has chores to do...she did say she and you might take a little Barkday trip somewhere now that she's turning one. Again. Is your mommi keeping Lacie's passport so she doesn't lose it! (MROFL) Second thought hang on to all of them Asta!
XXOOXXOO Auntie Mumsie
We love your Smileboxes Asta and our glimpse into your exciting new world.
As before we think the buildings are beautiful.
That window in your apartment is just right for a dog to watch the world go by.
You are all looking warm and cosy - take care
Boy you have more than us! WE HAVE NOTHING!!!!( PL2 says she is not to sad about that) Listen we are going to spend a little time with her and help her get stype ARCHIE NOT STYPE SKYPE geesh maybe that is the trouble. He has been very busy watching a new tv show called Downton Abbey and now he wants to be a butler..good luck with that. It is never ending over here. Love and kisses A+A+PL@ OH YEAH WE OVE THE PICS!!!!!!
Oooo yeah continental Yorrup has had it very bad, but heer in England's not so bad. We had enuff to mayke a snow bear, a snow cat an a snow duv. Then I did sum sledging. Mummy hassent helpt me blog yet, but we took pic's. She has had a hedayke an a bad bak.
I feel closer to yu becos yu ar not 1000s ov miles away from me enymor, Asta!
Granny Ireland an Poppa cayme home from Budapesh the uther day. They sed they kept an eye owt for yu but did not see yu. They sed it had been cold!
I do like yor smileboxes they mayke it all mor reel than jus fotoes, almost like we can see yu mooving an jumping!
Big hugs
Brrrrr! I didn't know it was so cold in Booda Pest but gosh, is it ever "Booda"-full! heehee!
And don't worry, Asta. We would never, EVER gives up on you! Just take care of your mommi and give her extra snuggles and I bet she'll get over her cold in no time at all.
Wiggles & Wags,
PeeS. Thank you, thank you for going over and leaving such sweet words for Knox's mommi and daddi. You all are the BEST!
Your new home looks beautimous, Asta! We hope you are all settled now, so you can enjoy it! I have the same problem with MY secretary! You just can't get good "help" these days!
Hi Miss Asta, your new home in Boo da Pest looks wonderful. We're glad you are warm and snuggly while its cold outside. Hope your mum gets over her cold very soon. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Asta your new city is beautiful. Looks like the snow has skipped America and gone over to the other side of the big pee. Hopefully when the weather gets a little warmer you will get out more to meet new friends. Hope you Mommi feels better soon.
With wagging tail,
Hi Asta, I must say - you are all lokking much more "settled in" and "at home". It looks nice and cold - it makes my mum think of hot chocolate and soups!!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
We're so glad you kitchen got installed and your heat is working and you can snuggle up without having to go out much and just wait for it to get warmer. We're sure with your nursing, your mom will be better soon.
Jed & Abby
Stay warmed.,enjoy your day...
Dog Fence
Hi Asta, thank you for visiting us - you keep warm over there!
We are glad you are not off leash in the city - that would be too scary.
Like us, you are a girl who just wants to have fun and would no doubt chase something!
It is much safer in the countryside although Martha did fall into a very deep ditch!
Looking forward to your next Smilebox
love, Martha & Baileyxxx
What a great smilebox, Asta and Asta's Mommi-poetry and all! Your apartment is beautiful inside and out. We're so glad to see that you'e settling in nicely:-)
Asta!!!!! My dear furrend....I have missed you soooooo much.
I know this moving has been very long and difficult fur you all....butt we think your new home and neighborhood looks just lovely!!!
Love and Hugs.......
Asta ..we loved your smilebox pictures!
Hope your Mommi's cold is soon all gone. Martini's will cure her we think!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Rufff ruff beautiful Miss Asta! I an fery glad woooo came by & visited my bloggie. I hafe not such a good xcuse as moving half way arounds the world for not visiting pups' bloggies. Only just that my craaaazzy new sister & THAT hu-mum broked my laptop. It was at the fix-it store a fery fery long time.
But now I am back & I hafe watched some of your boootiful picktures. That BuddyPesty place looks just almost as boootiful as wooooo, but that snows does make it chilly I guess.
I am fery greenie jealous that woooo hafes places to eat that woooo can go to wif your humans.
I hope that your mommi is getting happy wif how your new apartment looks now?
Lots of smoochie licks & slobbers to woooo.
Love the photo book. Makes me feel like I am right there with you all. From what I can see the apratment is looking nice and comfy! Stay warm and keep in touch.
A wonderful place.
I hope you're happy in the new city.
Happy Weekend.
Nice woooh
Oh this was another lovely, wintery look at your little corner of the world! Are the movies in English, or subtitled?? Mom & Daddy are in Boston right now, so it's a bit cooler than Phoenix. Everyone here says it's a mild winter, but 35mph winds make it seem cold to our folks. Loved the little girl on her sled in front of the store. Have a good day dear ones.
BabyRocketDog & Hootie
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