a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's gweetings and anothew week in Boo da Pest

Hi evewyone
I'm getting weady fow the big Blogville Valentine's day bash
I'm hoping my Gussie gets hewe soon to pick me up

I'm a little chilly in this outfit, but I wanted to look good fow my valentine

I also have to take a change of clothes for my pawfowmance wif PAws Bang
my band wif Pip and Honeybuzz(if we can find hew,,she's been MIA wecently)

in the meantime, pleez enjoy anothew smileybox of ouw week in Boo da Pest

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This photo album customized with Smilebox

wif love and smoochie kisses


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I am soooooo very much glad that you will be at the Valentine's Pawty.. PawsBang would NOT be the same without YOU..
BUTT... girrrrrl are you really gonna wear that Fabulous Frock??? The guys will be goin.. CRAZY.

Note to Self: Make sure we have EXTRA mops.. just fur dryin up SLOBBERS.

3 doxies said...

Oh gosh, it's looks VERY COOOOOOLS in Buda-pest! But, you does looks very purties in your sweater in da smilebox.
And your red dress...wowie, girl you is looking smokin' hawt.
I loved lookin' at your new city, I thinks it's very beautifuls!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We love the latest SmileBox album!

Have a very happy Valendine's Day, Asta!


WFT Nobby said...

Oh Asta, so glamorous and film starry one minute, so cool the next. Was there ever such an adaptable pup? No wonder you are settling in so well in Budapest. We love the look of your new home and the nearby restaurant.
Toodle pip!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Asta, we LOVE your new blog look - very nice. We have missed a few of your posts from Budapest, but we are very happy to hear you are settling in. Hugs to your Mom and Dad from us.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Jake of Florida said...

We -- or "them" actually -- just got tickets to see Tony Bennett in March so the music in your smile box was perfect. (It always is.)

We were looking at a map the other day and can see how when spring comes and you're settled, you can easily travel to fun cities! In the meantime, it looks as though what was just an apartment a few weeks ago is now HOME!!!

Wirey kisses and woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

mayziegal said...

Oh, Asta, you looks GAWJUSS! I can't WAIT for the pawty. It's gonna be SO much fun! See you there, my furend!

Wiggles & WAgs,

The Black and Tans. said...

Happy Valentine's Day Asta, we hope you have a fabulous time. As always we thoroughly enjoyed your smilebox, they are so interesting and we look forward to seeing many more.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

The Florida Furkids said...

You look absolutely stunning in your gown! We hope you have a great Valentines Day.

Your Smilebox was great. Mom used to have a curvy lucite candlestick just like yours.

The Florida Furkids

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Dont you look just the lady in your gown.. Happy Valentines ... Glad you are enjoying your wonderful new home... Hugs GJ xx

rottrover said...

It does look like you three have succeeded in creating "home" there in bud-a-pest. We're so glad.

-Bart and Ruby

Duke said...

Budapest looks so dreamy, Asta, and it looks like you're settling in just fine!
Your blog looks so pretty!

Love ya lots,

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh, Asta..Me luvs your dwess!

See ya at da pawty!

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

You home looks so warm and wonderful - that now peeps are starting to stay!! More laps to sit on and people to give you treats!

That restaurant meal looks too good for words....my peeps found a wonderful Vietnamese/Thai restaurant on Saturday night and they had terrifics foodables and are going back for more now that they have found it. I'm still waiting for my "doggie bag!!".

Stay warm, Tail Wuggles, Rubie

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

I luv yor foto boxes! They ar so grayte! Dilly told me to tell yu that she likes yor bonnet!!!

Nose hugs!


Mickey's Musings said...

Happy Valentine's day Asta!!!!
Hope you have fun :)
We just loved the new Smilebox!!
Your city looks lovely :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger, Treasure and JJ

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Happy Valentine's Day! LOVE your red gown. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Asta
You look so beautifuls and are all ready for Valentines! Oh gosh you are going to have a swell time, I just know it!
Happy Valentines Day to you!

The Daily Pip said...

Oh Miss Asta, you look absolutely beautiful in your party dress. Please save a special dance for me!

Your pal, Pip

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Miss Asta, you are going to be the belle of the ball. Your dress is fabulous. Thanks for sharing Boo da Pest with us. Have fun. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Persephone and Buster said...

Hi Asta.....Happy Valentines day! BuDA and peST look beeeeUtiful. We've missed our blog buddies.. the momm was painting rooms and teaching but we will catch up on your move and settling in soooon. Have you made many new friends or is it still to cold to be out and about? we still have not had any REAL snow.. :O/ Ms. Grrracie is very put out. It looks like you will be having a lovely Valentines day all dressed up pretty...grrracie sez she realllly likes your red dress and hopes to hear the"band" someday.
best to you and your mommi and daddy and hope everything is almost back to normal for you all.
theBUSTER, Ms.Blue, Ms.Persephone and grrrracie the grrreat

Kari in Alaska said...

We hope you are settling in well. Sorry I haven't been by sooner

Stop on by for a visit

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

You look FAB in your red gown Asta! Hope to see you at the party.

We sure are enjoying your smilebox presentations. Since we can't come visit you in person, they are the next best thing to being there! So, do you live in Buda, or Pest?? AND, oh boy is Gus a lucky dog to be taking you to the dance!!

tubby3pug said...

Budapest is gorgeous. What an amazing adventure to be there
Urban Hounds

Martha said...

Oh Asta you look breathtakingly beautiful - what a lucky dog Gussie is!
We loved the Smilebox and you look more settled with every one.
Enjoy your visitor - looks like extra cuddles for you Asta.
Much love
Martha & Bailey xxx

White Dog Blog said...

Of course, you look simply splendid for the dance and we cannot wait to dance to your band's joyful sounds. Happy Valentine's Day to you and you Mommi and Daddi; we want you to know we cherish your friendship and that 12 billion miles won't change that.

It is so wonderful that your home is already gathering guests and evenings of quiet comnpanionship. And your new city seems to have no end of secret treasures to be discovered. That makes us so happy.

Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Wow, wow, bow, wow! You are stunning in that gorgeous gown. Gussie is going to be drooling all night for you. The crowd is loving our music fur sure and I'm so glad we all got together today!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Maggie Mae and Max said...


You is lookin' good my furiend, red is your color!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

The Thuglets said...

Happy Valentines Day Asta. We loved your smile box.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets x

Jo's World said...

Hi Asta!

Did you enjoy your Valentine's Day?

I am very much enjoying your smile boxes and looking at the beautiful old City you are living in.

We have a new blog after ours was hijacked last fall. Visit us at


Stella, Jo and Zkhat

Wyatt said...

Happy Valentines Day Asta! See you at the dance :D

Wyatt and Stanzie