a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, March 9, 2012

Asta's lucky week

I gots vewy vewy lucky this week

The postman bwought me not ONE, but TWO pawcels!!!!!!!!

HE wings the bell, and we have to buzz him into the building and then he comes up to ouw apawtment and hands us the packages..saying," You have pawcels fwom AMEWICA"  well, duh?  whewe else would they be fwom, well, umm, unless they'we fwom Gweat Bwitain  ow something, but cewtainly not fwom hungawy, sheeesh

don't know why he's suwpwised.

I have a little smileybox whewe you can see the giftses I gots fwom my BFF Lacie and then fwom Dawling Mitch (he's now calling himself Macintosh Mitch)  and his pawents and angel Maggie

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I was soooo happy, you have no idea

I loved all my toys and my bootiful coat and those yummie biscuits!!!!(would you believe you can't get any decent cookies fow woofies hewe??????, I know, it's weewd, given all the yummie food hoomans get, but the only woofie cookies awe the icky poowina)
anyway, I di gwess.


and now fow the oo bee quee toos food photoes FOW THE HOOMANS, hehehe

some Gulyás Soop, wif peasant bwead  (contwawy to what most hoomans think, Gulyas is a soop and not a stew and it has only yummie beef and potatoes and onions and little tiny dumpling like things and spices)

and the most scwumpshoos cake we've found so faw

(thewe is a layew of tendew cake, then a big layew of Maw si Pahn, then mowe cake, then the floofiest lightest mocha cweem evew, then a little chocolate to top it off )....cakes hewe awe soooo good, that thewe is no point in making it at home..we only make tawts ow cwepes ow such

You won't believe it, but mommi and Daddi awe STILL sick wif theiw stoopid colds.
I hope all of you awe well and will have a most wondewful weekend
as soon as I can i will get mommi to come visit all of you

smoochie kisses


The Daily Pip said...

Oh Miss Asta, what wonderful gifts. What would we ever do without our friends! And of course, you look lovely in red!

More yummy food ... I just can't get over all these delicious dishes! I can almost smell the beef and potatoes in that soup ...

Your pal, Pip

P.S.: Tell your mom that my mom is home today and has coffee so all is good. No idea what this means, but she said your mom would understand.

Millie and Walter said...

Asta, what great friends you have to send you all those things. I love the purse toy and I think it goes well with your coat.

Thanks for the picture of the cake. It got me drooling on the keyboard ;-)

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Marzipan torte und gulash suppe....mommy just fainted!!!!

Dandy Duke said...

You look beautiful in your red coat from Lacie, Asta!
Do you like my Macintosh Mitch name? It gives me a certain Aire, don't you think? You know how much I love apples!

Love ya lots,

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hi ya Asta! You is such a lucky duck gettin' those pawcels from your pawsonal parcel delivery man. Such good friends too! Awesome stuff in those parcels, I loves playin' with the packets as well. After they is ripped to shreds, we can then start with what was inside.

Mum is droolin' over that cake but thinks she put on 2 pounds by lookin' at the photo. It reminds her of her late German aunt who was "the cake baker" in the family - she made legendary tortes and stuff, the European way. Now it is VERY difficult to buy such magnificent cake...so we go without! If mum really wants one for a special occasion - she has to make it herself, but it is a lot of work she says! Anywho - Boo-da-pest sounds fabulous for cakes too - mum is soooo jelly still.

Hope your peeps' floos get better soon!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie

PoochesForPeace said...

You ARE one lucky pooch! I've developed a thing for cakes lately, unfortunately for my health! :).

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Gosh, look at all those treats you got in the package! You must feel so special! I would for sure!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...you do look bootiful in wed er um RED...frankly, I may dye my furs white with black spots so that I can borrow that coat again and ROCK it like you do....

I love Mitchie's package and new moniker...wonder if he would date me...just wondering....

So when does your spring start? We go on daylight savings this Sat night...do you? How many hours apart shall we be? Oh, I hope that doesn't mess up my timing for Brooming In...I may mail myself to you and have that postie carry me up all those steps. Sorry about smashing all the windows in your attractive round room...I went through them sideways the last time...in one and out the other...sheesch.


Miss Marzipan Torte and Gulash with Ketchup

White Dog Blog said...

And you were worried that you would be forgotten! You have the most loyal and wonderful friends, Miss Asta...and VERY generous to boot!

Momma wants to know if you can mail one of those delicious cakes to get here in time for her birthday next week? She loves almond and chocolate (and imagines a few fresh raspberries as garnish would make it perfect).

The Thuglets said...

Asta what fabulous presents you received. You look absolutely stunning in your red coat.
That cakie looks delicious.
Hope your mommis and daddi are soon all better.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

WFT Nobby said...

Oh Asta, it does sound like those Hungarian humans need to divert just a tiny wee bit of the energy they spend on cakes for the humans (drool drool) into making some tasty dog cookies.
In that gorgeous coat, you must be the most stylish dog in Budapest by far.
I do hope that Mommi and Daddi will soon both be well enough to take you out for some nice outings, so you can show off such a splendid outfit.
Toodle pip!

Winston said...

Fank ju fow shawing ju picshuwes of da pwessies and da wondewful hoomanz foods! Mommy says hew mowf is watewing ober da cake!!!
have a Gweat weekend,

Bocci said...

Asta, you dear girl, you look marvelous in red! And what wonderful presents came from America, just for you. We do appreciate you standing in for your Mom, like that, especially with the smile boxes, which we LOVE!

Hope your 'Units' both feel better soon!

K9 Katastrophie said...

Special pressies for a special girl!

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, you ARE a lucky girl. we're sorry that your humans are still sick. that's not much fun. it sounds like you are adjusting to your new life though. we have been good dogs, but our human still won't blog very much for us cuz she says she's busy. busy schmizy we say.


The Cat Realm said...

lots of purrs for your mom and dad - i hope there colds will be over soon!
but you seem to be living the good live as usual, asta! great presents, and the maid drooled on me when she saw that cake, hahahahahahaha

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You haves some very wonderful and kind friends Asta! We hope that you are adjusting to your new home ... far far away!

Oskar said...

Asta, my mom person & I had so much happiness watching you play with your presents so joyfully!

That cake looks amazing & you look amazing in your coat.

I'm sorry that your mommi & daddi are still sick. We'll send you magic healing vibes.

Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & Pam

Juno said...

Sissy Asta! Glad to hear that you're now very settled in your new beautiful town and the mail human start deliverying presents! Hope your mommi and daddi feels better very soon.

Momo & Pinot xoxo

Keith Andrea said...

.,ehmmm..yummie foods. I like that!
Hope you're already settled and comfortable with your new place Asta..

Dog Fence for Any size yard.
Pet Solutions

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Mummy was ill wiv her cold agen erly this week, but is sort of better now, but sleepy. It keeps coming bak!!!

I am so happy yu ar getting gifts, Asta, yu deserve lots of grayte surprises an I bet they mayke yor Mum smile too!

I cant beleev they don't do deesent woofer treets thare. That must be against Yurropeyun Law or sumthing. I will kepp an eye owt for yu. I'll ask my Grandad wat his poodle likes an then go shopping!


Mickey's Musings said...

Asta,you got super gifts!! It was nice to see you play :)
Mom thought the soup and cake looked too yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heehee
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

Koobuss said...

Oh Kousin Asta,

What great gifts you got! How nice of your friends to send you those things.

The food looks yummy, too, especially the bread. :-)

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Jans Funny Farm said...

What wonderful presents. It must have meant a lot to get packages from friends in your new home.

We hope your mom and dad are doing better!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

What wonderful gifts, postman, and friends that you have. So glad you got not one but two presents in the mail! You are so loved and so missed stateside but I am glad that we may still visit on the blog. Love to you and your folks!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

You look beautiful in your coat Asta! All the lovely treats and toys you got...You must be delirious with joy!! Hoping that your mommy and daddy get well soon.
BabyRD & Hootie

Eric said...

You SCORED Sweetpea! Aren't your friends the bestest? Just like that yummy cake... Wiry love n kisses Eric xxx