a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Suwpwise Pawty and visit fwom Faiwy Hobmothew

Hi Evewybuddy
I have wetuwned fwom my twavels on the high seas in time to find mommi down wif a pinched newve
natoowally, she hasn't gone awound to answew any of my fwiends and do what she's sposed to.  Instead, she is just moaning and gwoaning saying she can't sit ow lie down in any pawsition wifout huwting and so she can't stay on the pootew

blah,blah, blah..aways some stoopid excoose not to help me

I am goind to make hew lie down and i will walk up and down hew back till she gets well and it bettew be soon is all I have to say

In the meantime let me quickly let you know about a secwet pawty at Gwacie's fow my good fwiend Opus who has not been well these last few momfs and he is tuwning sixteen!!!
Please go to Gwacie's tomowwow and give Opus youw good wishes and love

hewe is a pictoowe of some of us gathewing fow this impawtant event
(I know we look silly, but isn't that the point of a pawty? having silly fun?)

photo by Gwacie

photo by me

I have one mowe piece of impawtant news fow all of you

you 've pwobably heawd about the Faiwy Hobmothew on Oskaw's site
 Soon aftew I left a comment on his bloggie, I was visited by the Faiwy Hobmothew too and she gwanted my wish to help the White Dog Awmy in theiw fundwaisew by donating $30.00 to them  Isn't that mawveloos?????
Now they say that they may gwant one of my readers a wish just for letting you know that the Faiwy Hobmother is from Appliances Online and that they sell fwidges and fweezers.

Go ahead & leave a comment with youw wish, and maybe the Faiwy Hobmother will visit you too!

Thank you sweet fwiends and I pwomise once again to come visit (pwobably slowly) as Mommi's pinchy newve allows

smoochie kisses


STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Miss Asta, oh we are so sorry to hear about your mum's pinched nerve. With all your talents, and walking on her back, we hope she will be back on her feet very soon. Sending her extra special 'No Worries' to make her all better. and love, Stella and Rory

Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Wow, I'm so glad you've returned from your ocean voyage, but I'm really sorry you peep isn't feeling well. I'm sending healing thoughts to her so her back will be all well again. Great party idea! Shhhhhh
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You look a very pretty pirate, sissy Asta.

Give Mommi some good message and make her rest. Hope she feels much better soon. I am sending my healing purrs and headbutties to make her feel better.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh nose....not da Momma's nerves. (Is you gettin' on her's nerves, Asta?) BWHahahah

You take good cares of your Momma and don't let hers do too much until her feels better.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We home Mommi is feeling better soon. Our Mom has been having troubles with pain too - fibromyalgia.

We would love it if the Fairy Hobmother would bring us by a supply of good treats - our jar is getting empty!!

The Rocky Creek Scotties and Ivy

houndstooth said...

I'm sorry your mom is hurting! That doesn't sound like fun at all.

We know how special Sweet Sixteen is, because Lilac turned sixteen yesterday! It's a big event!


Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hi Asta, hope your PA gets that nerve all better. Give her our love,

Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

Shane Kent Louis said...

Hey Ms. Asta, you really had a great time in your Paw Party!

Dog Fence | It's All About Pet Fences

Duke said...

We hope your mommi feels better soon, Asta. Give her a smoochie from us!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...


Sorry your Mom is feeling bad. Our Mommy know exactly what she's feeling. Love your pirate picture.

We wewnt over to Addie's new bloggie and said hello. Can't wait to hear about her puppy adventures and see her picture. Is she as cute as YOU??

{{{huggies}}}...Mona & Weenie

Gus said...

Dear sweetie. Happy almost Birthday. We hope Mommi is feeling well enough to get up and go to YOUR pawty.

What a wonderful idea those appliance folks have. We will drop by later.

Kisses to you...share some with Mommi and Daddi too.


Finn said...

Hope Momma's feeling better and that the party is a success tomorrow- love that silly picture!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Hope your mom is doing better today. That back pain is no fun. Since your mommie will probably be boring today plan on staying all day at the party. So great to see all and be together once again.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Asta, we're glad you're helping your mom with her pinched nerve. That must be painful.

Opus appears to be having fun at his party.

How neat a hobmother helped you help another.

Agatha and Archie said...

YOOOO HOOOO SOMETHING IS COMING UP ISN'T IT?????????Tell Mommi to have Daddi go to the drugstore and get those heat packs that last 12 hours to put on THEY ARE FABULOUS!! Love and a billion kisses A+A

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Fairy Hobmother?? That rocks...that was so sweet of her to help the White Dog Army!!

Now, as for you Mommi's back, it SO wasn't from her picking me up. Just becuz I jumped on the bed with Schlag on my paws was no reason for her to play Joe Montana and that. (Oh, he was a football player...) I am flying back by Broom (well, actually, I never left...shopping was fabulous today, wasn't it) and I plan on sitting on your mom's back. Instant hot pack. And I can last longer than 12 hours (see A & A) but I'm not braggin' or anything.
(Lacie giggles, but changes the subject quickly...)

Um..could you write to Mumsie and tell her I'm needed here?


L. T.

White Dog Blog said...

Dear Sweet friend,
We hope Mommi is starting to feel less pinched. We are sending her White Dog Army healing energy and LOTS of positive thoughts.

You are simply an Angel for using your wish to help our fight against cancer. It DID come true and we are grateful to Appliances Online, Oskar, and to you for your wonderful support. Walk with us, and believe! We WILL beat this monster. Thankfully yours Always
The White Dog Army

Mack said...

I think you will make the best chiropractor ever! Give your mommi some healing sugars from the Mackman.

That Fairy Hobmother is one AWESOME lady!!!

Happy birfday sweet Opus!
