a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Last of the Biwfday Weekend

Nom,Nom,Nom, scoose me, ummm, you caught me wif my mouf full
It seems all I've done all weekend is play and eat and snooze

don't you just love Biwfdays????

On a sewious note, I'd like to thank each and evewy one of you sweet and cawing fwiends who came to help me celebwate and waise some gween papews fow some fuwwkids' chawity

many of you came ovew and ovew and I love you fow it! You made my biwfday soopew happy

I got lots of wondewful wishes on FB too, but ,wooles awe wooles, and only those of you who came ovew the last two days hewe on Bloggie (122 names) but only 88 if I don't count multiples
awe going to have youw names put into a big puwse ow box ( thewe wewe mowe comments than that, but I'm not counting myself ow multiples fwom same fwiends..)

do you think that's faiw? ow should I count you sevewal times if you came mowe than once?

I will then pick one at wandom and notify you and ask fow youw addy if I don't have it aweady

then I will send you a check fow the amount fow youw chosen chawity THIS MAKES ME SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  HAPPY! It's the bestest pwesent of all!

My day ended wif a bootiful dinnew given to me by my BFF and Mumsie..I took Mommi and Daddi along

Pleez excoose my vewy unbiwfday wowfy appeawance, but Mommi has an ouchy back and leggie and couldn't gwoom me( I'm sooooooo sad about that, hehehehehe, NOT)

I chose Pizza and ice cweam,I hope you enjoy watching my smilebox of the dinnew

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aftewwawds, I went home and munched on my gifts fow a while

but it had been a vewy busy weekend and snoozy sneep and a soft bed beckoned and I went off to dweemyland

I will have the finalest count and the dwawing in the next few days
Thank you again my Deew Fwiends
fow giving me the gweatest gift of all..youw heawts

btw, TODAY is my deew fwiend Molly's Biwfday and tomowwow hew bwuvvew Taffy's
pleeze go and wish them lots of happiness and a long life

smoochie kisses


The Florida Furkids said...

We're glad you had such a great birthday! We loved your Smilebox. Mom wants some of that nommy looking pizza!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wow Asta!1 Looks like you had a wonderful birthday all around. Mommy said she could almost taste that pizza through the computer.

{{{huggiers}}}...Mona & Weenie

Duke said...

It doesn't get any better than pizza and ice cream, Asta! We were drooling checking out your smilebox!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Finn said...

Wow Astaire, you are a lucky birthday gal! It's so nice that so man folks turned out for your special day! Youu do ,what you decide with the entries...we can
T wait to see what charity is chosen!

The Black and Tans. said...

Asta i am delighted you had such a fabulous birthday. We have been away for the whole weekend and only just got home! Thank you so much for my beautiful card i love it. We are all tired out now and resting so we can celebrate Taffy's birthday tomorrow.


Ps did you receive Monty's text he sent your Mommi?

Berts Blog said...

HOnest to goodness Asta, I think your birthday was one of the best we have ever read about.

Happy Happy Birthday you lovely thing you.


Mack said...

Pizza and ice cream??! I think you musta had the best celebration ever!!!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Pizza and ice cream....WOO HOO...Your pawty was da best, Asta. Mee still has da pepperoni all over my face!

Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Wow, I'm so glad you had a pawesome barkday! It sure was fun for everyone. Apple and vanilla ice cream make a perfect dessert!! YUM is right! Again, happy barkday and I'm wishing you an amazing year.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Anonymous said...

Hey Asta!

Looks like you had a great day! :D


Oskar said...

Asta we can't believe we missed your birthday. I'm glad that you had a great time.

What a generous girl to give money to a charity!

Nubbin wiggles & birthday smooches,
Oskar & Pam too

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Your birthday party was a first class blast. When is the next one?

Anonymous said...

Oh Asta looks to me that you had a pawsomely delicious Birthday! Your party was all that and then some!

woos, Tessa

houndstooth said...

Your birthday looks fantastic and I'm glad you had so many comments! That's awesome!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Asta DAWLING... I had a WONDERFUL time at your PAWty. There were sooooo many of our furends to visit and Snack with. You really know how to throw a GRRRRREAT PAWty.
I think just ONE time fur each name is plenty... Or else you might be writing names from Now until your NEXT Birfday!! WELL, you do have TONS of Furends you know. I'm just sayin girrrrl. THANKS fur the Grrrreat time.

Wyatt said...

We told you that your birfday was gonna be a big success!! Look at all that yummy food and a night out with your family. It doesn't get any better than that :)

Oh happy day!
Wyatt and Stanzie

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Wesa loved your smilebox and enjoyed your party thoroughly!! Thanks for inviting us'uns Asta!
Now...we thinks you should only count your furiends posts towards the fund and only one post per furiend...you need to save a little of your birthday monies for treats. :)
Wesa so glads you had a most wonderful birthday Asta, and wish you many more'ums!
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're glad you had a good birthday. Asta. Guess the most fun from it will be giving a present to a rescue or whatever.

We hope you'll then let your mom have a few days off to rest and relax without sitting at the computer.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh Miss Asta. Your birthday tea looked so beautiful. Pizza and ice cream, white table cloth (sigh). So many friends celebrating and then you give a present to others on your birthday. No wonder everyone loves you. You have a generous soul. Have a great week.
No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Gus said...

We are in favor of making your birthday a national holiday!

Happy first day of another year


Unknown said...

Oh im so sorry we missed your birthday so HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!

Please make sure to bookmark our new address we have moved:

Remington said...

Happy Birthday, my friend! Sounds like you had an AWESOME time!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

So glad you had a great birthday and that lots of people came. I think mum is right to count entries just once as that is the fair way.. Hugs GJ xx

Road Dog Tales said...

What a perfect ending to a perfect birthday weekend! Yummmm, pizza. Yummmm, mushrooms. Love the video - we felt just like we were in Italy (which is where Mom is always saying she wants to live - she loves Italian food)!

Glad you had such a great birthday!

The Road Dogs

HoundDogMom said...

We just wanted to swing by and wish you a Happy Birthday. We are sorry we missed the original date but we have been offline for a while. We are getting back in the swing of things and appreciate you nice comments about Cleo - ATB. Blogville friends are the best and we are getting through the comments slowly. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Dewey Dewster said...

Happy Belated Birthday ta ya Asta.....so yer 5...I'll be 5 the end of October.....but I don't feel a day over 2....it looks like ya had a super birthday....goin' out ta dinner with yer Mom and Dad....what a great time and such a yummy dessert ya had too...

Hope ya can celebrate many more birthdays.....

Dewey Dewster here...

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

It is I who say thank you for letting me share in your birthday celebration. I had such a great time, actually any time we are near you a great time is to be had. Glad that you have lots of $$$$ to send on to help others in need.
Hope your mommie is feeling better.

White Dog Blog said...

Asta, we are sorry to be late with our birthday greeting but our thoughts are no less sincere because of their tardiness. As you know, this weekend was a big one for us.

We can see your birthday was every bit as magical and wonderful and full of friends and love as one could wish...and we are delighted that your celebration was so magnificent.

We wish you a "new year" filled with all of the joys and bounty the Universe has to offer. May you know happiness, embrace wonder, be filled with a sense of purpose and success...and may your heart always have enough love to give and room to receive it back.

In honor of all you do for so many (including the White Dog Army), dear friend, we would like to make a donation in YOUR name to YOUR favorite charity. It is a tribute that would give us great pleasure. Please email momma or just leave a comment and let us know where to make the donation. Happy Happy Happy Birthday

Stewey said...

Loved your video, Asta!
I'm glad you had a nice Birthday!

Princess Patches said...

Asta, we can't tell you how sorry we are that our mom missed your big birthday celebration. Yes, I know we said Happy Birthday on FB, but that's no excuse! We're glad you had a great birthday and we will try to get here ON TIME next year!

Patches & Lana

John Meissner said...

Happy Birfday Asta. We wuv yew!
Snoopy and Smoke

Alien said...

Happy Birthday, love!


Zona said...

I'm a bit late but HAPPY BARKDAY!!!!! It looks like you had a most fabulous time!


Fiona said...

We're a bit late catching up with ourselves but wishing you a 'Very Happy Belated Birthday' regardless ....

Hope you had a great day!

best wishes
Clive and Murray

Bocci said...

So glad o see that you had a delicious birthday with your favorite people, Asta! The food looked fabooolus!

(Loved that music, too)

WFT Nobby said...

Oh no Asta! I have been away for a week and a half and I've gone and missed your fifth birthday! Well I guess you might not have noticed, what with all that fun and fine food. Anyway, belated Happy Birthday Asta!
Toodle pip!
Bertie xxxx.