I'm sowwy, I haven't been awound much but Mommi is tewwibully busy, but I do come and look at what's going on even when I don't have achance to comment..I love you all and have a BIG favow to ask
Pleez deaw fwiends go by and leave a wowd of encouwagement and youw cwossed paws and zen fow deew little
Digby, who has become gwavely ill fwom a tick bite..it's howwibull
also pleez keep all othew fwiends who need ouw pwayews in youw heawts. i haven't heawd anything about my sweet fwiend Jackson, but love him and pway he's all wight, as well as Paco and Max and Snowball, and any othews i might not know about and need ouw stwenghth.
smoochie kisses

Asta, it is so sad that there are so many always in need of good thoughts and prayers. You are so good to remind us all of those in need. Our paws are crossed and we are sending good thought for all.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
The OP KS Pakhk is so furry khorrekht...
I've got mine khrossed with plenty of Sibe Vibes being cirkhulated fur all that need them!
I agree with the OP Pack, Asta. You are always the first to jump in and ask for your friends positive thoughts, prayers and crossed paws for those in need-thank you so much!
I will surely keep my paws crossed for dear Digby and your other friends!
Your buddy,
Miss asta!
Most certainly I will send all my pawsitive thoughts to them all! You are a wonderful friend to remind us all,
Smoochie kisses back at you
We have our paws crossed and the cats are sending healing purrs to everyone who needs them. Poor Digby, we has ticks here and sometimes they gets on us. ~AFSS
We came by hoping you have an update on Jackson, but we see you don't. We send purrs and tail wags for all your sick friends.
Hi kousin Asta,
I just got back from visiting Digby. He sure is a cutie. We hope and pray that he has a complete recovery.
Hope all is well with you, your Mommi and Daddi.
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kuzzin Koobie, WFT
Oh poor Digby. Thank you for letting us know. We sure hope he will be ok. What a worry for his pinkies and brother Wilf.
We hope you hear something about Jackson soon.
ps. D says she'll see you very soon
Hi, Asta!
I went to visit Digby. I hope he gets better soon!
We are praying for all of our friends who are not feeling well!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
We heard about Digby from The Booker Man and left him a comment. Poor fellow!
HI Asta - we will definitely go by those blogs and let them know we are thinking about them. we are a small dogs - but we got big energy!
Sally and Paddy
I've been following dear Digby's progress with great concern, and Bertie and I have our fingers and paws crossed for a good outcome for Angus, the Font, Wilf and Digby in France.
Oh and Bertie says thankyou so much for the lovely welcome card Asta.
Best wishes, Gail.
Thank you Asta for doing this for Digby...they are one of our dear friends. We too will put up a post for them today.
With love
Hi Asta, we have just dropped by Digby's blog - paws crossed.
love you lots
Martha & bailey xxx
Hi, Asta...
I just went over & sent my Healing Vibes to Digby...
Thanks for letting us know...
My paws are crossed that all our friends are feeling better soon...
Abby xxxooo
Digby and his family are foremost in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for spreading the word so that other bloggers can join in.
Pawsitive thoughts and prayers are going out to all our furiends.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
tons of Macky healing sugars headed their way.
THanks for the heads up pretty Asta.
We have so mant sick friends at the moment. It is hearbreaking. My loudest purrs are going to them and lets hope the power of the paws helps and we get them through... Love GJ xx
Thank you sweetie for bringing all these names forward for us to keep in our hearts. Oh, and mine is broken because you were out there cavorting with Ozzie!
kisses anyways
Our paws are crossed for Digby and all of our sweet friends in need!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We're going now to Digby - keeping our paws crossed.
take care
Clive and the NSLM
We were so sad to hear about Digby. We are sending him our prayers!
Asta you are such a sweet pea to remind everybloggie. Paws and wiry zen are coming over and huge cuddles and kisses from me to you.
Wiry loves Eric xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Miss Asta,
We are thinking of your pals in their time of need. We just found out that Tanner the Doofus has sickies too. Ish! What is going on?
Sweet Asta you have the biggest heart! You can be in my corner anyday... Woowoo vibes 2 all our pals in need.
Guess whose butt I sniffed today for the 1st time evah? Yep, Norwood's & we touched noses! He's kinduv smelly...
Digby is so cute, I can hardly believe his is sick. I will definitely send him my special Sophie healing vibes. They seem to be working for me. I'm feeling terrific!
We will purr and Monty will bark for your friends. You are so sweet Asta!
Oh those nasty ticks! A bite from only one tick is enough to cause this illness. Sadly, the Animal Doc has lost several patients this tick borne infection. We will pray for your friends, Asta. Thanks for being so caring and thoughtful.
~ Secretary
Dilly go leev nersey hugs fow Digby!
Ear hugs fow Asta!
(Asta be luvly)
So many doggies sick. It's just not right! We have been visiting everybody and are very worried. Why can't life be easier on us.
Your Pawis trip sure looked like fun and great pictures.
Running over to Digsby's blog now.Thanks for keeping us up to date dear one!
Smo0ches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
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