Bwight and eawly on Satuwday mowning, I boawded the Metwo Nowf Wailwoad to go to Beacon NewYawk
I was hoping fow a nice sleep cawwiage, but no such luck..twains awe not that civilized anymowe
the scenewy was bootiful along the Hudson wivew, so I didn't mind too much, and this pawticoolaw line, allows doggies on even wifout a bag to sit in if they behave
my dawling fwiends Smitty and Jessie (they don't blog, but we went to Beaw Mountain and met them two yeaws ago, and still know them fwom FB) invited us to this event neaw whewe they live
I told my baby Bwuvvew Duffy about it too and we all decided to go..Duffy and me and Mommi, Daddi and auntie Kawen
This is the Bawkewy they owganise the event and bake the most delicious tweats
We got tons of them fwom auntie Joanne and auntie Jen and guess what..thewe awe none left..we gobbled them all up
is this not the most pawfect looking place?
In the backgwound is the bwidge between Beacon and Newbuwg
let's go!!!!
auntie Jen and auntie Joanne holding Ozzie, Jessie and Smitty , invisible auntie Kawen holding Duffy and me
Duffy is weady fow fun
we'we discussing who goes fiwst
I had to tell Ozzie not to be so fwesh, but don't wowwy, we love each othew and he doesn't hold gwudges ..a weal sweety
this big bootiful guy was giving me advice
some kids have deloosions of gwandeuw, hehehe
Duffy was dazzled by all the tweats available
someone told a gweat joke
ummmm, I think I look like a fuzzmop again compawed to my Bwuvvew
amazing how well behaved we awe when it's time fow tweats
the handsome gingew boyz
ummm, may I pleez have the owange one????
in the immowtal wowds of Joe Stains WTF??????????
finally we wewe soooo pooped we had to sit down and have something to eat
Mommi was totally suwpwised Why??????
because I was spotted digging!!!YEAHHHHHH..fow a while she thought I was a defective tewwiew..I had nevew twied digging befowe...
I guess, I'm a late bloomew, hehehe
time to say gooby
Thank you fow a most wondewful day...auntie Joanne took most of these cool pictoowes cause Mommi wan out of battewy in hew camewa
(weal clevew of hew huh?)
I made a smilebox wif some of my pictoowes hope you enjoy it.
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This scrapbook design created with Smilebox |
I wish mowe tewwiews could have been thewe like at the wondewful event that Jackson had in Bwighton..
Make suwe you go to see his on Blue's site..he made it! what an amazing tenacious leadew he is!!!!
keep youw paws cwossed fow all ouw fwiends in need pleez
smoochie kisses

What a great walk you had! And a fun day. Our Mom shutters to think how we would act at something like that, but she'd like to try it sometime.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
What a fun post, Asta! We loved seeing all those gorgeous wires in one place. Parental Unit says to tell you that the "handsome gingew boyz" remind her of the Wire fox Terrier, wool hand puppets that she keeps carefully wrapped and away from doggie jaws. Those inspired her to get her beloved Carson...whose blog tribute will be coming soon!
Your buddy,
Hi, Asta...
What a fun day...
I could almost taste all the yummy treats...Well, not really but they sure looked yummy...
Looks like you had a Great Time...
Abby xxxooo
What a great day - all the way from the train ride to the lovely walk and foodables. We always enjoy your smilebox presentations too. Bet all those treats were so tasty.
Paws are all crossed here for all those in need.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Wooos Asta! What a grand time woo must of had! And treats! I am very well behaved fur treats too! So what was the WTF thingy anyway????
-~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
What a lovely and fun event that looks. All those woofies together and so well behaved.. Looks a lovely day.. Enjoyed the pictures. Good job your mum had a friend to take them. Te he he
Oh Asta! What an absolutely fabulous day! Beautiful skys, bakery, pals, food and people... Fun fun fun!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
A terrierific day!! We know Jesse and Smitty and Aunt Joanne and Ozzy and Aunt Jen from our terrier group -- and it was fun to see all of you together.
So you're not much of a digger? Well, full disclosure -- neither are we. Actually, the only time we dig is in the middle of the night when we love to dig on the bedroom carpet and wake Mom up. She loves it too!!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Holy Moly...all that foxiness in one small place!!
Honestly, you have all the boys numbers? We could have a double date this weekend, what do ya think?????
BTW...after my shampoo yesterday and some fur strippin' today, MY FACE IS TOTALLY BLOND...and I look terribly attractive, if I do sat so myself....might to a few low lights in the beardie...those are easy...just go dig in the mulch for a minute...
Oh, we wish we coulda been with ya!!!
Lacie Donut Teacakes...
What a wonderful time you had...and treats too. I like the train pictures...wooooeeee...maybe I can ride one soon.
Hi Asta,
You and Duffy are so romantic! Always together and doing such romantic things together. You are the perfect couple. When are you getting married?
We luv you guys,
Riley and Star.
Oh Asta...
What a fun day!!!! And I knew one day you would start digging - hee hee hee!!! And I think you look bootiful all fuzzy!!!!
As for your boyfriend situation...follow your heart and do what makes you happy! I know Stanny would understand whatever your decision...but life is too short for you not to share your heart with whatever pupboys you want!!! You are a catch fur sure!
I need to start thinking about my wedding soon...I'm thinking the fall...I was wondering if you'd be one of my bridespups???
Oh and all my Mom keeps talking about is coming to visit you and your Mommi and your say I'm jellyfish is an understatement!!! You are even going to meet Auntie Yvette!!!! Wonder who is going to take care of me????
Lots of Licks, Ruby
What a fun day and you got to go on the train, Asta! We've never been on the train before!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
You just have the best adventures!
Every girl has to dig once in a while!
What a PAWesome time woo had!
Thanks fur sharing!
PeeEssWoo: Even I dig evFURRY now and then!
What a fantastic time you had dear dear Asta!!!!!!!
You look sooo happy and so your mommy and dad!!!!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww....wish were ther with you and all your friends!!!!
BUT..............We can't believe you were such a good digger!!!!!
You have to come here and start digging with us in our big yard hole!!!!!
We're waiting youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!
Have a wonderful week sweety!!!!!
ish that a pibble we shpotted in one of your pikshures??? those tweats look nommylicious and we're drooling on the squeen.
nom nom nommy
pibble wiggles
the pittie pack
Hump,I'm jelly, jelly, jelly. Wicked day Asta and you got to meet famous Smitty? Wow. He signed my guest book yonkers ago..not many bloggies do cos it's hidden way down below.
You did some digging? I'm impressed.never done that. Nope. Did you try Agatha's tried and tested method? I'm even more jelly now. Oh and you look foxy all fluffy....
Wiry loves and kisses Eric xxx
Hey Asta,
Jessie & I had a great time with you and your little brother Duffy and Ozzy too! Guess what? I had to get another bath yesterday. Well, it was worth it 'cause we got to spend the day with you (and your Mommi & Daddi & Auntie Karen!)
(Hi Eric! Hi Jake & Just Harry!)
Love, Smitty (& my big sister Jessie)
What great pictures of a wonderful day, Asta! I had the best time taking the train with with you, vetran traveller that you are. And meeting Smitty and Ozzie and Jessie and their 'rents was really special. After all that fresh air, I konked out as soon as I got home. Testament to a day well spent. Thanks again, sissy.
Hi, Asta!
Wow! Sure you had a pawesome time!
First... the train... then the meeting with all those doggie ( the WTF included!) friends!
Kisses and hugs
What a great event at such a great place! (Newburgh is pretty far, isn't it?) But so pretty - cool being able to take such an awesome train! Love your smiley box pictures of all of you - what a great time at such a fabulous venue, Asta! Wish I lived back there sometimes... so many fun happenings!
Huge Hugs and Love xoxoxoxo
hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow newburg!!! did yoo git enny of the yummy seefood wot they hav their??? ok bye
Asta! What a great time! All those terriers, and a train ride, too! You get to enjoy the BEST experiences. (Moma wishes wishes wishes trains would allow dogs. She LOVES trains.)
You've got so many friends all over the world to visit! Recently Jackson in London, and now Smitty and Ozzie in Beacon. We're lucky to know you ... and they are lucky to spend time with you. It always looks so special. And so much fun.
Thanks for sharing the pictures. It's almost like we were there!
You are the best sissie,
Jake and Fergi xxoo
hi Asta, that was a fun gathering with your friends and you got to ride the fun train too. we're very happy to hear that you were digging - a dog needs to feel the dirt between their toes. isn't it wonderful?
OMD! What fun! I think your day was pawfect!!
What a great day you had Asta, and that bakery, *droooooooool*! Did you like digging? I LOVE digging so much since I was 7 weeks old, its been 10 years......
I had to have surgery last week, and now STINKY won't leave me alone... do you want a bwothew??
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
So many foxies! I wish I could have been there...Maybe when I've growed up a bit??
Toodle pip! Bertie.
All of you WFT are too adorable!! It looks like so much fun!!
Ha Ha Duffy cracks us up!! He is ALWAYS laughing with his ears up!!! DIGGING??? DID I SEE DIGGING???????????? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT...IT IS ABOUT TIME( I told you the dirt comes right out of your manicure..) Love and a million kisses A+A
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