I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello sweet fwiends!!!
I've been on a most wondewful adventoowe but I have to say, I missed all of you tewwibully and can't wait to get awound and see what you've been up to, but fiwst let me stawt telling you what I've been doing.
It will pwobably take me days and days to show you and tell you all, but this is how it began.
Lacie and I weceived an invitation to model fow Cath Kidman's spwing lawn juwee show in England
I couldn't wait to see the spwing flowews and the booties of England , and maybe see Ewic and Jackson.
Because Lacie has such gweat cone actions wif boyz all ovew the wowld, we of couwse had fiwst class tickets
(did i mention, that we went as ouw flat selves??? well , we did...modeling is a skinny giwl's game, hehehe)
We wewe given pawtinis to get us in a celebwatowy mood(judging by Lacie's giggles, it wowked)
as you can see we wewe in the lap of luxoowy and woyally entewtained
but we had heawd woomows that my Mommi and Daddi wewe going to follow us to Shepp a Wone us
they didn't have ouw luck and wewe squished in that common pawt of the plane,so
we went to see if we could spy on them(tuwn awound is faiw play)
Hi Mommi
(I was happy to see she was weawing hew tewwiew sockses)
Lacie did a dive into hew puwse to see if thewe was anything intewesting thewe
We finally landed in London and the most woyal weception committ E was thewe to meet us
unfowtoonately, Mommi and Daddi got to come in the same caw so we had to weely behave
I made you a smile box of the fiwst half of the fiwst day in England
Ewic Squawe dog and his leggeds, along wif Old Soul wewe wif us and cleawly Mommi was besotted
(it's only because Ewic is such a love and soo vewy handsome and iwwe sis table that I didn't succumb to jellyness)
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I am now home and sooo tiwed (my flat self was in You Rope, my wound self wif my dawling bwuffuw Duffy and auntie Kawen....
being in two places at once is a cool twick, but pwetty tiwing)
cuwling up and sneeping is the only thing I want to do
I will twy to come visit you tomowwow, and show you mowe of my adventoowe ovew the next few days..believe me, this was just a small sample
I hope all of you stayed safe and happy while I was gone..I thought of you lots and lots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
smoochie kisses

Hi Asta sissy, welcome back!!! Hope Mommi is feeling better after the wonderful trip.
That looks like one whirlwind trip! You're going to need a lot of napping to catch up!
wonderful first half of first day. We love Mommi's Blue Wellies! And we love England, so it was wonderful to see some of our favorite places through your Mommi's eyes. Hope you and Mommi and Daddi get some good rest, travel is always X hausting.
hey asta.. YOU"RE BACK!!! hope ms.flat asta did enjoy the wonderful view...and the weather? looked a wee bit grey. Hope the sun peeked in every now and then...
great adventure!
theBUSTER, Ms. Blue & Ms.Persephone
ASTA! Sissie!!! We are sooo glad you went on this wonderful adventure with Mommi Ami and Daddi and flat Lacie! We just KNEW you were going to come home with lots of pictures to show and stories to tell! You NEVER let us down! We have been thinking of you non-stop all week ... knowing you were having a fantastic time! We are so excited, we can hardly contain ourselves. We've already watched the Smilebox three times, tail wagging and grinning at EVERYTHING! These'll be memories that you'll have furever! What wonderful ones!
Back to watch the Smilebox again and again and again! And to gaze at all those great pictures. (Silly flat girls! We know more of THAT story is yet to come!)
Welcome home! Rest up! We love you !!!!!
Jake and Fergi and Moma and NinaGirl!!!
Lacie stifles a ginormous YAWN!!
Asta...is your liwssp getting worse or is it my imagination? It took me awhile to figure out about the lawn jerray...or um however ya said it...
I'm not sure that Miss Enid ever understood it and that's probably a good thing...
That Eric...wonder why he RECALLS so well....I surely wouldn't.
He's such a doll...Lacie sights dreamily but quickly shifts gears...
Did he really lift his leg on a royal tree? Isn't that illegal? And did ya see him partake of the royal deer poop? That was shocking.
Lacie stifles another gigantic yawn...Oh Asta...don't think I can pop over tonight...I'm a bit jet lagged...
Kisses dear girlie...glad your round selfie has been reunited with your Peeps....
Princess Lacie Teacakes
Kousin Asta,
Welcome home! Looks like you had a wonderful time! That's great!!
Loved the Smilebox!! That Eric sure is a cutie!
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
When will hear the REAL story of what the two of woo got into?
Asta dear,
How fascinating to hear your perspective on the trip to England! But I would have thought that a stay in the country of Shakespeare, home of English literature etc. might have resulted in an improvement in your spelling. Sadly it seems that this was not to be. Just the opposite in fact....
But you certainly managed to pack a lot in, and I'm so glad that Eric was able to show you some traditional English mud!
Can't wait to hear more....
Cheers, Gail.
What a wonderful time you had and what great pictures, Asta! We're so glad you're back!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
How exciting that you're pinkies got to visit with Eric. The Smilebox was great. Thanks for sharing.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
What a wonderful exciting trip - we can hardly wait to see more. But we're so glad you're home safe and sound.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Asta! Welcome back!!! It looks like your Mommy & Daddy had a wonderful trip! Mommy enjoyed all the pictures!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!
Love, uSSSSS
Welcome back to you and your folks! I can see that all of you had a fun time. Beyond words! I amm wishing your folks a late Happy Anniversary!!!
Can you email me the directions on how to make the photo face so when my mom goes on trips I can go along too? Can hardly wait to see more photos about the trip.
Asta! So glad you are back! We have missed you so much! You make a wonderful tour guide, we felt like we were right there with you. Get lots of rest and snuggles with your peeps now that everyone is back safe and sound.
I agree with Lacie - it's getting harder and harder to decipher what you're saying! Lawn jer...oh, never mind! (Psst - It's Cath Kitson, unless you meant Nicole Kidman's less talented half-sister...)
Welcome home! So great to see my bestie Eric Square Dog in action. And that tea party looked
More photos please!
Your pal,
What a wonderful trip for your flat self. We loved the smilebox tour - so much fun and so beautiful. We will be back for more.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Welcome back sweety!!!!!!!!
We missed you tons.....
You and your family had a wonderful trip!!!!!!!!
We love love love your smilebox!!!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww......how much we would love have been with you!!!!!
Can't wait to hear from you again and seeing the next part!!!!!!
And pleaseeeeeeeeee......forgive us not being present a lot.....
But Paco needed us!!!
But pleaseeeeeeeee.....remember we're keeping you and your special family in our hearts everyday!!!!
WE LOVE YOU A LOT And you're like our 2nd family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take care!!!!
Tons of love and kisses and licks!!!
Hey 3d Asta! It was wicked to have your flat self and flat Lacie in my merry olde!
Got to say I'm wagging proud of your video and smile box. Didn't realise I crammed rolling,peeing and eating poop into such a short space of time! Bit like your flat selves and your leggeds, such a lot to do, so short a space to do it. Better make that nap a loooong one.
Wiry love n kisses Eric xxx
Wow it looks like it was an amazing trip Asta! We know you had a lot of fun!!
Cath Kitson? Really? Like the feline? Hmm...no wonder why she bared her claws at me when I refoosed to wear that calico outfit...honestly...it was just waay too purrty or somethin'...
I thought it was Kidson...you know...like a goat...
(Obviously Lacie's trip to YOUR UP has made a great impression on her intellect...you can take the girlie outta da Burgh, but not da Burgh outta the girlie....)
Trust Petey to know these fashion thingies...wonder if he's ever shopped for undies at Barks and Parks? I heard he's going to produce a new show...What's Hot to Wear...somethin' bout knitted sweaters...sheesch...it's April.
Well, Scruffy, Stan and I are busy digging a hole after a rhodent in the mulch/mud.
I so hope I don't break a nail.
Cakielakes XXOOXXOO
HAHAHAHA...my word verification is inerta..like inertia...that was Mumsie today...inert.
Hi, Asta!
I am very happy to see you again!
Sure you had great time with Lacie!
I liked a lot your smilebox!
Kisses and hugs
Welcome home Asta, mommi, and daddi. You all had a great adventure.
We loved all the photos and videos. Eric sure does get to run free over there! It never even rains here but Mom wants a pair of those blue boots!! We are so happy you are back and so glad your Mom and Dad had a great time.
Asta, it looks like you had an incredible journey, AND that lawngerray show was pawsome!! Can't wait to hear more details!
Have a pawsome weekend!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Oh Asta, you are soo luckythat you got to go to England! We luv England! Or maybe we don't, we never been there but mommy says we would luv it!
And you even had your won seat on the plane? Now we are really jealous! Butt we are sooo happy that you got to go butt even happier now that you are back cause we missed you sooo much!!!
Riley and Star.
Wellllllllll WHAT FUN!!!!!!! We can not wait to see more...And we LOVED the music you picked!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhh...Love A+G(we loved the socks!!!!!)
yah you are back it so hasnt been the same without you we are glad your adventures were full of so much grandness... loves and licks
Daddy Square wanted to tell you he thought your music choice was hip and pretty cool! Oh and Lacie and Asta it's Cath KIDSTON ..yep Lacie was right...not like a kitty at all. Shall Mommmy start exporting her blue wellies?
Square loving Eric xxx
hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow that looks like sum adventcher!!! i am glad yoo ar bak i hav missd yoo!!! ok bye
So nice to meet you! What a busy globe trotting terrier you are!
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