As most of you know by now(being a pawt of the bloggie wowld), thewe awe angels all awound us,
of couwse we know about ouw fuwangels who awe thewe fow us always and give us unconditional love, but many of us have discovewed that thewe awe hooman angels too.
They awe thewe when life gets hawd and sometimes feels like it's too unbeawable.
Many of us have had pwoof of this wecently..bwightening ouw days, helping us thwough the hawdest of times..I have to tell you Mommi and Daddi have wecently had a visit fwom these angels.
Mommi is cwazy about You-wope(she was bowned thewe and hew pawents ashes awe thewe), and it's going to be Mommi and Daddi's 35th annivewsawy on Apwil 5th.
Things have been a little wough wecently and they nevew dweamt that they could evew go to You-wope again......and then and angel called and said "I think you should go to celebwate..I'm going to make it happen....." and then othew angels joined in and said "we want to make youw twip pawfect too" and all of a sudden it was a wealitly..
They awe going fow a twip to You-wope wif the love and genewosity of theiw angels
Mommi didn't believe it fow a long time..but it's twooo...angels awe among us and I think it has to do wif doggies and the powew of the paw
the main angel owganised it and they awe off tomowwow fow a week of heaven

that's what they looked like 35 yeaws ago..they don't look the same, but theiw love is even biggew than it was then
They awe vewy vewy lucky!
I can't go wif them, but don't wowwy about me
I will be staying wif my angel auntie Kawen and my baby bwuffuw Duffy
I hope all of you have a wondewful Passovew and Eastew
and don't fowget me cause I won't be able to wite you fow a while
Mommi and Daddi pwomise to take jillions of pictoowes and tell all of us about theiw twip when they get back....(meantime, I just might sneak out wif my BFF Lacie fow some adventoowes you might check hew bloggie)
smoochie kisses to all of you wif all my love
that is so wonderful. 35 years and a wonderful trip together. We can't wait to see the pictures..
Mom and Dad will hit 30 this year so you have them beat.. he he
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
angels only come to angels! we think you have the bestest parents and we wish them a fabulous time full of romance and fun... maybe you and lacie can sneak out to my place to celebrate my barkday on sunday loves and licks
What a pawesome surprise!
Angels are an inkhredible find!
Please share some Asta smoochies with your mommi and daddi's angels!
We've been hoping and wishing and dreaming of and waiting for this news! This has totally made our day! You tell your mommi and daddi to go and have a wonderful time with no worries about you or anything else. Everything is in really really good hands and this is simply meant to be! We are going to so look forward to pictures, from everybloggies' perspective.
Ahhh. Romance is in the air. (By the way, MommiAmi and Daddi looked soooooo romantic in that picture. That was very special that you shared it.)
Angels will surround you. The whole way. The whole time. And so will the Dog Star. And the Circle of Paws. Take a moment to notice all of them for us, from the other side of the pond. We send our love in big bundles all compacted for easy travel, and we wish everyone a wicked fantastique time!
All our love. Muwahhhhh!
Jake and Fergi and our people
Hmm...ASTA??? We have that Cath Kidson modelin' contract and you're gonna be at Duffy's? Nooooooooooooooooooo....we'll never get another job...leave your flat self at Duffy's and come with me...I have a friend who said we could stay with them while we problem...oh...and I heard we get to keep all the clothes!! Wahoooooooooo!!!
Thirty five thousand wishes for a totally fabbers twippie for you Mommi and Daddi...oh don't think we'll run into them in Yoi Rip, do ya? (Lacie giggles at the thoughts of her and Asta traveling unattended...then giggles harder...) Oh,I borrowed some of McMuffer's undies for the lingerie part of the runway show...I heard they're gonna use 'em as curtains!!!
Kisses dear girlie and smoochies to your Peeps...
Love ya lotsest!!
yesh asta you are furry much right
we have met some angels ourselves throught our recent tought time and they have sent ush nommy packages and boy were we surprised and happy. please to tell your pawrents we will wish them the furry best on their trip
pibble sugars and wee wags
the pittie pack
Oh Kousin Asta!
How nice for your pawrents!! I can't think of a better anniversary present. This is a tribute to the vast impact you, your pawents, and your bloggie have had on a large and diverse audience. You are well loved, guys.
Happy Anniversary and have a great trip!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Koobie and Family
Have a great time in Europe! My little Asta girl, have fun with your little brother.
- Smitty & Jessie
Happy anniversary and a terrific week!!!
35 years deserves a trip to Europe indeed. Me mom and dad don't have nothin' on yours (a mere 11 years... pffffttt). You will have fun with your brother for sure! And, yes me believes there are angels all around us!
Irish Love,
What wonderful news, Asta!!! Please wish your parents a happy anniversary and a wonderful trip. They are on the good side of some fantastic angels.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Asta! How exciting for your Mom and Dad-we here in Ohio hope they have a wonderful trip and a fabulous anniversary celebration!
Your buddy,
I hope mommi and daddi have fun. I am sure you and Duffy will have a great time too.
This Passover and Easter week, we surely believe in angels.
Ami, George, have a wonderful celebration and spend time sharing together the love you are always sharing with us.
Asta love, why not a quick trip to South Florida? We would be so so honored!!! We'll be on our best behavior, honest, and show you all the sights!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Oh, this is wonderful. We're so happy for your folks! We hope they have an absolutely unforgettable walking on air trip.
And you have a good visit with your auntie Karen.
Wishing your folks the best for their upoming anninversary! My their love continue to grow with each passing day. They need this trip and their angels are sure looking out for them. Love and peace to you and your family.
Hi, Asta!
Your Mom and Daddy sure deserve a wonderful trip to celebrate their 35 Anniversary!
I am sure they are going to have a pawesome time and you too with Duffy!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
A fitting gift for a wonderful couple. Enjoy every moment of your trip - and congratulations to you both on a love that will only continue to grow.
Brooke, Greg, Opy, Benson & Angel Charlie
Have a wonderful trip! Butt, we're sure you will!
Luv ya,
Riley and Star.
Safe travels! Don't get off the plane before it lands! And a very happy anniversary. Give our love to the Squares!!!
Your pal,
Asta...are ya packed?
My word verification is
we saw the pic of you and Lacie in ur undies!!!!!!
Weird...we left another comment before this one and it's GONE???!!!
Tell your mommi and daddi to have the bestest time ever!!!
And they hafta kiss 350000 times!!!
I'll be pickin' ya up...
We know that angels are real! We're so happy for your parents, Asta. They deserve!
- Anne & Charlie
Wow, that's big news. How fantastic! We know they will have a great time and Dog knows they deserve it!
We wish you a happy holiday too. Maybe you can blog on Duffy's blog to keep us posted on your happenings.
We always knew there are angels. One look at our pinkie's shoulder blades and you know. We also know that a very special Angel put you in this world!
PS if they are going to Germaniam as well perhaps they can say hi to our Grandparents. There in Cologne, that's where our Angel pinkie is from.
Or is it just Pawis they're going to??
w00fs, tell ur mommi and daddi to have a safe fun trip..and ur sooo right, we do have sum angels around here..mama nos this 1st hand...and u will have fun wiff aunty karen and out fur lacie she dont git u in trouble..
b safe,
That is truly wonderful. We hope they have the bestest of times. The crazy old bat and big red guy did 35 in Feb. They didn't go anywhere though.
So pleased that Mommi and Daddi are coming over to You-wope. And that you will not be lonely when they are away. Huge congratulations on the 35th anniversary too. I love the wedding picture!
PS Just a wee warning that there we had a big snowfall overnight in my little corner of You-wope!
Oh wow, that is awesome news. We hope your mummy & daddy have the very best holiday. We're really happy for them. Make sure your mama takes the camera!!!
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Happy anniversary to your mommi and daddi, Asta! What a wonderful treat for them! We can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures!
Have fun with Aunt Karen and Duffy!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Anniversary to Mommi and Daddi. We hope they have a delightful trip.
We'll look out for you to visit Laciegirl.
The Rocky Creek Scotties
What wonderful news! Happy anniversary to your mom and dad, and I hope they have a fabulous trip. Can't wait to see photos!
Safe travels and big smoochies to you know who!!
Dearest Asta!
How wonderful for your pawrents! This is just what mommy needs and we are thrilled for her. Please would you wish her a wonderful holiday and tell her to let down her hair, rest and enjoy herself.
Sending lotsaluv and lotsalicks
That is so wonderful for your mum and dad.. Please send them purrs and love from me to have a wonderful trip.. Where in Europe. Are they comming anywhere near to me. Or near enough for mum and dad to go see they as they would love to. Hugs GJ x sweet! I'm so glad they get to have a wonderful adventure to celebrate their life together. To make new and exciting memories together is the bestest! Bon Voyage and Happy Returns!
Have fun with Duffy and Lacie. Give yer folks some soft woofie kisses from me!
Love is in the air....
hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay wot wunderful angels!!! i am shoor they wil have a grate trip!!! ok bye
What wonderful and encouraging news! Hope they have a great trip!
AW Asta! I'm so wagging for your leggeds and the most wonderful main angel surely was heaven sent.
Tell your leggeds safe journeys and look out of the plane windows for me! I'm sure my wagger is going to take me up to escort them safely to Europe. Oh happy days!!
Wiry love and kisses Eric xxx
Oh, we wish you could go too! We know your parents enjoy things much more when you are along. But, if Mommi does take lots of pictures, we can all share when they get back.
We think your Mommi and Daddi still look young and bootiful. Except your Daddi does have less hair.
What a glorious story! Their are angels amoung us. I truly believe!
I hope your parents have a great time, and happy 35th. Just love those pink ears. Happy Easter .
Hey Asta! Aww, they've been together for a very long time. That's just wonderful. Too bad you can't go along with them but I am sure they will bring you back something from their vacation.
Love licks & Hugs,
Solid Gold Dancer
omdog that is SO FABULOUS!!! I can't believe it. I hope they have the very best time ever.
wOw asta... a "twip".... sounds like they will have a blast -- can't wait to see the pics. have fun at your auntie karen's and with duffy too. we believe in angels too.. they always seem to be there at the right time!
have a great holiday,
theBUSTR, Ms.Persephone & Ms.Blue
35 years! That is great! Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad! We hope they have a safe journey and come homes safe and sound!
Gongrats to your Moms and Dad! We hope they'll have a great trip! We'll miss you! See you, when you get back!
Woofs and Kisses!
Asta Girl!! Please tell your mommi and daddi a happy 35th anniversary!! We admire the photo they took years ago and they still look the same.... sweet and fabulous!! 35 years must have been a lovely journey together with you and your angle sissies. :)
Momo & Pinot
Hi, Asta...
Oh...How wonderful for your Mom & Dad...
And, you will have a great time with Auntie Karen & Duffy...
Happy Anniversary to your Mom & Dad...Can't wait to see the pictures...
Abby xxxooo
Tell your humans to have a wonderful trip - and yes, their are angels and they take care of their loved ones - have fun with Duffy - and we hope your parents come back with lots of gifts for you!
Sally and Paddy
Yay! What wonderful angels you have to aid you in celebrating 35 years together! By now, you must be having a fabulous time and we can't wait to hear about it and see photos!!! Whoopee! And Happy Easter/Passover!
Huge Hugs and Love xoxoxoxo
This is pretty awesome. You have some really wonderful friends.
Happy Happy Happy Anniversary to your pawrents! We hope they have a wonderful trip!
Dear Asta, Math is not our strong suit but we know that 35 is even more than 2 million, which is even bigger than negative (8! So that is very much Two Paws UP!! In fact we have a blog today about a dog that can do math but that is a difrent story!)We are very very happy for your huminz and also, we will do the Two Paws UP!! dance in there honors! Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!
Hello Asta... stopping by and say hello!! Hope you're having a great time at your auntie Kawen and baby Duffy!! :)
Momo & Pinot
Asta...did ya catch up on your sleepie?
Going back and forth from 2D to 3D can be so exhausting!!
I'm so glad Cath K. let us keep those bloomers...
It dropped like a stone today...back to winter...sheesch...
So glad you're back home!!
Kisses, dear Girlie...
Lacie XXOO
dear Asta, i think you will be exhausted by now, so please do rest well.
happy belated 35thAnniversary to your hoomans and do give them extra licks and kisses on our behalf as we are so sorry that mumster did not keep us informed of such important news!
we can't wait to read about their trip and this time, I will be looking out for your post
much chi love & kisses
Coco & Tiffy
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