a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, March 15, 2010

Asta's nuwsing dooties

Sweet babyStan, my BFF Lacie's gowgeous Dale bwofuw has injoowed his leggie in a fweak accident at his home
I wushed wight ovew to help nuwse him when I heawd that Lacie was taking all the shifts.

ummm, it's not that I don't twust hew, but she tends to get distwacted wif dates and doing hew nails and applying lipgloss and stuff

I made a batch of soup to keep his stwength up and asked Lacie to make him a nice smoofie to follow


I made suwe he was westing comfowtably

Meantime, I got a phone call fwom Head nuwse Agatha and Nuwse Koobie telling me they wewe heading ovew to help out wif babyStan

not a moment too soon, because Lacie announced that she has to leave fow a date wif McGillicutty fow his Biwfday and can't go to  help delivew the chicks at Butchy's house.

I let Butchy know I was available to help wif the puwple eggses and he was soo welieved
It seems, the eggs awe stawting to cwack and he's in a bit of a panick about the delivewy wifout Snickews thewe to help.

Snickews will whispew in my eaw fwom heaven on how to do the best job..
she was aways my idol and I just know that all will go well

Butchy Love landed his new Puwple plane in Lacie's yawd wif no pwoblems and I climbed on boawd

Cwoss paws, we get to the eggses befowe they cwack completely

while on the plane, I weceived this text message fwom babyStan:

Miss Asta..it's Babystan...wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! You are the hottest foxy ever!!! Will ya marry me? I've been wanting to ask ya for years...wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
lookie at the purple elephants crawling around...oopsie...that's my sissy Lacie...hahahahahahaha wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....do you think I should buy a motorcycle? And take up skydiving???? Aroooooooooooooooooooo! Wanna have pups? Oh...two years and ten months of being proper...I am letting my fur DOWN!!! aROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
O....so when's the wedding? Who else can I marry too? Koobie? Aggie? ALL OF YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Feeling no pain barks,


I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!! 

Ummm, do you think thewe was something in that smoofie that Lacie made fow him?????

Pleez go and wish him well!!!!!

smoochie kisses  


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khome on!

Lacie sat on his paw!

She ought to feel badly!

Khywa & Khousin Mewdie

Unknown said...

A magic potion smoothie?! Pawesome!

TwoSpecialWires said...

We're guessing ... just like Fergi did with the smoothie she whipped up for Foxy Boy ... Lacie forgot to dilute it 10 to 1. She's so distracted right now with EVERYTHING going on! We can only imagine the headache Stanny's gonna have when the high wears off. And we cross our paws he doesn't get himself into too much trouble.

Did you all mix up a smoothie for Mumsie? We're thinking she prob'ly needs one as much as anyone else.

Keep up the good work, Sissie.
We love you
BruvverJake and SissieFergi xxoo

Koobuss said...

Hey kousin Asta,

Between all of us nurses, I know that we will get Stanley whipped into shape. How can he not help but get better when he sees our smiling faces? Hehe...

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Asta

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Sounds like StanTheMan had some pain killers ground up in his smoothies!Not that you aren't the perfect choice for a wife(especially after dating for so long)but I'd wait awhile before accepting his proposal! You sure are an adorable nurse though Miss Asta! I almost want to get my paw squished in a shower door just to have you nurse me back to health!!
WelshieHugs, Hootie

You do good deeds Asta dear. No wonder BabyStan loves you so!!
AireKisses, BRD

Bobby said...

Asta you are so good and make the perfect soup for furbodys to gain their strength. You are doing everything. I do hope you do not wear yourself out.

Maxmom said...

Dearest Sweetie-Pie, Asta!
I think you are the kindest, most giving and thoughtful nurse in the whole wide world! I just love you to bits and I am sure that Baby Stan will be his right ol' self soon because of your attention.
With lotsaluv and lotsalicks

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We're sure glad you are on duty!!

The Rocky Creek Scotties

Dexter said...

Nice to know that BabyStan is feeling no pain. I have no doubt that he will come to his senses soon. In the meantime, what better nursie than your wirey self?


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Wow you are doing a pawsome job of nursing there and I want some of that smoothie, it sounds just the job.. Carry on the good work and I hope you get to the eggs in time.. Hugs GJ xx

The Black and Tans. said...

Whatever Stanley is on can we have some too. Sounds like it is good stuff!!!!!!!!!!

Don't overwork yourself Asta, be sure to have your beauty sleep.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

Sounds like you got BabyStan feeling ALOT better...

Hope you get there in time to take care of the eggs...

Abby xxxooo

houndstooth said...

I'm sure he's feeling better after having a nurse like you!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Nurse Asta to the rescue for all - we know Stan was so glad to have your comfort and he really must have relished that delicious soup you made for him. And now you are off to help Butchie - you are just THE best, Asta. Hmmm, wonder what WAS in that smoothie - but you know, BabyStan wouldn't be a bad catch for you at all.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Deborah said...

Hey Asta! Your soup looks delicous! If only I could get my guys to cook!

Jake of Florida said...

Asta, you are the best -- but you have to look after yourself and your mommi too -- so take a deep breath, nap, stretch, and be sure to let us know as soon as those eggs crack and you can see the little "chicks."

Wirey love, sweetie,

Jake and Just Harry

Gus said...

Asta Sweetie...Please call one of the other nursies and tell them muzzer recommends that they get lots of liquids into Stanny. He is gonna need them when the barfies hit.

And keep us posted on those purple eggies. We think they are gonna be really special birdies.


Mack said...

Asta, you are the bestest nursie ever!
Babystan is doing QUITE well it seems.


Golden Samantha said...

What a thoughtful pup you are, Asta, to nurse Babystan. We are certain that Lacey "laced" that smoofie with some sort of weird cocktail - poor Babystan. At least he drank the smoofie after eating a big bowlful of your nourishing soup - I'll bet that helped quell too much of an effect, although that text was... er... woweeeeeee! Good luck with the purple eggies!
Hugs xoxoxoxoxo

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay with yoo tayking kare of him i am shoor stanley wil be better in no time!!! ok bye

Toffee said...

mmmm we can smell that yummy soup all the way up here in Beantown....Asta you are the bestest cook ever...now if I could just get my paws on a smoothie then I could have sweet dreams of my eric square...

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

You are the Florence Nightingale of the Dog World, dear Asta!

Martha said...

Asta, you are a wonderful nurse and we are sure your patient will soon recover with your assistance.
We hope that if we become ill you will be able to fly over and nurse us.
We would have complete faith in you.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx

kissa-bull said...

oh sweet asta sweet cupcake of the pibble pack
but of course he wants to mawy you after that soup you made for him
it was smelling deelicious all the way yonder in texas
i thinks we's to hire you to take over some shifts from lucky to takes care of the bella
we pay in liver tweats and pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack

White Dog Blog said...

Your friend is very lucky to have a devoted nurse, Asta! I hope he is back to normal soon. You are so busy, thanks for taking time to drop by yesterday. Thanks for stopping by my blog and helping the cause of Eskie Rescue on my mom's birthday! You have a kind heart!

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hi Asta! You sure are a great nurse! Hope Baby Stan is feeling better soon!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

OMD Asta...thank heavens you're here...I was totally worried bout getting my nails done in that glistening gold shade with the little shamrocks on them...

And you're gonna help with the eggs? I think Muffer's been sittin' on them...I think I might have heard a CRACK...I'm just sayin'.....

Totally adored that pic of Butcho landin' the plane in our yardie...he's such an experienced pilot...didn't knock even one branch off....that was such a cool pic...must have been taken early in the morning based on the plane shadow...very artsy dear girlie!!!

Must go and finish all my chores...sheesch...it's soooooooo pretty out!

Kisses, dear one and you outdid yourself on the photos you took of Stanny...that pic of his hurt paw still brings tears to my eyes...cept I've already done my makeup...sheesch....GOTTA RUN...


Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow Asta you have been very busy! And boy was that a funny text message you got from Stan!!

Duke said...

Wow! When it rains, it pours! You are one busy girl attending to everyone, Asta! We know you'll do a great job!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a good friend you are, nursing and helping with cracking eggs and ... You're just so busy. Don't forget to rest so you don't need a nurse too.

The Animal Doctor said...

Dearest Asta, you're always a ray of sunshine to others, you render your nursing duties so well! I hope the sickies and the ouchies never visit you. Lovelots, Scarlet

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

You are such a GREAT nurse Asta!! Good job!

Woofs and Kisses!

Joe Stains said...

uh oh, sounds like he had the double doozie smoothie!! That Lacie never stops!! You are such a dedicated nurse!