Mommi was in seventh heaven holding Ewic all the time
we had the loveliest adventoowes wif him and his leggeds walks in the pawks and wefweshment in pubs, dinnew cooked at his house by his bootiful, talented, sweet squawe Mum we woke to anothew bootiful day and it was time to go visit ouw most famous foxy fwiend Jackson You can't imagine the excitement. I have loved Jackson evew since I stawted blogging zillions of yeaws ago. It was such a pwiviledge to be able to meet him in pawson ![]() Flat Lacie and my Flat self got out of ouw soopew comfowtable giant bed took a showew ( I especially liked the wawming towel wacks) even little Nickly woke up and hopped out of bed we went down to the lobby to wait fow Ewic and his leggeds and then we wewe off to Bwighton. Pleez watch my smilebox fow details ![]()
We had the most glowious day and wewe so vewy vewy happy we got to meet Jackson and his Js They wewe evewy bit as wondewful as we knew they would be this is the kind of icky face Mommi makes when she heaws things she doesn't like fow instance that we have to leave in the mowning to go to Fwance (she loves Pawis, but hated leaving Ewic) the next mowning at dawn(at least it seemed like dawn, hehehe)we took a taxi to StPancwas station in London to take the You Wow Staw spawkly clean and full of the most wondewful shops and food and nicely dwessed hoomans and fwesh aiw and booty evewywhewe you look It's a vewy old station wif some vewy contempowawy bits added to it.. since it was too eawly to have bweakfast at ouw hotel, and we got to the station in plenty of time, we decided to have a lovely sit down bweakfast.. I , Flat Asta, decided to weaw my waincoat, just in case the changeable spwing weathew caught me in a dwizzle at the othew side of the chunnel flat Lacie was talking to all the boyz at the station, so she didn't have bweakfast wif us, but don't wowwy, she didn't go hungwy. I saw hew at a table sowwounded by new fwiends buying hew chocolate cwoissants The You Wow Staw is an incwedibly comfowtable way to get to the continent it only takes about 2 1/2 houws and is comfowtable and the customs hoomans on eithew side awe kind and polite and make it vewy pleasant (not like the nightmawe Mommi had in hew yoot when she took a fewwy acwoss and evewyone awound hew was thwowing up, hehehehe) I'll show you my pictoowes fwom Pawis this coming week meantime , I hope all of you had a lovely weeekend and that All the Hoomans who wewe huwt this last week(Mc Gillicutty's Mom, Max's Mom and baby Wocket Dog and Hootie's) awe wecovewed fwom theiw accidentses I love you and think of you all..pleez be patient wif me.. I'm twying to get awound to visiting just as soon as I can smoochie kisses |
Thank you so so so much for those wonderful smile boxes that made us feel as though we were there with you. Mom is in love with Eric Square Dog and with Jackson. It is so great seeing them in action and together. They are such pawfect examples of square doggieness.
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Asta Girl!! This is something we were looking forward to... thanks so much for your update about the fab trip!! To get to meet Eric and Jackson in pawson is so wonderful!!
Momo & Pinot
Great pictures -look forward to seeing lots more-your descriptions are hilarious!
And what a pretty Mom you have!
Your buddy,
Y'all had a grand time. Your flat self had fun.
Sally Ann
Oh what a lovely adventure. We are so happy you (flat self) are getting to enjoy it with your parents. ~AFSS
Holy Cowabunga! I think I've been here for the last hour drooling! What a fantastic trip - it's so furry obvious that you had an absoutely splendid time with Eric and his peeps as well as Jackson and his folks. Your photos - each and every one of them is absolutely stunning - what an eye! Thanks so much for sharing... so much of your trip with us!
Hugs xo
What a great time you and Lacie and your mommi and daddi had visiting Eric and Jackson! We are so jealous! We would love to meet them in person and hang out with them!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
That was a great trip! I would love to go back to England some day! Next time, you will have to take up the Queens invitation!!!
Have fun!
I can't believe your flat self got to meet Eric and Jackson in person! Wow! That is one sad face your mommi can make. Better even than mine.
That was a wonderful trip! We thinks your mom will treasure the memories!
Your sure did had a grand pawsome time. Thanks for sharing video photos. I LOVE especially the food photos. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Oh my...I couldn't beleive that Eric lives at #10 Downing Street...that's exactly where Sherlock Holmes lived too.... (Lacie is a little unsure of her British history er and literature......)
I am SO IN LOVE WITH ERIC!!! He's just so SQUARE!!! And his tail...oh I wish my tail curled like that...we're so darn barbaric here...yeesch...
Now Asta, I didn't flirt with every boy there...did ya see that horse dog in the pub? He was a most excellent might not have gone to see the Queen, but he and I did...I asked her why she didn't get rid of those stoopid corgis and get a Flakie Lakie...I mean, just becuz we were the blue collar dogs of the terriers doesn't mean I don't know how to act royally...DID YA SEE ME WITH MY CROWN ON? Yep...I am such a royal highness...Oops, Miss Enid said I shouldn't talk so much about um...but I'm so my favorite subject!!!!!!!
And Jackson...oh, Asta...those pix brought tears to my large dreamy brown eyes...yes, yes, he does have hoooge eyes too, doesn't he?
And the way he fell unconscious on your mom's foot...yes, I did bring a smoothie for him...I didn't want to burst your mom's bubble...I am so thoughtful that way...
What does prattle mean? I was just wondering...
Mumsie sez she simply must have the guided tour of all these that darling little restaurant with the half eaten sausage (Lacie begins to drool...rather unpleasant to look at) is that the glassed in cup ol a area that sits on the Thames that you can see from the other pictures? Oh my...Mumsie sez she simply must sit there sometime with a cup of hot chocolate or tea...and watch the river...
And the food pix...
Lacie goes on for another four paragraphs, but Asta, still jet lagged has fallen asleep...
Flat and round Lacie
I did look so attractive in that bush!
What a wonderful beginning of the trip - can't wait to see Paris!!
Too bad you didn't catch up with Harry & Cassidy... next trip!!
Thank you for sharing.
Asta...we know that your Mommi cannot be doing anything but sorting through her pictures and writing the commentary, and we are so happy that she shares them with us that we absolutely forgive you for any transgression, imagined or otherwise. Lookin' at those pictues makes muzzer tired. She can just imagine organizing them...not one of her skills, by the way.
Thanks to you and Mommi and Daddi for sharing.
HA!! You can tell everyone that Eric has on your Mommis hat but we happen to know that it is a lamp shade!! Did you see how much Guineess he was taking on the sly??! THATS OUR BOY!!! Your smileboxes are WONDERFULL(and PL2 is grooving to the tunes) and seeing Jax our king of the Wires made us run to the computer and kiss him all over.....what a wonder wonderfull time...Love and kisses A+A(who if he had a lampshade would prob eat it..)
Hi, Asta!
Thanks for sharing all those pictures!
Meeting Jackson and Eric in paweson sure was great!
Kisses and hugs
What a trip!
I almost didn't get past the pikh with the Faustino in the bakhkground - Mom started drooling about AGJ AGJ AGJ!
Welkhome bakhk!
Mommy and I are very jealous of your mommy and daddy, and of course you guys! You got to go to Europe-even if it was as a flat!! It looks like your mommy had a good time! I'm glad she got to visit jackson!!
Hi Kuzzin Asta,
Looks like your Mommi and Daddi had a wonderful time in London! We loved all the photos. Thank You, Ami, for putting them into Smileboxes and posting them. We know how much work that was. Phew!! Anyway, your photos are beautiful and we love them!
How nice that you were able to meet Jackson! He looks great for someone who has been through so much.
And Square Dog Eric is just gorgeous!! What a handsome hunk he is! I bet flat Lacie could not keep her eyes off him. I know I couldn't. Hehehe...
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kuzzin Koobie
hi Asta, that's so much fun for your mommi to get to have Eric on her lap. she looks like she is in love, but of course, you are #1.
you are so lucky to meet Jackson and Eric. they are superstars on the other side of the big pee.
Oh what a fabulous trip!
We need to come back and watch all of your smileboxes again.
It is so wonderful to see a smile on mommi's face.
Did you give ERic plenty of smoochies from me?
ah! Dearest Asta
we loved looking at all the photos!
How wonderful for your Mama to meet not only Square Dog Eric, but Jackson as well.
If only your Mama and Papa and your Flat Selves could have come and visited us in Scotland, how excited I would have been.
Our snow has all gone now, and we have really warm temps and lots of sunshine.
Never mind, next time perhaps!
lots of love from Marvin xxxxxxxx
oh and Jeannie xxxxxxxx
ps your Mama looks so glamorous in the photos.
pps from Jeannie Eurostar is good isn't it? We did it a few years ago, and like you, I thought how much nicer than the ferries we used to get, all that throwing up, yuk! I managed to ride one of the roughest crossings ever, all around me were throwing up, and hubby and I went for a four course slap up meal, and drank wine and guiness and we weren't sick at all!
lotsaluv, Jeannie xxxxxxxxx
ps from Marvin - My Jeannie is one tough cookie you know!
Hi Asta,
So sorry I haven't visited in AGES!! My human has just been so busy and hasn't had much time to help me visit blog friends but I'm trying to catch up now!
Wow - I didn't know you could have so many adventures with a "flat self" - what a neat idea! (although I think a flat self of me would probably not be as easy as yours to carry...not unless it was a flat mini-self! hee! hee!
Looking forward to your Paris pics!
Honey the Great Dane
Wow o wow! What a trip! Loved all the pictures. And I didn't realize that Eric is mostly white with a red head and black spots like me! (I only have one spot though.) And I loved that you were able to meet Jackson in person. Those pics were so sweet.
Oh, and I have to give kudos to the Brits who are civilized enough to allow pups in pubs.
Asta! You pawrents are having such a wonderful trip. We loved all the photos they posted. And we think it's a wonderful idea that your flat self could go along too. We think we'd make our Chief make flat selves of us so she can take us on her trips too.
Licks and wags
The Dog Woods Pack
What wonderful photos and smilebox pictures!! It was great taking our minds off of OUR bad travel trip. We were amazed that Eric could go inside the pub. How fun is that?! The flatsies had a blast too from the looks of things. It would be soooo fun to meet Eric. He sure looks great in your photos! Asta have a little crush?? hehe.
Hey Asta! Thanks for wishing our folks well.We are now back on the road again with a rental.Our car was totaled. At least we're all alive & well!
Your the Girl!
ps-We look forward to your pics of Paris.
Hey Asta, I loved meeting your humans, only wish you could have been there too! J x
Eric looks so at home in mommi's arms! What a glorious trip and what great pics your parents took!
Can't wait to see the Paris pics!
OH what great smilebox's.. You all saw some beautiful stuff and lots of yummy food..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What a fantastic trip your Mom and Dad are having and they were so close to us! If we had known they were in England we would have invited them over to Dublin - it's such a short hop over!
The photos are all wonderful and we can't wait to see some of Paris!
best wishes
Clive and Murray
spectacUlar! asta!!..lots of fun...and you and flat jackson had a blast!...mebbe we can fly somewhere fun too. thanks for the b-day wishes.. we'll have more on the's sort of a burfweek!
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms.Blue
I just don't even know what to say. I can't believe that I am not holding Eric myself right now. Why am I not in England? I know today is a bad day for England, what with the invasion of Icelandic volcanos, but Eric and I could be snuggled up somewhere safe. Mind you, I would happily come to NY and snuggle up somewhere safe with your mom. Why didn't I get to sit in your mom's lap? I'm feeling a little bit sad maybe.
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