Let me tell you, whenevew Vinnie, the mailguy bwings me a package that says WOYAL MAIL, I get vew vewy excitewed
I know it will be spectacoolaw
(aftew all, if it's good enuff fow the Queen, it's good enuff fow me)
This time it was a pwesent fwom my deawest fwiend Jackson
(he wanted to give it to me when I was visiting him a few weeks ago as my flat self, but his woyal pastwymakew hadn't completed the bonbons in time)
if you bigify the pictoowe, you can dwool all ovew , plus wead his most wondewful note to me (SIGHHHHHHH)
(I know Jackson belongs to all ouw heawts and has a jillion giwlfwiends, but I am flattewed to be one of them)
my nose was all aquivew when I smelled the deliciousness in the box
sometimes thewe is nothing like a big box of bonbons to cheew up a giwl
(lately, I've been vewy bowed bacause Mommi is too busy painting to play wif me, and plus, i feel like I am going to be an old maid wif no boyfwiend since Stanley doesn't have time fow me anymowe, and all othew boys awe only my boyfwiends in my mind, hehehe)
these awe soopew special, just made fow doggies wif special safe ingwedients
Jackson has most excellent taste and is such a deb on aiw doggie, he knows how to make a giwl feel vewy special
Mommi was quite jelly, she had to wowk and paint all day while i got to lounge and eat bonbons, hehehe
Thank you sweet Jackson!!!
I loved evewy mowsel!
I was so happy to see Jackson feeling well enough to pawticipate in the special Tewwiew event in Bwighton, that ouw good fwiend Blue docoomented.
If you haven't seen it yet, make suwe you go..Sally and Paddy wewe also thewe and have pictoowes and videos of the day. It was a most mawvelous occasion.
hope all of you stay healthy and happy and have a wondewful weekend
smoochie kisses

Oh man, of course those delicious bonbons arrive the day AFTER I came over to visit you! Shucks! Save one for me, okay?
Your pal,
hay hay hay miz asta. ok anok it is me scooter! *sigh* u duz lukses sooo booteefullses as ushual i duz nots noeses wat bonbonses r but i needeses to findereses owt soes i kin sendeses u sum doan fergit i iz wun ov thoz boyfrenz tu right? ok anok
*wavin frantically* ok anok
mom duz telses me i duz haf tu goeses acuz she duz needz to gitses bizee an post on owr bloggee bowts owr trip we diderer takeses we wuz awaa frum this howse fur lotses ov dayz sunny duz sez a hol weeek whutefer that iz we did haf sum fun
i godda comeses thar tu seeses u soon in 1 ov mi frenz planz ok anok
we iz ferree happee jackson is bedder ok anok i iz comin muvver geeeeeeee
i luf u muuaahh
o yeh sunny an mom duz sayeses hi tooooo ok anok
My mom needs to see a translator to read the above comment, but I unnerstand totally - sheesh! BOY, are those bon bons ever yummalicious-looking - wowowowowow! Asta, could you send me one through cyberspace - oh how I drool! I'd be lying on the sofa too, eating bon bons while Mama painted (is she painting a pitchur or the wall?).
Loves you Asta, but sawry I'm not a boydog.
Big Hugs xoxoxoxoxo,
Oh my! Those look soooo nummy! I'm so glad Jackson is able to get out and about with his peeps and friends. That walky-carriage thingy looks like a great idea. Enjoy your lovely Friday treat and have a great weekend.
Those look so good even our Mom is drooling.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Wow, and here we thought that was a box of bonbons for the humans. They looks wonderful, Asta. So sweet of Jackson to send them to you.
Hope you can pull Mom away from the easel for a bit so you can all have a great weekend together.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hi Asta!
Those doggie safe bon bons look pawsitively delicious! I bet they tasted as good as they look! You are one lucky girl for sure!
:) Tibby
Asta sweet pea. Isn't Jackson the bestest sending our Royal Mail servants over with those dogalicious chocolates? Did you eat all the nice soft centre ones first? Guess what! Square Daddy was just about to pop one into his north and south but Mom stopped him...he thought they were for leggeds..haaaaa!!
I'm sad for you about Stanley but I know he still loves you. Blush. Like we all do. Hsppy weekend sweetie. Hope the sun shines for you.
Wiry love ERic xxxx
Oh Asta,
Another boy-furrend? Girl, you are cooking! And Bon Bons too? OMD! You New York City Girls are just too much!
Luv ya,
Riley and Star.
Those look delicious! You lucky, lucky girl!
Jackson knows just what to send you and he melts your wirey heart. And here I am, trying to protect my stuffies, hoping you will smile favorably on my flat self when I get to Noo Yalk Citteee.
ps...is Mommi painting walls or pixturs
Nom nom les bon bons!
That was pawesome!
Did woo want me to ask Sparky The WFT if he needs a girl? He barks hi evFURRYtime we walk by -
We talked to his dad last night - I found out he's 12! We were furry impressed!
Hi, Asta!
Those bon bons look delicious!
Sure they were!
Jackson is so nice and I hope he is doing well.
Kisses and hugs
You look so pretty on the coach with your bonbons!
- Charlie
Hey Asta, even I can see that you were very happy with those special bonbons from Jackson. You've got some very nice white teeth too and I'd love to smooch with you ANY TIME!!!
Licks and wags...
Mmm. . . yummy! Could you give Oskar or Hootie the address of the the chocolate maker please? They might make Mack feel better, and I kinda like doggie chocolate.
Sally Ann
How sweet of Jackson! What delicious-looking bonbons, Asta!
Happy anniversary to Myrna and Gilbert and happy May day to you and your mommi and daddi!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Asta...
It's sooo much fun being a girl...
Those BonBons look sooo yummy...
Abby xxxooo
With treatsies like that, I bet Jackson is trying to tell you something (Like, will you be my #1 girl?)
I was drooling all over the place after I biggified the pic!
Have a great weekend,
Wonderful gift from Jackson! So nice of him to send you a surprise in the mail. How could you sit next to those delicious yummies and not eat them up all at once?
What else would a royal highness do other than eat bonbons all day? You are definately a much privy gal.
Anyways, those there bonbbons look very muches delish.
Oh I am loving reading all these wonderful blogs. So very educational. I had NO IDEA that dog-friendly chocolates could be quite so delicious looking.
But tell me Asta, how do you know if they're dog-friendly or not. Gail tells me that Hamish once got a bit sick when he ate a whole box of dark chocolates made for humans. I'd hate that to happen to me.
Toodle pip!
Life is like a box of chocolates!
Oh my goodness, Asta - I can't believe those bon bons are for doggies! They look so beautiful & fancy - like the kind of foodies usually reserved for humans! :-) You lucky girl!
Honey the Great Dane
Miss Asta,
I am glad to hear that mommi is painting. That is a good thing, right? You enjoy your bon bons. Don't worry. You have many admirers.
That Jackson is such a sweetheart!! Those bon bons look divine!! Isn't is so much fun to get pressies in the mail???
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