I can hawdly believe that it's been a yeaw aweady since I flew on Aiw Wuby wif my wheelie sissie Mywna to Salzbuwg fow hew wedding day wif hew beloved Gilbewt
many of you dawling fwiends joined us to celebwate theiw love but some new fwiends nevew saw the pictoowes and the post I had at the time was one of the ones whewe evewything was lost, so I'm going to show you some of the pictoowes fwom theiw wedding album again
Dawling Butchy love flew his plane and wote them congwatulations in the sky above Salzbuwg
Mywna made a bootiful bwide
Daddi wheeled hew up the aisle and entwusted Gilbewt wif loving hew fuwwevew
All the Bwidesmaids wowe violet, Mywna's favowite colow
It was a magnificent cewmony and as Mr and Mrs Kwoonsky-
Kweit tuwned awound, fwom the altaw, the bells stawted theiw winging
even the clouds pwoclaimed theiw love
They danced theiw fiwst waltz to the delight of theiw assembled fwiends
a pictoowe of some of the guests at dinnew
and at a beew gawden
I'm suwe you'll wecognize youwselves and wemembew that glowious day
The happy couple simply glowed wif happiness as they finally found a moment to themselves
So much has happened since that day..Mywna and Gilbewt have two bootiful childwen (Womy and Bewtie)
many of ouw fwiends who wewe thewe awe now looking down on them fwom heaven and many new fwiends have come into ouw lives.
Time goes so quickly..Celebwate each othew and each moment!!!!!!
smoochie kisses
What a wonderful wedding.
Sally Ann
That was a lovely wedding!
Such a beautiful wedding. And such a talented photographer Aunty Ami!
I remember that well...it was such a beautiful day and a wonderful ceremony.
It was such a beautiful wedding. Happy anniversary to the sweet couple.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
It was a fabulous day and a wedding we will never forget! Happy first anniversary, Myrna and Gilbert!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
My dearest Myrna...
My love for you continues to grow daily...when you wheel into a room, my heart beats a little faster and it's like I'm meeting you for the first time all over again...
Our love, our bootiful children...what more could a dog ask for?
I love you, my dear...
Your Gilbert...
Thank you for reposting our wedding pix...on that day I only had eyes for you...
I've hired a private Lear jet to take us to Paris, my dear...we will be leaving on the 9:15pm flight...can ya pack like really quick????
Has it been a year already???
Happy Pawiversary to the happy couple!!
w00fs, wow, already a year, and 2 bute ti ful kids..they must b doing something right..
b safe,
Has it been a year already? How lovely to get out the wedding album again and remember that wonderful magical day.
We so remember that week. We had barely met ... and now we are proud and happy to be family.
Moma promised us that we'd go back to the beginning of May to catch up on all of your bloggie posts. We've been reading them in email, but it's never quite the same as reading them here on your beautiful blog. You are always such an inspiration, Asta, and we love you so much. Just as we love the rest of your (our) family.
On to read more,
Your Bruvver Jake and Sissie Fergi
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