a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, July 20, 2007

A Vewy Special Day

This is a super special Day...SNICKERS' Birfday!!!!!!
I twied, I begged, I cajoled...but no one was willing to take me to Snickers' house to join Butchy and special guest Gussie in celebwating my super giwlfwiend and cousin(honest, we're weally welated)
I then twied to take my Mommi's pwetend Vespa, but I don't have any doggles, and anydoggie knows you can't wide your Vespa without doggles.
I was so sad I cwied till I fell asleep ,and guess what..in my dweam I was there..we were having a twopical pawty..there were flowers, and fishies and my fwiends Butchy, and Gussie, and the birfday girl ,Snickers, looking wadiant.
.we all sang and ate lots of yummy cake, and some of us even swam..I only got my toes wet.........
HAPPY BIRFDAY DEAR SWEET SNICKERS, MAY YOU HAVE MANY MANY MOORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!smoochie kisses,cousinAsta


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, wish I could have been there too, even if it was a dream! J x

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Aw, you could have borrowed my doggles Asta. Hope you've dried your pretty eyes now, no more tears. I'm sure we will see lots of photos of the pawty and will almost feel like we were all there.

Oscar x

Simba and Jazzi said...

Poor Asta. Happy Barkday Snickers.

Simba xx

Duke said...

What a pretty card you made for Snickers, Asta! She's going to LOVE it! I wish we both could have driven out to visit her and Butchy and Gussie! I don't have my driver's license yet! I'm still not old enough!

Love ya lots,

Stanley said...

Sweet Asta!

They are SO going to miss you!! But, you did the next best thing, you dreamy pup girl (you're dreamy in more ways then one... [*sigh*]).

I have never asked before... how did you find out that you and Snickers are cousins? Ever been to a family reunion? (You obviously come from a long line of bootiful girliepups).

Goober love & kisses,

Gus said...

We will miss you at the party. Maybe next year, all of us came come for your Barkday. Or maybe you can come to Azrizona for mine!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
I like the card you made for Snickers!
I am sorry you don't have the chance to go there and join the party! But I am sure they will give us all the details!!
Have a nice day

Joe Stains said...

I wished for your sake someone would take you there, but I guess being there in your dreams is good too!

Juno said...

Asta, it's so nice of you making such a bootiful card for Snickers! :) Please don't be sad, there is always another oppawtunity to celebrate. ;)

Momo xoxo

Putter said...

Asta! Asta!

I am sorry that you had to miss the pawty:( Try not to be so sad ... Maybe next year, huh? The card you made for Snickers is beautiful! :)

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Sophie Brador said...

Asta, You are a visual genius. Are you being represented by any galleries down there? You're gonna be a star, darling!

Hammer said...

Hi Asta

At least you had a beautiful pawty dream. I'm sorry you cried though.

Sorry I haven't been in touch lately. I missed you.

Love from Hammer

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Asta,
Oh wow, we learn something new every day. I didn't know you are related to Snickers! I did realised you two have very similar colored coats though but it never occurred to me you were related. How cool is that!!

Bogart H. Devil said...

What a cool picture you made!!!

Wish I could celebrate with you WFTs too, maybe we should have a terrier party sometime!


Agatha and Archie said...

Oh Asta,Don't cry!!!I am sure they had a drink and some food in your honor!! We will get to see all the pictures I'm sure!!! You made a lovely copy of your dream,perhaps Hallmark would be interested?? Love,Your pals, Agaht + Archie