a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Adieu my Sweet Oscar

This is not goodbye..I'll see you again and wait for your sweet licks when we meet over the wainbow bwidge..I'll keep you in my heawt! I'll save you all my smoochie kisses till then,your Asta


Duke said...

That was just beautiful Asta. You've got mom sobbing once again. I miss Oscar!

Love ya lots,

Bogart H. Devil said...

That's a beautiful picture... we're going all mushy again too...


Faya said...

Oh Asta Véronique n'arrive pas s'arrêter de pleurer.....c'est terrible. Pourquoi lui et pourquoi si jeune..... On va faire quoi sans lui ? Bisous

wally said...

Oh, that's a beautiful tribute. So sad to lose a great friend. I can only imagine how hard it is for his family.


Putter said...


You are a sweetest girl ... This is a lovely tribute to our special friend, Oscar ... We miss him so ...

Your Friend,

Putter ...

Stanley said...

Sweet Asta,

I love you, girlie!

I also love the picture you did for Oscar. I think of him alternating between that and the photo Wally put up of him running like mad with one of his buddies through a field in the rain.

Talk about incosolable... my girl is at a loss. But we have decided that we will play, go for walks, wrassle, and love like there's no tomorrow, in honor of Oscar Boy!

We're thinking about Katy & Marvin too, and would like to make a big gesture of love to them (nothing could be big enough, but still...). I'll let you know what we come up with.

Goober love, kisses & hugs!

Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Asta...
What a sad day. Mom has been crying nonstop all day. I've been doing my best to be there for her...we just can't believe it. We are going to miss him so much!!!

Lots of Sad Licks, Ruby

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

That's a nice twibute Asta. He was too young.

xxx Asta down under

Lorenza said...

Asta, this is a great tribute. We will miss him so much.

Gus said...

Asta, such a beautiful tribute to Oscar. All of us will miss him and we share your sorrow.

kissies and hugs from Gussie

ToFFee said...

What? I can't believe this..

I got back from weekend.. I better to to Oscar's blog now.

I think my mom is in verge of tears!


Headgirl said...

What a lovely post!
In tears again here.
Having only met Oscar last Sat, just can't believe we're not going to go for that planned walk together....
Its all too, too sad.
We're all going to miss him so much.

Pats & pets to you

Kien said...

Asta... ok, now u make my mom cry again.. she's been crying for 3 days now..n daddy been asking why..i just can't imaging it if i leave her one day... anyway, it's really really hard to have Oscar leave us..

We was chatting on the day when he started sick.. cause i first told him that i was sick and would like to try his raw diet... we went back to his blog again to check on him in next morning.. n i extremely shocked... and can't believe on what we read!...

Anyway, nice tribute there.. Oscar will hear us..

Golden Rossi

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh dearest little Asta,PL 2 just found out last night as she had been working and can not stop crying. She also feels as if he were one of her own. He was a lovely lad and will be missed dreadfully by all. Especially bigs licks and smoochies to you and to all our little pals and their PL's.It is indeed a very very sad day. Agatha + Archie

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, what a beautiful picture and a lovely tribute to Oscar. We'll all miss him. J

fee said...

i hope oscar is really happy and painfree where he is now. i miss him.

the many Bs said...

Thanks for telling us about Oscar. We feel so sad...

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Thank you for your lovely tribute. What a beautiful collage of photos you made, I know you won't mind if I copy it. We are hurting so so badly now and just cannot understand why our healthy bouncy puppy had to go so soon and so fast. Knowing how much he was loved and will be missed is some comfort. When we are a little less sad we will update his blog so please call by.

Katy and Martin xxx

Joe Stains said...

what a wonderful tribute to a wonderful dog!

Nugget said...

Asta, A very nice tribute. We are really going to miss Oscar.

Nugget & the boys

Anonymous said...

Asta that was ver sweet. we will all miss oscar.


Urban Smoothie Read said...

oscar boy will definately b miss

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's a beautiful picture of sweet Oscar. I missed him already

~ girl girl

Finnegan said...

We did not know Oscar but it breaks our hearts to hear about such a young and beautiful puppy pass so suddenly. You created a lovely tribute to him.

Finny & Mama

Frasier said...

We had just started getting to know Oscar and he' s gone.
Is always so sad with the death of a fellow doggy.
Poor boy,he is where there is no pain.

Ben & Darling said...

This is a beautiful pic.
You are right Asta, this is not a goodbye yet. We will see each other again.

Koobuss said...


What a lovely tribute to our friend Oscar. You and you mom are very talented. We are still very sad about Oscar and we think of him every day.

Your friend,

Anonymous said...

asta dear no post today? i miss you.

lub lub..

fee said...

dear asta, have fun and tell us all about it when you come back. i promise to be good; mommy has gone through the house and put away lots of stuff she thought i might steal and choke on. i will be good. you stay safe when u're outdoors too; always look both ways when u're crossing and stay close to mommy always ok?

miss u already!


PerfectTosca said...

Dear Sweet Asta,
Oscar loved you very very much and that is why he is watching over you. Thank you for returning to my tribute again. It tells me I did it good enough to make you want to return. I know that you are crying and that you are going away for a week and I hope you rest. I am worried about you and I could bite my foot if I don't know that you are ok. I hope you know that this Collie is thinking about you and I wish I could hug you and all the DWBs that are feeling so very very bad about the missing beautiful Oscar who held us all together in so many ways. You can always come over to my blog for hugs from me even though I probably will get furs all over you.
Love Tosca

Juno said...

You're very sweet, Asta and it's very true that this is not good-by to Oscar! We'll meet him again. :)

Momo xoxo

Huskee and Hershey said...

That's a very beautiful pic of Oscar!! I think this is exactly how he is over at the Rainbow Bridge now.. ample space to run in a nice green field..

Snowball said...

I miss reading about Oscar's adventures.


the many Bs said...

Asta, we're worried about you. are you gonna come back & play with us some more?

Juno said...

Asta! Where are you? We miss you!!

Momo xoxo

Ronin_The_Pug said...

So sweet of you, Asta! So sweet!

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