a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Say Cheese

Hi everydoggie, hope you haven't all melted!
My Good fwiend Chili tagged me to put up pictures of me smiling..
.as I've told you I'm being a little self conscious since my haiwcut,but my sweetie-pies Stanley and Butchy, and Snickers,and Gussie,and Oscar,and Bussie,and Finny, and Tadpole,and Maggie,and Faya,and,Joey,andOpy,and,Rossi,andFrasypoo,and Snowball, and TwipleB's, and Ike, and Huskee Boy, andRuby Blue, and Lowenza,and, and oh my dog too many good fwiends to wite down,all told me I looked OK, so I'm going to twy to smile..
...the twouble is, when my hair gets cut,and I thfow my head back in a nice big gwin, well my eaws tuwn into flying-nun eaws..it's vewy embawassing, not how a weal WFT is supposed to look, mowe like a bat,.....but here goes...........
This is kinof one of those teeth-clenched smiles you do when someone says "say cheese" and there's absolutely no cheese anywhere in the vicinity
Is this any good?????
OK now I'm weally cwacking up..stop tickling me MommiThanks to all my fantabulous fwiends who encouwaged me to show my face..smoochie kisses
and now I tag Finny, andArchie and Agatha,and GirlGirl...show me your smiiiiiles!
and when you're finished smiling, you have to ask thfree other fwiends to smile, thanks, muwahhhhhhh!


PreciOus said...

There, look how pretty you are when you smile! The guys sure to melt now. Hehe.


Ben & Darling said...

Oh Asta baby, are you trying to kill me ???? with that sweet lovely smile.....oh my heart keep "dancing" seeing your pretty face.

You should smile more darling. You look great when you are smilling...I dont mind kill by you baby. Im falling in love with you again darling!!! AGAIN !!!

Kien said...

Your lovely smile just make my day... Oh no!!... I got so many potential candidates in my mind now... and sure u are among the roses.... Again.. dun let Amber Mae know.. i dun want her to get 'misunderstood' me again..

Golden Rossi

Joe Stains said...

oh your smile made US smile and that is very good! thanks asta!

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

See, nothing to be self conscious about, your smile is simply beautiful.

Oscar x

Duke said...

You're such a cute girl Asta! Keep smiling! It suits you so well!

Love ya lots,

ToFFee said...

such a bootiful and shweet smile!!!

don't worry..I think you look really gweat on your new haircut!


Simba and Jazzi said...

What great smilies photos,

Simba xx

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Aw Asta, you have such a sweet smile

~ Girl girl

Stanley said...

Asta Girl!

You are such a sweetpea. If it's cloudy today in NY it won't be once people see your smile. The sunshine radiates right out of you!

(I especially like it when you show your toofers. Don't know why, it just gives me the wiggles).

Goober love & kisses,
Your Stanley Boy

Snowball said...

What a bootiful smile you have got.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
You have a beautiful smile. I like the 3 pictures! I am a happy girl too, but is hard for my mom to take a picture of me smiling!
Have a nice day

Gus said...

Wow heavy duty wattage there lady! We think you should bottle the charm and put it on the market. The world would be a better place for it!

Finnegan said...

Very cute! I have posted my pictures.


Nessa Happens said...

Aw, you're adorable! Hey, stop by our blog, we're having a contest!


Tadpole said...

Asta, the first picture made me giggle, but the last one made me laugh out loud with happiness! Your smile is contagious! :-)

Frasier said...

You are such a happy doggie Asta !
I hope I never get tagged as my smile is really rare !I can do the blank stare really well !!

Juno said...

Asta baby! You've always been an adorable girl but look at the pictures!! You're super adorable! I love the 2nd one. A great smile makes my day!

Momo xoxo

PerfectTosca said...

Asta, my Woman made me come here so she could get a dose of Asta Cuteness and here you are plastering all those cute pictures of yourself all over the place. I can't get ahead I tell ya. I am going to have to get Trans Doggie surgery if this keeps up let me tell you!

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh Asta,You are so adorable just looking at you made us chuckle( becasue it looked like a really GOOD joke!!) PL 2 is going to put a picture of us cracking up at a good joke on one of our walks..so go over to our blog( and we will tag 3 more friends!!!!) Agatha + Archie

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Asta,
Your smile is soooo sweet!!! :) made my day just coming to see you smile!!

Putter said...

ASTA! Asta!

OMG! Your smily pictures are the BEST ever! You are one cute girl! Hey, My Mom and Dad are gonna be walking around NYC in a couple weeks -- do you think they will SEE you out walking too???? I sure hope so! Let me know what you think, K?

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Gwyn Valentine said...

You have got a GREAT smile!
I especially like the last picture of your smiley face!


Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Awwww you have the bestest most glorious smile.

tail wags

fee said...

your smile is nice and that haircut is perfect! mommy and i love your first picture especially.

Boo Casanova said...

omDOG, asta, that's sooooooooooo bootiful smile you got there. your last smile is like my LOL laugh. pretty contagious if you ask me. now, i have to laugh.

wet wet licks


coco said...

OOOOOOHHHH Asta! such bow-eautiful smiles you have!!! you are obviously the most loving little person around with a smile like that!

mom can't seem to get a smiley picture out of me. she keeps trying, but after awhile she gives up and says, "you are just a pouty-faced little baby, coco" - tee-hee! the truth is i just don't like that annoying silver thing she puts between our faces. why on earth would i smile at that thing?

anyway, good job asta!

puppy love, coco

Faya said...

Oh Asta ton sourire est contagieux...ici il nous fait sourire....merci ! Bisous, Faya

the many Bs said...

Asta, you have a lovely smile. You are very pwetty with your new haircut and just a lovely dog with short or long hair. we lovelovelove your flying nun ears too!

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Asta,

Your smile is just as pwetty as mine. Mum is packing this weekend & will be home in just 6 days, but she has lots of this digging stuff to do first. I like to dig too!

xxx Asta down under

Urban Smoothie Read said...

hi asta,

u really got a sweet smile...