a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, April 1, 2012

APWIL in PAWIS wif Gussie

This last week, my Gussie Love and I bof got  sigh mull tanoos gwoomings and haiwcuts fow Spwing

I was just lying awound on the big bed thinking of Gussie

do I heaw  my telephone winging?

pwobably just a call for mommi , sigh

awe you kidding me?
 it weally is my Gussie calling? 
 I couldn't believe it..he said he'll come pick me up and why don't we go to Pawis fow the weekend since we'we bof clean and pwesentabull

May I go Mommi?

meanwhile Gussie discussed the twip wif hiws Dad

he was twying to figoowe out the best way to come get me
he yelled wif excitewement
"I know, I'll just put wockets on my little caw "

hewe is a little smileybox wif some snaps fwom ouw weekend togethew

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Another free picture collage by Smilebox

as you can see, we had a most fantaboolous time..we went fow a bike wide, ate wondewful cheeses and baguette, shopped fow books along the  "kay", sat on benches just to be togethew and one evening as we walked along undew the awcades of Place des Vosges, we wan into Awchie playing his accowdion...well, what's a woggie to do?
Gussie took me in his awms and we danced the night away!

Happy Apwil evewyone!!!!!!
don't fowget to go OWANGE on youw bloggies fow Apwil  in suppowt of the ASPCA Pwevention of Cwoolty to Animals Momf!

smoochie kisses


rottrover said...

What a wonderful weekend you and Gussie had, Asta. You look beautiful as always!!

-Bart and Ruby

Finn said...

Oh Paris! Have fun!

K9 Katastrophie said...

You two must have had a real fun time!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Such fun you are having this weekend and good to see you so happy... Hugs GJ xx

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Such fun you are having this weekend and good to see you so happy... Hugs GJ xx

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Paris in April is sooooooooooo Romantic, we are green with envy. Have fun, and don't do anything we would do (MOL). ~Scylla & Arty

Hi Asta, we hopes Gussie treats you right, if he doesn't we will have to have a talk with him. ~Socks & Fenris

Gus said...

Woof! Thank you for posting the photos...I just barely got the caw back to E.Rabbit in time for her to go back to Dee See....good thing there was an xtra long Gospel Reading this Sunday, Huh?

I had a wonderful time.

I am planning my next visit.

kisses, bisous, besames, etc.


tubby3pug said...

You always look handsome, but the hair cut is wonderful!

urban hounds

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Wesa enjoyed your trip. Wesa hope this wasn't no April Fool's joke Miss Asta our furiend 'cuz wesa ain't much into those'ums. But...knowing you...this wasn't. :) Wesa just sayin'. :)
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi

Lorenza said...

You two sure had a pawesome time!
Thanks for sharing it!
Kisses and hugs to you, your mommi and daddi!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Asta, isn't love wonderful?? What a romantic time you 2 had. I am seeing Remington and we are still new in our
relationship, but I do hope someday we will have a weekend like yours.

Loveys Sasha

p.s. Go Orange!!

Wyatt said...

Ahhhh...Springtime in Paris with your Gussie! Love the bicycle, smoochie picture...true love!

Wyatt and Stanzie

The Florida Furkids said...

It looks like you and Gussie had a wonderful time in Paris!!

Smoochies back at you!!

The Florida Furkids

WFT Nobby said...

Thank you so much Asta for giving Gail and I a big smile on a dreary Monday morning in Aberdeen. Gail is still drooling over the cheeses, and I was delighted to see that Archie turned up too with his accordion.
Oh, and you do look lovely and trim, as does Gussie.
Toodle pip!

Duke said...

What a fun weekend for you and Gussie, Asta!

Love ya lots

Golden Samantha said...

Asta, you lucky girl! Looks like you had a wonderful (and very romantic) time in Paris with Archie - oooh la la!
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Mom has been slacking (as usual)so we're just getting around to visiting now. Paris?!? How cool! It looks like you and Gussie had the most PAWSOME time! They say there is nothing like Paris in springtime! ;-)

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Remington said...

Paris? That would be so cool!

Teddy said...

Thanks for stopping by my world! Lady and I love reading about international pups. Paris sounds a little more civilized than where I was, but no less fun. I'd rather have cheese than dal.

Winston said...

Oh Asta..my love..
I'm so happy you have Gussie to take you to Pawis..
I could wisk you away to McDonalds fow a coffee and we could use my pawrents Old Fawts discount!!!!

You Admiwew,

Eric said...

Ah so....you and Gussie went to Paree Sweetpea??? Loveleeeee!! Heeheeee.

Continental kisses for you cousin. xxxxxxxxxxx

Eric said...


Juno said...

Paris with your sweet Gussie? How romantic!!

Momo & Pinot xoxo

White Dog Blog said...

Paris anytime is, momma tells us, sublime...but in Spring? No place like it on earth. Glad you and Gussie had a chance to be together and make some memories.

The Thuglets said...

Looks like you had a fabulous time!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Anonymous said...

That Gussie sure knows how to treat a gal. Paris? Wowzers! Note to self, ask Gussie for romantic tips ;D What a beau you have Asta! :)

Waggin at ya,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

You missed your midnight baby shift because you were DANCING??? And I had to pull a double????

Oh and Miss Enid is here. So now we have to IRON the nappies? Are you kidding me?????


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

You missed your midnight baby shift because you were DANCING??? And I had to pull a double????

Oh and Miss Enid is here. So now we have to IRON the nappies? Are you kidding me?????


kingslandkennels said...

Pictures are so beautiful...