a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, April 13, 2012

Eventful Week pawt two

deew Fwiends, so sowwy that it took me so long to post pawt two of my Eastew and annivewsawawy week adventoowes, but in between the fun, Mommi and Daddi had to wun awound to a whole bunch of vewy unpictoowesque Boo wo Cwatic offices to get theiw wesidency papews..no fun at all

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Mommi gots vewy tiwed doing all the stoopid official stuff, so she went to bed, but Daddi went to anothew concewt that they wewe invited to
the instwooment is called a Cimbalom  it's vewy hungawian and cool
Daddi made this smilebox fwom that evening

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I hope you can see the smileyboxes and enjoy the pictoowes,
I pwomise to come awound and visit you soonest pawsibull

smoochie kisses


Millie and Walter said...

Thanks for sharing more great adventures in Budapest! Keep them coming.


bbes tribe said...

Awesome and wonderful! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us. Really enjoyed all the pics and the smilebox presentation!!!
Ernie,Sasha,Chica,Lucas, & Rosie

PS: Those foodables looked yummmmy and those striped boots pretty cute! Mom liked them.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

THESE were Wonderful pictures. I feel like I was RIGHT THERE.

Mom says that RED TAPE is just CR..
ummmmm CRazy.

Gus said...

I do not understand this red tape thing. What country would not welcome you and Mommi and Daddi with great enthusiasm and many kisses? And here I was thinking the folks in Buda Pest were better than the ones in Richmond. (they are making the muzzer take a driving test this year. They will be sorry!)



The Daily Pip said...

Oh Miss Asta,

I missed your parents anniversary! Happy Anniversary (a little late)! It looks like they had a most special evening! I like the pillows on those stairs. I don't really do stairs anymore, but maybe I would if more of them had pillows!

My mom is laughing because I started barking when she played the smilebox. She thought it was the music, but I was really barking at all that yummy food!

Your pal, Pip

P.S: I have not yet received your surprise, but I am sure it will be here soon!

Duke said...

I just love your adventures in Budapest, Asta, and you're sure having a lot of them! Lucky you for all of the yummies that you get to eat!

Love ya lots,

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, Asta!! How very fun! That concert looked so cool!

Elyse and Riley

Ziggy Stardust said...

Asta, thank you again for sharing this journey. My Mommy actually sits back with a snack like shes watching a movie(she drools for the food pictures). You get to go inside restaurants? That is pawsome.

Loveys Sasha

Lorenza said...

I was waiting for the second part!
It was pawesome, right?
My mom is still drooling thinking on your small treat!
Thanks for sharing all the pictures!
Kisses and hugs

Brinley Westie said...

Thanks for sharing all your photos!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Wow such fun you have over in your new world.
Thank you for sharing all the good times with us,

Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Wow, I think my Mom wants to move there with you now! We loved that concert and the music was amazing! Thanks so much for sharing that with us. It was beautiful.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Anonymous said...

Hello, Asta!
How wonderful to enjoy your adventures with you...like being carried along in your pocket. You know, what strikes me as I go places and experience new things with you? One of the things that I like so much about your Mommi and Daddi (and YOU of course) is that dessert and coffee always figure somewhere in the equation. Sometimes I am so vicariously exhausted from our tours, that I REQUIRE vicarious dessert and coffee to revive myself. But how I enjoy the sights, music, museums, art, and the glorious, BEAUTIFUL food I have experienced in your company.
Happy days to you and your family!

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hi Asta - we loved your smile-boxes as usual - the first one made us HUNGRY!!! Why didn't you have your own plate at the table??? I bet that Ham and Eggies were Delish alright!

Mum and I fully expect to send my Birthday presents all around the world and we have budgeted for that. Don't worry about my treat cupboard - it's very full at the moment!! So feel free to enter any of the prize draws - and don't feel bad - if you still don't want the present - you can always nominate someone else to get it!! You would be very kind and thoughtful I know.

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

The Florida Furkids said...

We loved all of your Smileboxes! You live in such a bootiful place and the noms look super good. Mom almost ruined her keyboard with drool (especially the bread pudding!).

The Florida Furkids

White Dog Blog said...

Such incredible food everywhere... and art..and music...and architecture! The best part is seeing you all enjoy it together. Such happiness just comes through, which makes us so happy too!

Sweepy said...

Woof Asta!
I'm sure you had the best adventures in that new place. But my PC is slow and won't do drooly videos ;-)

Have a fun week!

Martha said...

What a wonderful day you had with the humans Asta, the hungarian livers looked yummy. Of course the humans wanted one of those ice creams very badly!
We love the sights you are showing us, made even more beautiful with the Spring sunshine and flowers.
We hope the official stuff gets sorted out your mom as we know it can all get pretty stressful.
Hopefully your lovely day helped keep everyone's spirits up.
Much love
Martha & Bailey xxx

Posie said...

Oh my Gooderyness Asta, yoo loo liyke soo mutch funn!!! Thot Id say herlo, ma nayme is Posie n I iz a Border Terrior! HERLO! yeah! love P-dorg xox

Dexter said...

I know how stressy all that running around can be. My momma would have gone right to bed too! What an amazing place you live in.



Sounds like an excellent adventure.

You are six hours ahead of us, so if you want to join us in the chat room, we start around 1 PM your time. Normal crowd is the Collies, Snowy's Mom, and Skye the Huskie's Mom.

Dog Speed,

Essex & Sherman

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Very Nice. You also got lots of FUN adventures on your new place ... especially for your peeps. Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

Koobuss said...

Hi Kousin Asat,

Great Easter pics! Looks like you and your family had a lovely holiday.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Anonymous said...

I just luved hearing and seeing the cimbalom played! :D Thank you so much for sharing! :D Great walkie photos too! Asta your Mom sure does have an eye for beauty :D

Waggin at ya,

Sweet William The Scot said...

I love watching you Smileboxes Asta.
Sweet William The Scot

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh, I just read where Auntie Muzzer has to take a driving test this year...I could tell you some stories from when I went down to visit Teka...WHAT MUMSIE? SHUTUP?? OH...ok.

Yes, all the red masking tape is such a horrid chore...it appears that the gastronomical payoffs in Booda Peste somewhat makeup for the BURE AK RACY...oh we loved the pic of you sticking your little head out of the fence under that hoooooge tree...I've had problems with that tree, flyin' my Broom in there to meet you, ya know...not always a good outcome with the wind off the river....

Now I need to go and read the boyz their bedtime stories...I'm just reading one book to them tonight, but for twice as long....BOYS CAN BE SUCH PIGS is the name...it's fascinating!!!


Miss Lacie