a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Anothew Boo da Pest weekend

deewsweet fwiends

I hope all of you had a wondewful weekend

on satoowday, I got dwessed to go pawty in FB notty tewwiews annoal meeting..I thought I would do an intewpwetive dance as Isadow Dunkin
i used the Stanislowski method of acting to get into chawactew

The pawty on FB was a ball, and I had a gweat time , eating, dwinking , Danicng and getting wides in my fwiends' caws, but by sunday, I thousght i'd bettew make shoowe Mommi got some fwesh aiw

Thank you fow all yoow good wishes and advice on how to get Mommi out of hew black hoIe, I dwagged hew ouside again today and I  hope you can see this smileybox showing you ouw sunday adventoowe

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 this is one of ouw statoos fwom Matzon Frigyes, the wondewful sculptow who's house we found on ouw walkies today..Mommi and Daddi tweasoowe theiw times spent wif him all those jillions of yeaws ago

smoochie kisses


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

You luck stunning.. Glad you had a good time and glad your mum is getting out in the fresh air and climbing out of that hole... Hugs GJ xx

ShellePenn said...

Wow you look amazing!! :) I am surprised you haven't been invited to every social party since you arrived.

Hope your week coming is just as wonderful.

Shelle, Milo and Dixie

Unknown said...

Oooh! We love those lilacs! Reminds me of a trip to Italy in 2001 with huge hedges in full bloom. Have to make due with $10 scrawny bouquets from the corner bodega! Gorgeous photos!!!

Jane and Petey

Millie and Walter said...

Another great Budapest adventure. Thanks for sharing.


Berts Blog said...

Oh Asta, you took my Vickies breath away with your lovely sash....

I bet you were the most beautiful girl there.

WE could't pull of the smile box but we loved the sculpture. Hope your mom is better and happy again soon.

tubby3pug said...

Love the outfit, very dramatic

urban hounds

WFT Nobby said...

Asta, we are so enjoying our walks round Budapest with you. The weather looks so much better there than here, and the lilacs are lovely. It must have been exciting for Mommi to recognise the house she used to visit. I do hope it helped her get over her 'black hole'.
Toodle pip!
PS I must say you do look lovely in your pictures today, although I am a little apprehensive about the Isadora Duncan look...

Finn said...

Impressive acting techniques! I am glad you're enjoying all the walks and explorations!

Koobuss said...

Hi Kusin Asta,

Looks like you had another sooper weekend. What a pleasant way to spend a Sunday. And, how nice that your mommi and daddy found their friend's studio from long ago. You mommi must be feeling a lot better now.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kusin Koobie

Gus said...

That is a bootiful walkie...we surely think you walked off lunch and maybe most of dinner.

gus ne tkea

The Florida Furkids said...

We always enjoy your Smilebox slide shows! Your home is so wonderful with all of the great places to visit and all of the nommy foods!

The Florida Furkids

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Beautiful pictures! Nice work dragging your Mom out for a stroll! And we are very impressed with your acting preparations - dashing as always, Miss Asta!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Sweepy said...

Woof Asta!
That must've been a pawty!
And you came looking like the life of the party!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

gosh Asta
Are you beautiful or what!
Your ready for a nite on the town for sure!
We need to think of something to fill that black hole with (the one your mommie falls into!)

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Miss Asta, as always, you are our most glamorous friend. We are glad your mum and dad went out again and hope your beautiful weather keeps drawing you outside. Take care and hugs to all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

White Dog Blog said...

Happy Earth Day, Sweet Friends! We are so glad that you got to walk in the sunshine, smell the flowers and appreciate the blessings our tiny blue marble has to offer!

It is good that Mommi is taking smile breaks and joyful interludes from her time in the darkness. Today was a good day to be alive!

Duke said...

You are so stylish in your orange scarves, Asta!
What a beautiful Sunday adventure!

Love ya lots,

Remington said...

You certainly have awesome adventures, my friend!

Sweet William The Scot said...

Another great smilebox. We really loved your walk across that bridge and up the hill. Like you walked miles. We wish we had the courage to move and go on an adventure. Lee says since it is just her and me no family where would we go.
Sweet William The Scot

Teddy said...

Asta this is my furrst time to stop by. You are a cool dresser! Lady and I like reading international dog blogs. I live in India. I'm a hot dog.

Oskar said...

You are radiant!

I'm glad that you are taking good care of Auntie Ami!

Nubbin wiggles & hugs,

Anonymous said...

Asta you look like a gypsy in that outfit. Very mysterious :) What a wonderful smiley box (BOL! almost typed smelly box ;) Course with all the lilacs and scrumptious food I was rather wishin it was a smelly box! :D What a fabulous bridge you cross to get to Buda! And that horse and man holding the city sculpture was amazing! You took your Mom and Dad on a fantastic walkie Asta! Full of treats for the eyes, tum tum and mind! Great memories at the beautiful baths and your sculpting furiend :)

Waggin at ya,

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Love the smilie box. I always know I can count on a fantastic visit with you and your folks! Looks like all is well and you all are setteling in purrrfectly!!!!

Ruger said...

Dear Asta,

The hu-mum & me hafes been away from visiting efurydog's bloggie for a long time. We did not forget wooo one little bit though. But now we hafes some more time - well hopefully the hu-mum does not hafes to do so much of that werk stuffs the next monf or two. (I has my paws crossed anyways & so does Izzy & the stinky cat.)

We finks that place were wooo lives now is fery fery beautiful, and we did enjoy going on that walkies wif wooo.
All them dogs what wooo did meet does look fery sweet, but none is as gawgeous as wooo Miss Asta.

Lots of Smoochies furom your old pal Ruger

George The Lad said...

Hi Asta sweetie, loved your smile box, the Steps the food, meeting new friends, my mom loved that bridge. So sad mom and dads friend is at the bridge but they have the memorys and his sculptures. Do you know what, I think I could smell that lilac
Pucker up I'm sending kisses to you :)xxxx
Love George xxx

Wyatt said...

Asta- We just love your smile box picture shows! My mom and dad are trying to plan a trip to Vienna, Prague and Budapest before the years end. Something about celebrating their 25th anniversary!
Thanks for the gardening question. We would love to help you with your window boxes :D

Wyatt and Stanzie

TwoSpecialWires said...

Asta, your new city so beautiful, with so many of the things that you (and we, thanks to you) enjoy. We could almost smell the lilacs, and felt the excitement and joy when you found Grammpappa's studio. (Thank you for showing us one of his sculptures). And that food! It's almost time to go to bed here, but now we are all really hungry. We'll go to bed and dream of it all. And of you.

bruvver Jake (and sissie Fergi)