a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spwing is Spwinging and Eastew Plans

It seems that Spwing is finally twooly Spwunging on ouw stweet..despite no wain, the little fwesh leaves awe twying to come out..they awe vewy bwave

this is the stweet I walk on fow my quickie walks..it's aways nice and well lighted at night and It has a flowew shop and a tea salon and a chocolate shop and a little gwocewy stowe and some westauwants all on the block and it's wight in fwont of my house

on my walkses we have been twying to decide something...Mommi and Daddi awe not big chuwch goews..they mostly only go fow the awt and moosic..
pwaying is something you can do anywhewe  (I myself put my paws togethew fow fwiends even in bed)

but since we have five chuwches wifin a five block wadius of us, and we love heawing theiw bells, we decided to figoowe out which one they should go to fow Eastew Mass

Daddi and I sat outside opposite the univewsity chuwch and I got to meet the sweetest little boy. his name is Toto and he's a little shy. His owiginal ownew had to cwoss the bwidge and he had a couple of awful yeaws on the stweets, but now he has a soopew nice Mama who loves him vewy much and will keep him fuwwevew

Mommi went inside the chuwch to see what time the Mass was and heawd some bootiful owgan moosic being weheawsed

"have you decided yet Mommi?"  
 "no little Asta, let's look some more"

we could go a little fuwthew to the Basilica

ow stay weely close , in "Ferenciek Tere" (Fwanciscan Squawe) that's whewe we get on the metwo (thwee blocks fwom home)

we walked and walked

thewe's always the Innew City Chuwch
(it's acwoss the stweet fwom whewe we boawd the twam thwee blocks fwom ouw house in the othew diwection)

this is the gawden next to it, and you can see the  two lips awe twying to be bwave in the wind

last but not least, two blocks fwom ouw house on a toowisty  walking only stweet is St Michael's chuwch

it's bootiful and has a wepootation fow wondewful moosic

 "so we'we decidewed?"

"Yes Asta, we can go home now..we have finally decided on the closest one after all"

 Happy Apwil to evewyone!

smoochie kisses


rottrover said...

Oh, Asta! What a difficult decision. Your new city is SO bootiful - and it sounds like you're all figuring your way around. We think you made a good choice - but the process was most fun! We love your street!!

-Bart and Ruby

WFT Nobby said...

Asta, we too enjoying walking around your neighbourhood with you, checking out the various church options. You have so many beautiful buildings nearby. I am sure you will have a wonderful Easter and I hope Mommi and Daddi find the church service comforting and inspiring and that the music is wonderful.
Toodle pip!
PS Gail says she has this fantasy one day of her and me setting off on Summer in her Mini and going for a long leisurely drive around Europe, stopping to visit various friends in France, Germany and Switzerland. Oh how wonderful it would be to come all the way over to Budapest too. Although I might prefer that she gets a bigger car first!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

The church you decdided on is lovely, but how gorgeous that you had so many to chose from. I loved looking around the neighbourhood and seeing all your sights. I am so glad that little woofie got a forever home and someone to love him.. Hugs GJ xx

Finn said...

How beautiful Asta!! We do miss you here in NY, but your new home is just so beautiful!

The Florida Furkids said...

Those churches are all beautiful. We think the one you chose is very nice and even better because it's close by!

The Florida Furkids

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

All the churches were very pretty. Your street looks lovely. Good thing we don't live on it, Mommy wouldn't be able to stay away from the chocolate shop.

Duke said...

What a beautiful spot you live in, Asta! Imagine hearing church bells all day long! How wonderful!

Love ya lots,

Millie and Walter said...

A beautiful view of your local architecture. I think if I ever get a passport the first place I am going to visit is Budapest. Thanks for sharing.


White Dog Blog said...

There is something special just in the decision-making process...you are becoming awre of your place in the fabric of your city. Isn't Awakening the spiritual point of Easter? Your choice could not have been more perfect! And you are right, divine communication can happen everywhere...those budding leaves are a prayer.

Lorenza said...

I am happy to know you all are enjoying your new place!
It sure is beautiful!
Glad your Mommi made a decision!
Kisses and hugs

houndstooth said...

Your city looks so beautiful! The churches are all lovely. I don't think you could make a bad choice there!


Tweedles -- that's me said...

I see the blue sky in your beautiful city!!! That means the sun is shining too!
All those bells must sound so beautiful coming from all directions!
I sometimes say my prayers in the forest.

The Black and Tans. said...

WE are so happy you had such a lovely time walking with your Mommi and Daddi and have decided the church you will visit at Easter. It does look beautiful inside.

MOlly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Gus said...

That was a lovely walk...you had muzzer at the "chocolate shop" since the closest one here is about eight blocks away. (I don't really think she wears off all the calories that way, but I let her have her fantasies.)

The churches are all bootiful, muzzer and dad picked their church here in Richmond because of the music and the diverse VCU student population. Oh, and the fact that Dad gave the sermons a thumbs up. They did a lot of tryouts, resulting in great breakfasts and brunches and lots of kvetching from the muzzer about the lack of Dominicans in this city. So we kind of know what you went through, but at least we didn't have to walk all over the place with them.

Have a wonderful Easter - we gots people coming for dindin, but we would much prefer to be hosting you and Mommi and Daddi.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't get past the mention of chocolate on the street WHERE YOU LIVE...uh...were you saying something else, dear Asta? By the way, you are looking absolutely (you should pardon the expression) FETCHING since the spa d' dogue.
Happy Days...Happy Easter!

Jake of Florida said...

We can just hear the sound of church bells celebrating Easter and know you'll have a lovely day in the church you picked -- with a bit of chocolate after?

We didn't comment on it -- but we were drooling at the thought of your April in Paris with Gussie -- but we have no sweeties like Asta, so a Boyz on the Town wouldn't have been so swell!

Asta, give our love to your mommi and daddi and tell them our humans think about them all the time!

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Muffin and Chester said...

Hallo Muffin and Chester here!
We cats, love your blog and wishing you a Happy Easter!

Meow Meow,
Muffin and Chester

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It sounds like you're all set for Easter Sunday, Asta!

Your street looks so pleasant!


George The Lad said...

Hi Asta's sorry I'm late paying you a visit, the church looks beauitful and so do all the building, and you look beautiful with your new hair cut.
Happy Easter to you.
Pucker up sweetie kisses coming your way xxxx

Bocci said...

Happy April and Happy Easter to your and your Mom and Dad, Asta! Thanks for showing us those beautiful churches!

kingslandkennels said...

Very nice pictures!!!