I'm only now getting awound to posting about it cause my time has been taken up wif wunning to help my BFF Lacie ( of holytewwiews) help biwf and nuwse hew hu-niece Ellie
Baby Ellie came eawly, wasn't doo till May ist, but aweady has a mind of hew own I guess. (takes aftew Lacie)
She is gowgoos and healthy , thank dog and weighs a whole bunch(Lacie claims it's all because of hew smoofies, hehehe)
anyway, pleez go congwatoolate them hewe if you haven't yet.
So now, going back to last weekend, hewe is a video of how my sunday stawted
This photo album made with Smilebox |
aftew we got home, Mommi and Daddi took a nap, then ouw vewy good fwiend Vewa called and said if they can get weady and be at the theatwe in half an houw, she has tickets fow them fow a show that they had wanted so much to see, but had been sold out fuwwevew.
needless to say, they jumped and wan and got thewe in time
this is a pictoowe of the Vigszinház (the comedy theatwe in boo da Pest)
it's as gowgoos inside as it is out..
this is the downstaiws baw , in case you want a dwink on youw way to the bafwoom hehehe
Mommi took this pictoowe fwom hew seat as it was filling up..in the end thewe wewe no empty seats and even extwa chaiws in the aisles
The play was pawt of the budapest Spwing awt's Festival and it was called "The Infernal Comedy".
I'll let Mommi expain:
The play starred John Malkovich, It premiered in 2009 in Vienna and has toured the world, and now finally here in Budapest.
The play is based on a biographical novel of Jack Unterweger (an austrian serial killer...i know, it sounds bizzare, but it was terrific) there is also an orchestra playing bits from Haydn, Mozart,
here is a clip explaining it a bit:
he was fantastic!, lots of improvisation on his part, working in some jabs at the current conservative leadership and the fact that the New theater is not where he was invited because it doesn't like decadence, and foreigners etc. The audience was howling with laughter..he then said(in character) no one must mention this outside tonight because his publisher would kill him..
Daddi used his phone to secwetely take some pics
then he fowgot to tuwn it off and "siwi" stawted to talk to him...Mommi jabbed him in the wibs, luckily evewyone was laughing and didn't heew theiw intewwuption
this is the lobby of the theatwe
and aftewwawds , befowe coming home to me(a five minute taxi wide),
they sat at a cafe next to the theatwe (this is the view they had fwom theiw outside table)
and had a glass of wine and talked and giggled about the most pawfect day we had
(Mommi is thinking maybe this move was not such a bad idea aftew all)
smoochie kisses