I commented on it and the sweet fwiend sent me a bottle of it all the way acwoss the pond fwom Amewica to Hungawy
The postman wang my bell (he came all the way up to the fouwf floow whewe I live(this is NOT a doowman building like we had in NewYAwk, hehehehehehe)
he said thewe was a package fwom a Mw. Fwankie Fuwtew fow me
I wan awound alike a maniac twying to see it and get it fwom Mommmi
not only did it have the toofie gel, but a bootiful note fwom Fwankie and Ewnie and a big bag of people cookies!
I tasted them as soon as the box got opened and then Mommi put the gel on my toofs and it was gweat!!!!
hewe is a smileybox to show you my excitement and pictoowes of the box and lettew and Fwankie and Eawnie just so you see how handsome they awe
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today was a most gowgoos Spwing day and we wanted to go fow a big walk
we combined it wif food shopping fow a dinnew we'we having fow fwiends tomowwow night
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The Mawket is a big food Hall..wif all sowts of vendows fow vegebulls, meets, bweads, and stuff inside
aftewwawds, Daddi went to a wine stowe to get some dwinkabulls to go wif it all.
Cwoss fingews ouw fiwst dinnew fow fwiends goes well
hope all of you awe having a bootiful Spwing day too
smoochie kisses