a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Asta's black Fwiday sale

Deeew dawling fwiendses

I know you'we all vewy busy wif the holidays and stuff,I hope you all had a most wondewful Thanksgivings wif lots of family and fwiends and good yummies to eat

but at ouw house it's chaos , what wif packing and twying to figoowe out how to make ouw big move

As mommi's painting assistant , I have a wequest

We weeeeely need some gween papews fow this move
(who knew how xpensive it was to swim all youw stuff acwoss the Big Pee and then a twuck all acwoss Oowope?)


I told mommii that maybe thewe might be some hoomans who might be willing to buy one of hew paintings
so I made hew give a 50% weduction pwice of all of them that we still have and I made a compilation photo wif the new pwices and sizes on them

if any of you know anyone who is intewested Pleez let us know at ouw pee mail addy OK?

thank you fow looking and I hope all of you have the most glowious and happy and healthy  holiday season evew!!!!

smoochie kisses

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Blogging Bweaks

Dawling fwiends

You, (I hope) have maybe noticed that I have been not blogging vewy much lately

Well, it's all the fault of the giant MOVE

I, of couwse am an immense help in this endeavow

YES, IT's awficial!!! we awe moving EAST.., all the way to the othew side of the big Pee , and then some

Budapest hewe we come

We have to have all ouw stuff on the containew by mid Decembew (should make fow a vewy intewesting Chwissmuss....NOT!)

and we have to leave ouw NEW YAWK apawtment by Janooawy fifteenth

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, cuwwently , we awe packing, twying to sign cotwacts, having vawioos ovewsee moving companies coming and measoowing stuff and giving estimates  (believe me , you don't even want to know the amounts of tweat this will cost me), and figoowe out what to take and what to sell
(Mommi might post some of the paintings that she wants to sell at half pwice , if any of you awe intewested)

it's ,scaiwy, exciting, happy and sad all at once

My pinkies have lived in this apawtment fow 28 yeaws and all of you know how cwaxzy in love wif NewYAwk they awe, BUT  sometimes life makes plans of it's own,  and  it's time fow a new adventoowe
so we awe looking at the bwight side and getting weady fow all the new discovewies and life we wil have

We will be in an empty apawtment(xept fow a bowwowed blow up bed hewe fow a momf aftew ouw stuff leaves, and then we will be in Budapest fow anothew two ow fouw weeks wif the same baweness untill ouw stuff swims ovew

I will twy to look at the blogs and post when I can, but it will be vewy infwequent

I hope when we finally suwface fwom ouw new home, You'll all wemembew me


I will always be gwateful fow all of you and this community of fwiends

Smoochie kisses

Friday, November 11, 2011


Deew Fwiends
Won't you join me fow the Thiwd Annual Wowldwide Moment?

At the Exact Moment
(11:00 PM GMT on 14 Nov 11)
Turn toward the Skies
Join together in One Silent Moment of Meditation, Contemplation, Reflection and/or Prayer
Whatever feels right to you

I got this infowmation fwom my sissie Fewgie and Bwuvvew Jake

and I thank them fwom the bottom of my heawt fow the wemindew

Sending Pawsitive Powew and Enewgy into the Univewse
to all the Fuwwy, Fuzzy, Feathewed Fabulous Fwiends
Who awe Hewe and no longew Hewe

Celebwating Family and Fwiendship
Sending Love and Suppowt

Follow that Silence
With whatevew means of Communication you choose
Awwooing, Bawking, Howling, Yipping, Wooing

Meowing, Mewing, Puwwing
Neighing, Whinnying
Tweeting, Chiwping
Squeaking, Squawking
You get the Idea


Wish and Send Whatevew is in your Heawts
to the Univewse
Send the Love and Suppowt OuwFwiends want, need and desewve
All at one time
All Awound the Wowld

To detewmine what time that is whewe you live

We awe suggesting you figuwe out the time for youwself
Set Your Alawms

I'll be thewe
Will you?


smoochie kisses

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wescoo Me Week

my fwiends Mayzie & hew bwuddew Wanger are hosting wescue me week on hew blog. in honow of theiw Gwammpa J

You could win $100 for youw favowite wescue just by featuwing a pet who cuwwently needs adopting!

Thewe awe soooo many fuwwkids out thewe in need of adoption.
This little boy just about bwoke my heawt.  his Dad died and now he is homeless and in uwgent need of a fuwwevew home....his name is DOOFUSS

Doofus is a handsome 8 yr. old male Wire mix with a great personality who is desperately looking for a loving home to call his own. He lived with an elderly man his entire life in rural Pennsylvania. This suddenly ended when his owner/friend passed away. For 3 months, Doofus was left to live on the 100 acres where he grew up. The family planned to euthanize Doofus, but this smart little guy ventured off his property and found his way to a neighbor's house whom he had occasionally visited in past years. Doofus is very appreciative to have good food, a bed, and a friend. Unfortunately, he does not get along with other dogs or cats. Since his friend has a dog and several cats of her own, she is unable to keep him much longer. Doofus is currently living in an outbuilding. He needs to be in a warm home very soon since the cold weather is coming. Doofus loves attention, likes to play, is very energetic, and will lean on you to be petted or rubbed. He will be a wonderful companion for someone who can give him a life like the one he once knew & misses so much......living in a home where he is safe, cared for and loved. He is UTD on routine shots, house trained, and is gentle around his food & toys. Doofus is living in PA. His new home must be in the northeast. If you would like to give Doofus a home, please contact admin@foxterrierrescue.info 

PLEEZ help and keep all the homeless fuwwkids in youw pwayews...

thank you Mayzie fow highlighting theiw need..youw Gwammpa must have been a wondewful man

smoochie gwateful kisses

Thursday, November 3, 2011

subway awt toow and and impawtant commentathon

Since I'm still in NewYawk, I thought I would show you something intewesting about my subway station in the West Village..this is the station I aways take when I go somewhewe in the city that is not walking distance

btw,did you notice the postew fow TinTin the movie behind me????notice the wesemblance ??????

these little bwonze statoos by this awtist mistew called Tom Ottewness awe in my 
local station

they make Mommi and me giggle while we wait fow the twain

you have to watch out fow those alli-gatows coming up fwom the sewews, hehee

no wondew stuff is falling apawt in many places when you have little monstews like this coming out to destwoy things

this guy sitting next to me must think I want his bag of coins , given how he's holding on to it..sheeesh, it's not like I can smell tweats in thewe

thewe seems to be a theme hewe..i thinks it's gweed

and no mewcy fow those who don't have the coins..you have to pay, no sneeking in

Now enuff silliness, I have an impawtant announcement about my fwiend Pepsi

My fwiend Pepsi wants to celebwate his belated fifth Bbiwfday on his bwofuw Fluffy's Gotcha Day on Novembew the 6th by hosting a Commentathon

hewe is what he says:
I'd make the hoomans pay... and help other furpals in need! I'm not sure if you guys know, but there's a huge flood disaster in Bangkok right now, and many of our own kinds, and other furry kinds, are terrified, torn from their homes and families, stranded, hungry, tired, and are in need of help. There is a non-profits organization called the "Soi Dog Foundation" in Thailand that helps the homeless, neglected, and abused dogs and cats. Right now, they are working with many selfless groups going around to save ANY furry pal out in the waters, to get them to dry land, or to find them a new home.

I suggested to A to make up for the lack of presents and having not been able to let me blog and visit all of you, she should let me hold a comment-a-thon as well. Since Fluffy's gotcha day is on the 6th Nov, we can have the comment-a-thon then! For every comment we receive on the big day, she'll donate $0.50 to the cause!! But her being the stingy person that she is, she said she can only afford to give up till $100. Do help make me empty her wallets okay? Spread the word!

This sounds like a wondewful way to celebwate Pepsi and help all those poow fuwwkids in Thailand, so 
PLEEEEEEZ go and visit him on the sixth and leave a comment!!!!

happy weekend  and
smoochie kisses