Deeew dawling fwiendses
I know you'we all vewy busy wif the holidays and stuff,I hope you all had a most wondewful Thanksgivings wif lots of family and fwiends and good yummies to eat
but at ouw house it's chaos , what wif packing and twying to figoowe out how to make ouw big move
As mommi's painting assistant , I have a wequest
We weeeeely need some gween papews fow this move
(who knew how xpensive it was to swim all youw stuff acwoss the Big Pee and then a twuck all acwoss Oowope?)
I told mommii that maybe thewe might be some hoomans who might be willing to buy one of hew paintings
so I made hew give a 50% weduction pwice of all of them that we still have and I made a compilation photo wif the new pwices and sizes on them
if any of you know anyone who is intewested Pleez let us know at ouw pee mail addy OK?
thank you fow looking and I hope all of you have the most glowious and happy and healthy holiday season evew!!!!
smoochie kisses