Hewo Fwiends!!! I hope all of you awe wested up aftew my Pawty
I want to thank each and evewy one of the 98 of you who showed up ovew the days to help me celebwate
Mommi called me to the living woom today and set down my vewy special sootcase
"whats in thewe Mommi"? awe we going somewhewe?
she said "no, no, Asta we're using your case for a special drawing of names"
OOOH, now I wemembew! Mommi wote all my fwiends' names on papew and put each one in the sootcase, then we shook it up, and I get to pick one out
just checking to make suwe all 98 awe in thewe
they wewe in sevewal layews...so many woofies and kittehs..you have no idea how happy I was that you all showed up
so we shooked them all up again and it was time fow me to pick the lucky winnew
Tah Dah!!!!! the winnew is Tweedles!
congwatoolations little one
mommi said she would wound up the numbew and since the deal was $0.50 fow each name, we will be sending you $50.00 to go to the chawity of youw choice
I am soooo happy that I got to do this fow my Biwfday..happinesss shawed is so much bettew!
Knowing that some fuwwkid will benefit fwom me having a pawty, well, that is just the BEST!
and you'll nevew guess what???
I guess angels awe evewywhewe, I weceived a cawd fwom SikuMawie and hew White Dog Awmy and they have given a donation in my name to Amewican wiwe Fox Tewwiew Wescoo
can a Biwfday get any bettew than this???? Tuwning Five was gweat aftew all
It was the best Biwfday evew so faw.
Thank you all fwom the bottom of my fuzzy wiwy heawt
smoochie kisses