a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Finally in BOWA BOWA

Well, hewe I am in Magnificent BOWA BOWA..the sky is bloo, the watew spawkling and I'm about to meet up wif my fwiends

 gwacie has decided to go to bowa bowa to teach her human a lesson
(she's been ignowed too long and not helped to blog , just like me)
she has invited us all to come along! 
she snapped this pictoowe of me awwiving
 photo by Jans Funny Fawmews

 Fenris doesn't like getting wet so he elected to go hiking and asked me if I'd like to join him.
He got really hot though and stuck his paws in the water to cool off and I decided I needed a long swim latew to make up fow this heat

Socks & MoMo on the pink raft. MoMo is really getting into soaking up the rays and showing her gorgeous belly.

On the pink raft Scylla, Brian & Artemisia.

pictoowe by AFSS

 Gwacie and I watched fwom the dock while Opus and Ollie twied out the boats
Opus has not been well, and we awe hoping this vacation will help him  welax and feel much bettew
picture by Gwacie

pictuwe by Kawl

of course we wan to the beach wight away to frolic in the water!
thewe wew lots of games and wefweshments fow all

my Gussie awwived in time to go snowkeling wif me in the cleawest watew I've evew seen..the fishies showed off thiew gowgeous colows and danced fow us to see

all the kids fwom Jans Funny Fawm awwived and posed fow a pawfect gwoop pictoowe

Photo by JFF Gang
l-r front: Cotton, Merci, Cameron, Cyndi, & Buddy
l-r back: Percy, Samaritan, & Rusty

and not to be left out my dawling fwiend mayow Fwankie Fuwtew came to join us and wepwesent blogville
photo by Fwankie Fuwtew

then we decided to  visit a marae, a communal or sacwed place which sewves weligious and social purposes fow the island

pictuwe by Kawl

I weally liked that tiki, hahahahahahahaha!

photo by Kawl

as the evenings dwaw neaw, we sit togethew and watch the boootiful sunsets and enjoy each othews company!
once again the gang (kawl and wuis, momo, asta, opus and ollie and our new member gwacie) is united! thank you, gwacie fow a gweat idea

and thank you fwiends who decided to join us once again

I've been absent fow too long and it seems vewy few fwiends awe visiting me, but my feews of being left off this gweat adventoowe  wewe not founded

Kawl, Gwacie,the AFSS gang and Jan's Funny Fawmews all took photos and shawed them wif me so I could be thewe fow the fun

smoochie kisses


Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh Asta, I am so glad you came hiking on the island with me. It was such fun and can you believe that cache of buried ham bones we found. I has to admit the water feels good to my paws maybe I will wade in a tiny bit deeper if you will stay close by. ~Fenris

Asta, we can wait to see what clothes your brought with you. You are always so fashionable. ~Scylla & Arty

Hi Asta, come enjoy a nap with me and MoMo. ~Socks

Bocci said...

What a wonderful time you're having, Asta! Keep us in mind for your next trip-we'd love to join you!

P.S. We love your matching pink luggage-where's the steamer trunk:-)

Road Dog Tales said...

First Hawaii with The Fiesty Three, now Bora Bora! Mom says she's getting jealous of all the exotic locations everyone's going to except HER! BOL
Hope you're all having a blast!

The Road Dogs

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hey, Asta, so glad you made it home in time to travel to Bora Bora. We've been having such a fun time here. So many furries and so much going on. Good friends, good food, fun, sun and surf. Who could ask for more?

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

So glad you made it and we are all having the best time. You can help me catch some of the fish swimming within our reach.. Hugs GJ xx

White Dog Blog said...

It seems like a fabulous time with good friends in a beauitful setting.I think everyone is just being sucked into the lazy days of this hot summer and not leaving comments. The WDA thinks about you everyday when we give Thanks for all of our wonderful friends in this community...we could not imagine life without your blog.

Gus said...

I am having a wonderful time. Are you sure we don't want to go para-sailing?


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

No adventure without you is complete. I am so happy that the gang is all there to share happy times. Let's drink to us!!!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Ya'll look like you is havin' a great time. Surf's up....bring on da my-ties.

The Life of Riley said...

I like your holiday photos! It looks like so much fun.


Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We all think a tall cool drink would hit the spot. So glad Gussie could join us. I thinks we should organize a dance party on the beach.

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Bora Bora!! You are sooo lucky you got to go. Mama wouldn't let us because she was too busy to buy us tickets. Phooey! Looks like you all are having a blast.
BabyRD and HOotie

Wyatt said...

Don't furget to put on your sunblock!! Looks like good beachy fun!

Wyatt and Stanzie

The Black and Tans. said...

It looks absolutely fabulous there Asta. So glad you had such a brilliant time. Hope you didn't get sun burnt.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Ruger said...

That looks like a fery fun tropical island. You & your pals are a fery fun bunch. Mumma & I hope that woo and your hu-mans had a fery good & relaxful time at the lake and that you Mommi feels all inspired fur her paintings.

Tail wags & slobbers from Ruger

Unknown said...

What a perfect holiday you guys had in Bora Bora:) It looks like the greatest time ever.

Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

Anonymous said...

Ohhh looks like you all had a wonderful time in Bora Bora!

woos, Tessa

Duke said...

You all look like you're having a fabulous time, Asta!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh Asta, I certainly did enjoy my Bora Bora time with you. Weren't those just DELICIOUS My Ties?
It was soooooo generous of Gracie to invite us. I know I enjoyed the rest and relaxation time.

Bobby said...

Asta that looks so great, and to sit watching the beautiful sun set.
Licks Bobby

Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Wow, what a great adventure!! Looks like everyone had a blast. Love the pix of you with your snorkle set-up!! Did you catch any fish?
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP