a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fawewell Miss Peach, till we meet again

pictoowe by Jan's Funny Farm

My sweetest fwiend Miss Peach left us fow the bwidge and my heawt is vewy vewy sad. she was a delicate and bootiful and a supew sweet fwiend and i will miss hew so vewy much.
I'm sending hew deew family, Kawla,  Lapdaddy and Hunny Bunny all my  healing smoochie kisses fow theiw heawts. Pleez  keep youw sweet memowies of the many wondewful yeaws wif youw beloved Miss Peach
Miss Peach is safe and westing in hew twoo love,Mickey's paws aftew hew twip to heaven.

Fawewell my deew fwiend ,I'll see you someday ovew the bwidge and in the meantime will hold you in my heawt



rottrover said...

Oh Asta. We're so sorry. Off to visit her family.

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dear Asta, I am soooooo sorry to hear that that Dreadful Bridge has called yet another.

I hope that you were NOT shaken by the EurfShake thingy and I pray that the HurryCane does NOT come calling on your neighborhood.
BE SAFE dear DEAR one!!

White Dog Blog said...

Your tribute and farewall to the beautiful Miss Peach is so loving and understanding. We send soft woos of White Dog comfort to her family and hope that in time they will know peace.

WFT Nobby said...

So sorry to read this Asta, but what a lovely tribute. As ever, you are such a kind and loving friend.
Toodle pip!

Duke said...

We're so sorry to hear about Miss Peach, Asta. What a beautiful tribute for a beautiful girl.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Sweet Asta,

So sorry fur da loss of your furiend. It is always a sad time when we lose someone we love.

Extra Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Mack said...

That is just so sad Miss Asta. And what a beautiful Kitty she was. Thanks for letting us know - we will go send our condolences.

Sad Sugars,

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

So very sorry to hear about your furend. She will always be in the hearts of everyone who loved her.

Anonymous said...

Oh Asta I is so sorry to hear about your furiend crossin the bridge. I am sure you will miss her lots. I am sorry for her pawrents.

woos, Tessa

Scooter said...

Asta I am so sorry about your sweet furiend Miss Peach. She was a beauty. I'm sending you some warm thoughts while you howl for your lost furiend.
Grr and a Mournful Woof,
Sarge, COP

Jans Funny Farm said...

That's a lovely tribute to Miss Peach, Asta. We always have trouble finding words at such a time but your words are always gentle and loving.


We hope Irene is gentle with you. Stay safe.

Essex & Sherman

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh Asta
Your tribute for Miss Peach was just beautiful. I know what a very special friend she was.
It is so sad for our hearts to say good bye..
She is at the Rainbow Bridge now,, and healthy,, and with friends who love her.
I know you will hold her close to your heart.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh Asta
Your tribute for Miss Peach was just beautiful. I know what a very special friend she was.
It is so sad for our hearts to say good bye..
She is at the Rainbow Bridge now,, and healthy,, and with friends who love her.
I know you will hold her close to your heart.

Mickey's Musings said...

Asta, we are very sad at Miss Peachès passing too. At least she and our dear Mickey are happy together :)
We also like your header!!!
Purrs Tillie & Georgia