a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Go Away Iwene

My good pal and soopew weathew dog Jake of the Bawkalot Boyz has been pwedicting Huwwicane Iwene fow days now, and it seems it's coming up the coast to hit my city, NewYawk

we aweady had towwential wains fow a while today, but then the sun came out and I got to go to my wun and see fwiends and play ,thank dog, cause the big stuff
is coming satuwday and sunday

I decided to make suwe my family is safe, so I bowwowed a tall laddew and put up owange safety shuttews on ouw apawtment windows..thewe, that should do it, unless of couwse the watew fwom the Hudson wivew comes in and washes away the foundation...hmmm, hadn't made any plans fow that, I hope that doesn't happen

Pleez stay safe all my fwiends!!!!!!! make suwe you have all the essentials(you know, like tweats and peamut buttew, and pwosecco and gelato and lots of toys
and my smoochie kisses)

we've aweady had a eawfquake this week, mommi says we'll pwobably have locust next, hehehe

love and safe smoochies to all of you


The Florida Furkids said...

Stay safe! We're listening to the wind from Irene right now and the surf is really high. We're hoping that all our pals are safe from this storm.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

TwoSpecialWires said...

Asta! We have to assume you are safely down from that ladder now ... your mommi must've had a heart attack seeing you up there so high.

Be safe, sweet sissie. We'll be thinking of you and all our other furfriends along the path of Irene. Hopefully she'll sputter out and pull east and miss you all together.

Much love,
Your very dusty, stinky but happy bruvver and sissie,
Jake and Fergi

Koobuss said...

Yeah, Kousin Asta,

Ya gotta pwrepare. Good luck to you and your mommi and daddy. Stay safe, please!

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie and Family

Anonymous said...

You and yours stay very safe now Miss Asta!

We hope that everyone and pup is safe!

woos, Tessa

Mack said...

Yes Irene,
Go Away! And leave my Asta alone!

And Asta, be careful - you are up so high on the ladder!!

Stay Safe sugars,

The Thuglets said...

We wish Irene would go away!

Good work on the shutters Asta. Make sure you and your family stay safe.

Lots of pawsative thoughts.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

WFT Nobby said...

Asta you are a hero, so brave, onting that window to protect the apartment. Mommi and Daddi are most fortunate to have you there to keep them safe. I trust the gelato and peanut butter supplies have been secured...
Toodle pip!

Finn said...

We're in NY too, and hoping it doesn't do too much here, although Finn would just love to be out in all that rain! Hope it passes quickly!

Duke said...

Your ladder looks kinda tipsy, Asta! You are such a good helper! We just adore your header photo!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Maxmom said...

Hey there Asta...
I just had to drop by to see if you were safe. Geesh, what a thing to have to face. I hope you will all stay safe and that the big "I" goes away!!!
How about you simply come and visit us in sunny South Africa?
Sending lotsaluv

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are not hearing anything good about Irene, Asta. We hope all the weather gurus are wrong and she just moves out to sea. Best to be prepared though. We have all our paws crossed for the safety of all in her path.

Stay safe.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Asta... you are so BRAVE to climb that ladder to secure your windows. I am soooooo worried about YOU and all of our furends in the path of NASTY IRENE.
You and your mommy and daddy are in my thoughts and prayers. Please.. keep us posted.. if you can.

GO AWAY IRENE. Leave my furend alone.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Stay safe from Irene this weekend. You all need to get your outside walkies done as you won't want to go outside while Irene is visiting the Big Apple.
Keep each other safe!!!!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Asta, me woke up dis mornin' tinkin' bout you and you family. Dis sounds so scarry....When me was a pup in 2004, we had 3 her-i-canes in 6 weeks, buttt don't tink dey were dis bad. Pleeeze be safe and get away from da area if you can. Our thoughts are also with your furends on Long Island.

Barbara said...

Be safe, Asta!!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Um...Asta..now that you have the ladder down and everything, you DID remember to put a board over the skylight, didn't ya??? Hmm...

I didn't think so...

Ok...so I have the ad almost done regarding BTANYC....

That would be Broom Transit Authority of NYC...will be sending you a copy shortly...

I heard 7-11 has six packs of PRO SEC O to go...I'm assuming you've stocked up???


Lacie who dated so many dogs from Harvard Bizness...

Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Wow, great job securing your territory! I'm sure your place will be all safe and ready for the storm. I'm crossing my paws that it will blow out to sea and leave all of us alone!! Hang on!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

kissa-bull said...

please keep us updated sweetest asta. our stomachs are in knots with worries for our pals and all the furbabies out there on the streets. mommish just hates hurricanes and ugly weather because she knows furbabies are out there without shelter . we'll be waiting for an update until then we'll be praying

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Stay safe my friends and I so hope that nasty Irene passes you by and doess no damage.. Hugs GJ xx

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Stay safe my furiend. We are gettin' ready fur her visit too. :(

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Pippen said...


We have our paws crossed for everyone on the east coast. Stay safe!

Sam and Pippen

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Miss Asta, my goodness you were so brave climbing that ladder. Your talents are endless. Please know we will be thinking of you all during the big storm. Take care. No worries, and love, Stella

Anonymous said...

I am SO impressed that you climbed that ladder!!

Locusts next?? BOL (it's either laugh or cry, right??)

Stay safe:)

White Dog Blog said...

Hoping you and all of our East coast friends are spared Irene's wrath. We are sending powerful White Dog Army protection and positive energy. Please be safe. We send woos to the Universe to look after those less fortunate who are without homes or sanctuary or who are displaced by evacuation.

Dexter said...

Yuh, Master went to the doggie store today to stock up.



Stay safe. We will be checking on your blogie as to how you are doing.

Essex & Sherman

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh Asta darling...I am watching over you from heaven and hope I can blow away the rainstorm from your wonderful city...
I will never forget you and thank you for loving me so much...my sister Miss Hunny Bunny will continue to pour out tea at the cozy cottage so do not forget us there....love to Ami and George from my heart...stay safe!!!!

Sally said...

Dear Asta

Please stay safe - we are thinking of you and hope the storm passes without any damage!!

We love the photo of the umbrellas in the bin - we know what that can be like - so if one of those brollies was yours - let us know - D can send you a new one from us!

Sally and Paddy (and hugs from D)

WFT Nobby said...

Hi Asta
So sorry you couldn't read my report card. I've now put a version at the bottom of my post which is a jpg file which I hope everyone can read.
Stay safe!
Toodle pip!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Stay safe, sweet sissy! We worry about you and your family.

Big purrs for all in the path of Irene.

The Daily Pip said...

Oh dear Asta, please stay safe. I will keep the prosecco chilled and the peanut butter bones mushy and when this thing is all over we will celebrate together!

Stay safe!

Your pal, Pip

Oskar said...

We are praying for you! I hope you have battened down all of your hatches & stocked up on essentials!

Nubbin wiggles,

OscarBlogger said...

We were just in NYC but left a day ahead of schedule because of mean Irene. We arrived the day the earthquake happened, but we didn't feel a thing. I can't remember where we were at the time that we didn't even feel it! I hope you and your family (and the rest of the East Coast) stay safe this weekend!

Sweet William The Scot said...

Miss Asta ~ We heard your Mayor shut down your transit systems. How you going to get out of town if you need to??? I pray you stay safe. Sweet William The Scot

Bobby said...

Hi Asta, We think you are very brave to go up the ladder.
We have been watching the Hurricane,
we hope you are all safe and it does not do to much damage.
Licks Bobby.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Be safe Asta and stay in a secure place. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Road Dog Tales said...

Asta - Paws crossed that you are all safe and sound and Irene leaves you alone! Our Dad is in NY right now, too! We're kinda worried. Irene only gave us a little wind and rain here in SC. Hoping she gets bored and goes away!

Take care!

The Road Dogs

Daisy said...

Asta, be careful on that tall ladder! We all want you to stay safe, sweet girl.

Persephone and Buster said...

Hi Asta..we're back from the lake..just in time to see you on a ladder! ooooooooopsy...be careful! we were all battened down and waiting for "Irene" to appear and all we got was terrible winds and rain and winds and more rain and stuff littering the yard and more wind....but the humans are here and don't appear to be going anywhere soon.they said all this activity was a present from Irene...a tropical storm with 65mph winds and lots of water. so we have to wait and see if the rivers that are very near will stay in their own spot in the world and not visit us. I'm not real sure i want Irene here...glad to see her go.
we still have power and a warm place to sleep so we're happy.
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone, Ms.Blue and grrrracie the grrreat

♥ Sallie said...

I think you should be a newswoman! You are awesome!

Our town is still without power. Hopefully it will be back soon!


Bocci said...

We can't help but laugh at that picture, Asta-although a very serious topic. We're glad NY was spared a really heavy hit and you're all snug and dry and safe.

Also can't help laughing at the list of treats you stocked up on...Prosecco and Gelato can't be beat!