Let me tell you, whenevew Vinnie, the mailguy bwings me a package that says WOYAL MAIL, I get vew vewy excitewed
I know it will be spectacoolaw
(aftew all, if it's good enuff fow the Queen, it's good enuff fow me)
This time it was a pwesent fwom my deawest fwiend Jackson
(he wanted to give it to me when I was visiting him a few weeks ago as my flat self, but his woyal pastwymakew hadn't completed the bonbons in time)
if you bigify the pictoowe, you can dwool all ovew , plus wead his most wondewful note to me (SIGHHHHHHH)
(I know Jackson belongs to all ouw heawts and has a jillion giwlfwiends, but I am flattewed to be one of them)
my nose was all aquivew when I smelled the deliciousness in the box
sometimes thewe is nothing like a big box of bonbons to cheew up a giwl
(lately, I've been vewy bowed bacause Mommi is too busy painting to play wif me, and plus, i feel like I am going to be an old maid wif no boyfwiend since Stanley doesn't have time fow me anymowe, and all othew boys awe only my boyfwiends in my mind, hehehe)
these awe soopew special, just made fow doggies wif special safe ingwedients
Jackson has most excellent taste and is such a deb on aiw doggie, he knows how to make a giwl feel vewy special
Mommi was quite jelly, she had to wowk and paint all day while i got to lounge and eat bonbons, hehehe
Thank you sweet Jackson!!!
I loved evewy mowsel!
I was so happy to see Jackson feeling well enough to pawticipate in the special Tewwiew event in Bwighton, that ouw good fwiend Blue docoomented.
If you haven't seen it yet, make suwe you go..Sally and Paddy wewe also thewe and have pictoowes and videos of the day. It was a most mawvelous occasion.
hope all of you stay healthy and happy and have a wondewful weekend
smoochie kisses