a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, April 30, 2010


Let me tell you, whenevew Vinnie, the mailguy bwings me a package  that says WOYAL MAIL, I get vew vewy excitewed
I know it will be spectacoolaw 
(aftew all, if it's good enuff fow the Queen, it's good enuff fow me)

This time it was a pwesent fwom my deawest fwiend Jackson
(he wanted to give it to me when I was visiting him  a few weeks ago as my flat self, but his woyal pastwymakew hadn't completed the bonbons in time)

if you bigify the pictoowe, you can dwool all ovew , plus wead his most wondewful note to me (SIGHHHHHHH)

(I know Jackson belongs to all ouw heawts and has a jillion giwlfwiends, but I am flattewed to be one of them)

my nose was all aquivew  when I smelled the deliciousness in the box

sometimes thewe is nothing like a big box of bonbons to cheew up a giwl
(lately, I've been vewy bowed bacause Mommi is too busy painting to play wif me, and plus, i feel like I am going to be an old maid  wif no boyfwiend since Stanley doesn't have time fow me anymowe, and all othew boys awe only my boyfwiends in my mind, hehehe)

these awe soopew special, just made fow doggies wif special safe ingwedients
Jackson has most excellent taste and is such a deb on aiw doggie, he knows how to make a giwl feel vewy special

Mommi was quite jelly, she had to wowk and paint all day while i got to lounge  and eat bonbons, hehehe

Thank you sweet Jackson!!!
I loved evewy mowsel!

I was so happy to see Jackson feeling well enough to pawticipate in the special Tewwiew event in Bwighton, that ouw good fwiend Blue docoomented.  
If you haven't seen it yet, make suwe you go..Sally and Paddy wewe also thewe and have pictoowes and videos of the day. It was a most mawvelous occasion.

hope all of you stay healthy and happy and have a wondewful weekend
smoochie kisses

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Almost Wowdless Wednesday


Thanks to my Dawling fwiend Ewic and his leggeds fow my styling waingeaw (and Mommi's too)

smoochie kisses

Monday, April 26, 2010


Bwight and eawly on Satuwday mowning, I boawded the Metwo Nowf Wailwoad to go to Beacon NewYawk

I was hoping fow a nice sleep cawwiage, but no such luck..twains awe not that civilized anymowe

the scenewy was bootiful along the Hudson wivew, so I didn't mind too much, and this pawticoolaw line, allows doggies on even wifout a bag to sit in if they behave

my dawling fwiends Smitty and Jessie (they don't blog, but we went to Beaw Mountain and met them  two yeaws ago, and still know them fwom FB) invited us to this event neaw whewe they live

I told my baby Bwuvvew Duffy about it too and we all decided to go..Duffy and me and Mommi, Daddi and auntie Kawen

This is the Bawkewy   they owganise the event and bake the most delicious tweats

We got tons of them fwom auntie Joanne and auntie Jen and guess what..thewe awe none left..we gobbled them all up

is this not the most pawfect looking place?
In the backgwound is the bwidge between Beacon and Newbuwg

let's go!!!!

auntie Jen and auntie Joanne  holding Ozzie, Jessie and Smitty  , invisible auntie Kawen holding Duffy and me

Duffy is weady fow fun

we'we discussing who goes fiwst

I had to tell Ozzie not to be so fwesh, but don't wowwy, we love each othew and he doesn't hold gwudges ..a weal sweety

this big bootiful guy was giving me advice

some kids have deloosions of gwandeuw, hehehe

Duffy was dazzled by all the tweats available

someone told a gweat joke 

ummmm, I think I look like a fuzzmop again compawed to my Bwuvvew

amazing how well behaved we awe when it's time fow tweats

the handsome gingew boyz

ummm, may I pleez have the owange one????

in the immowtal wowds of Joe Stains WTF??????????

 finally we wewe soooo pooped we had to sit down and have something to eat

Mommi was totally suwpwised   Why??????

because I was spotted digging!!!YEAHHHHHH..fow a while she thought I was a defective tewwiew..I had nevew twied digging befowe...
I guess, I'm a late bloomew, hehehe

time to say gooby 
Thank you fow a most wondewful day...auntie Joanne took most of these cool pictoowes cause Mommi wan out of battewy in hew camewa 
(weal clevew of hew huh?)

I made a smilebox wif some of my pictoowes hope you enjoy it. 

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: Beacon Barks
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This scrapbook design created with Smilebox

 I wish mowe tewwiews could have been thewe like at the wondewful event that Jackson had in Bwighton..
Make suwe you go to see his on Blue's site..he made it! what an amazing tenacious leadew he is!!!!

keep youw paws cwossed fow all ouw fwiends in need pleez
smoochie kisses

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Help needed fow Fwiends

I'm sowwy, I haven't been awound much but Mommi is tewwibully busy, but I do come and look at what's going on even when I don't have achance to comment..I love you all and have a BIG favow to ask

Pleez deaw fwiends go by and leave a wowd of encouwagement and youw cwossed paws and zen fow deew little

Digby, who has become gwavely ill fwom a tick bite..it's howwibull

also pleez keep all othew fwiends who need ouw pwayews in youw heawts.  i haven't heawd anything about my sweet fwiend Jackson, but love him and pway he's all wight, as well as Paco and Max  and Snowball, and any othews i might not know about and need ouw  stwenghth.

smoochie kisses

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Easter in Paris

Well, we finally got to Pawis.
My pawents stayed at theiw favowite little hotel on the left bank.. a sentimental favowite fow them.
 Angel Nowa had stayed thewe wif them yeaws ago.
Flat Lacie and I opted fow mowe luxzoowious accomodations..we pwefew ouw bweakfast on a tewwace, hehehehe

I have made smileboxes of the twip, but hewe is an abbweviated vewsion in a few pics fow those of you who don't have an houw to look at all of Mommi's stoopid pictoowes

this was the view fwom Mommi and Daddi's woom..peawly Pawis skies and the back of a pwepawatowy school
You could see kids playing ball in the couwtyawd

it wained , then shined, Mommi didn't cawe..she was thwilled to be in Pawis

the pawfect thing to do on a blustewy day is to have a nice noowishing lunch in a Bwassewie ow Bistwo
Lacie and I shawed a Pot Oh! Foo..deeelicious

My Daddi looks gweat up against Pawisian backgwounds

in the evening we climbed up to Sacwe Coeuw fow befowe dinnew excewcise

(we awe tewwibly health concious as you know, hehehehe)

no dinnew is complete wifout a tiny bit of sweet..this time a bewwy gwatin

then a walk back down the hill to the Metwo stop and glowious views of the city by night

Lacie and I pwefew to take my Vespa which I had sent ovew fow just such an occasion

hewe is the elongated vewsion of day one in Pawis if you have time, thewe awe some cool pictoowes

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: paris 1
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the next day was Eastew Sunday.
 We decided to go to Mass at St Sulpice..it's the neighbowhood chuwch fow whewe Mommi and Daddi stayed

Mommi lit candles fow all hew fwiendses and theiw loved ones who awe in heaven and also fow all fuwwkids

aftew Mass  we went out to the Bwa duh Bool Onion..thewe is a little pawc inside of the big pawc..the little pawc is called Bagatelle Gawdens and that is whewe my Mommi's Mommi's  ashes awe scattewed

the sun came out just as we got thewe..this little chat oh is whewe my angel Gwamma lives. It's sowwounded by bootiful gawdens and the aiw smelled delicious wif spwing flowews. The shuttews wewe openend just as we got thewe..I think angel Gwamma was expecting us

back in Pawis, Lacie was delighted to see that she could get coke zewo..being awound Mumsie, she has gotten addicted to the vile dwink  and can't go wifout fow mowe than a few seconds

I was mowe delighted by the tawt Oh plums waiting in Mommi and Daddi's woom.  Of couwse, Lacie expected me to shawe.

ouw dinnew was spectacoolaw !  a gift fwom those two wheeley fwenchmen Inspecteuw Justin Hewkimew Clues? Oh! and inspecteuw Jacques E.MayGway and theiw family
pawfect Bwassewie food and atmosphewe neaw the Sow Bone

we walked home wif full tummies and big smile on ouw faces in the mild Pawis night and wewe tucked into fweshly iwoned fwagwant beds

if you want the long vewsion of this day, I can wecommend the following smilebox

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: easter in PARIS
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I have a few mowe pictoowes to show you in a few days.  I hope you awen't sick of my twip yet.
I love we-living evewy moment.
It was the most special twip sowwounded by the love and genewosity of ouw angel fwiends
We can nevew thank you enuff...

smoochie kisses