Fwagwance of Spwing
Spwing is on it's way..I sniff it in the aiw..I heaw the biwdies talking about it..and thewe's love all awound the blogosphewe..Weddings, engagements, and pawties planned
Mommi told me to stop and smell the flowews...as a twiboote to Bogie's Daddi Klaus, who knew how to appweciate all that life has on offew, and taught Bogie to do the same
while smelling the flowews, it's come to my attention, that some of my fwiends(mostly boyz) have contwibooted a less fwagwant smell to the aiw
while I've nevew had this pwoblem..I thought I would tell you about something I discovewed thwough my good fwiendses in the building, who give it to theiw kittie fow hew tummie..to help wif hew digestion Dog-Wa
(it's poowified watew wif natoowal extwacts of leafy gweens fow dogs)
A fwiend of theiws makes this, and it's a fantastical pwoduct..Hoomans can use it too..and one of the things it's good fow, is , ummmmm, GasI fully inspected it
weaded all about it
and have been dwinking it in my watew (Daddi has too in his own)I can't tell if it weally wowks as an anti-bad-stink device, cause I nevew make any anyway, but aftew the fiwst tentative taste, I have enjoyed dwinking it, and I thinks it's good fow me
Wouldn't it be nice, that when Petey,Joey, Scwuffy and The west of the boyz show up at Myrna's wedding, ow on a date wif theiw sweetpeas, they would not mask the fwagwance of spwing?????Just a thought, hehehsmoochie kisses
Thanks for the info on that water. We may have to hint to Mom to try it for Dakota - she has bigtime gas.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder who never had gas issues
ARCHIE come here and read this..I think it may pertain to you..Love Aggie
My human is saying she needs to get some of that stuff for me as soon as possible... I wonder why?
Great idea, Asta!
Huh? Are you saying girl doggies don't fart because I've known plenty! Including a bulldog named Adeline who could clear a room!
Boys don't stink!
Your fresh-as-a-daisy pal,
Wow Asta...I think I need to recommend that to Cooper, Bob's bro who is big time stinky! Thanks!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Oh my, kousin Asta,
I think you may have offended some of the male gender. (So what.)
Anyway, we girls think that's an excellent product and the inventor could probably make mega bucks with the right advertising campaign. Maybe we could team up and become his agent/promotions manager. What'd think?
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Hi Asta,
You totally sold that idea to me.. with all the attention I'm getting from the ladies (which I find very odd and I had to ask Mum if it was April 1st!) then I'm more concious of how I smell. Mum says I smell real good, but you never can be too careful can you?
Are you sure I am safe with Lacey? I have heard such scarey stories!! I'm happy to escort any lady on a daytrip/evening out (as a gentleman of course) but most ladies don't scare me!
I know you are my friend and you wouldn't lie to me.
love and tailwags,
Ben xxx
Hi Asta,
You totally sold that idea to me.. with all the attention I'm getting from the ladies (which I find very odd and I had to ask Mum if it was April 1st!) then I'm more concious of how I smell. Mum says I smell real good, but you never can be too careful can you?
Are you sure I am safe with Lacey? I have heard such scarey stories!! I'm happy to escort any lady on a daytrip/evening out (as a gentleman of course) but most ladies don't scare me!
I know you are my friend and you wouldn't lie to me.
love and tailwags,
Ben xxx
We've never heard of Dog-wa before! I wonder if dad might like some?! We certainly don't need it! Mitch and I do NOT have that problem!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
DOG WA! i've never heard of that before!
-woofs! benny!
Tank woo fur the spring advice!
PLEASE talk HER out of it...
Ben does NOT need to have his handsome ears damaged by the SHRIEKING!
Hm, I dunno if I really want to mask my beautiful smells?? I mean, I guess I'd have to ask Sophie, but I kinda like my stink.
I could be the poster dog for stink and gas...2 of my favorite things. So I don't know if I want to eliminate it just yet.
Hi, Asta!
I read all that info about Dog-wa. Sounds very interesting.
Gas problem? Not me! Ha!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hey Asta, thanks for the reminder to smell the flowers, I bet it will cheer us all up a little. Love, Dino
Whew! If that stuff really works then Mom might have to order me a case of it. She says I really stink right when I go to sleep every night. I do not!
(MOM: Oh yes he does!)
(Mom calls me Pooty Rudy)
The Dog Wa supplements look real good. How does it taste like when mix in water? Is there any grass smell?
Its nice when spring is here at least it will not be too cold.
Oh.. I dont stink.. You think the Dog-wa would make pinky winky less stinky?
~ Bae
I'm not a stinker but I know a few humans that might benefit from it, hehehe! J x
I know a few humans who could do with some of that, they will remain nameless.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Hi Asta
Thank you for all that information - I think I will get some for Bailey. Ever since she returned from Bermuda she has had a problem. Mum thinks it is the fish chowder and the bermudan rum!!
She has also been a bit upset about not hearing from Wimsey although I think she may have heard from him today. Does it help with broken hearts I wonder?
Martha xxx
Dog Wa?! What a great invention. Momma says she can think of 2 dogs and a hooman that could use this stuff! Wonder who she means? Could she be counting Hootie twice? Smooches from pooches, BabyRocketDog & Hootie
Hi, Asta -
Thanks for the info on Dog-wa. I (Hershey) don't have that problem but Kaci is a different story.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Asta, Mom is thinking she might need to get me some of that Dog Wa when she sees you next weekend!!!! She is very excited. She is also really hoping all your snow melts and there is nothing but spring in NY.
Asta, that water is interesting. But....and I know this for sure....YOU SMELL WONDERFUL!!!!
Love, Auntie Deb
Maybe your peoples just eat too much asparagas.
I can't imagine anything stinky ever comes out of you.
oh I am the same as you Asta, I am the most fragrant one!
but it was interesting to read out the Dog-Wa.
I wondered at first if it was some kinda 'Dogma', but apparently I got confused with the words.
It is hard being a Dog of Little Brain and too much to bark!
Have a great weekend, lotsaluv
Marvin xxxxxxxx
Gordy could use this. We saw the name Dog Wa and thought it was something for dogs from WA (Washington state).
Hi Asta, Two Paws Up for the outstanding pikture of you and the flowers, it's beautiful! Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy
this is very interesting stuff. we like to eat grass and we are very farty dogs. mom got us some special powder to put on our food that helps quite a bit (pro-biotics) but we like the sound of this dog-wa stuff. we're gonna check it out! thanks for that helpful tip. you're the bestest.
Thanks for the tip on this Asta, we may certainly have to try this as especially Benson with his intestinal problems has issues with clearing out a room in two seconds flat!
w00f's, hmmm, me not stinkies me not thinks...but mama and daddy can shure let em rip sumtimes...whats dat puppys link so me can go visit..
b safe,
Oooooooooooooooooooooooh I may hafta get some of that stuff for my boxerboy brother Bernie. He is not welcome at our girlie apawtment because he is a gross smelly boy!
Hehe. If only everydog could smell like pretty flowers like us girlies!
You are our Martha Stewart with your "good things"! Mama says she thinks I need the Dog-wa..hmpfff. I think not!
You are such a cute pie, Miss Asta!
Hmm...I'll be sure to tell my "friend"...um..."Red"...to try some of that stuffs!
Asta. Hah we are both smelling the flowers!Hope you like the ones I grew for you. Now I often have bit of a munch on grass to make myself puke a bit,heheee!! But I'm not stinky, I of course smell like fragrant flowers. But I'm thinking we could give some to kittie bro' cos he certainly is...
Love and kissies, Eric xxx
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