Opus, Sassy and Momo, wif one of ouw foundews angelRoscoe in the pawtwait
My deaw fwiends at Little Pwoductions have been tewwibly busy wowking on the latest CCSI episode..the scwipt is fantastic, and it pwomises to be a even bettew than pwevious ones(I know it's hawdly possible, you say..but it's twue)

I can't wait to see the finished movie..it's coming to these scweens in the neaw footoowe..!!!!I'm suwe that all of us can use a little entewtainment to lighten ouw sad heawts..it's been a cwuel momf in the bloggie wowld.
smoochie kisses

The movie looks very exciting. ;)
~ Bae
Asta, you are too funny! Our Mommy is cracking up from this post.
ps-Hootie got his hairs cut tonight & looks so adult. We'll have to post some pictures tomorrow.
Hi Asta
Cool pictures! You look very much at home in front of that sewing machine - perhaps you could run up two nice dresses to fit us bassets!
It is important to remember we have very short legs.
We cannot wait to see your CSI - it sounds very exciting!
How cool do those cats look!
Martha & Bailey xx
We can't wait to see the movie.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Hi, Asta...
I can hardly wait for the premier...
Abby xxxooo
This is gonna be great!
I didn't know you were a seamstress!
Ooh, I don't know about all those cats being in charge. Make sure you don't end up doing all the work, Asta. Sometimes cats can be lazy.
Oh no! Does this mean you're unable to be in Beagadoon? After seeing your dance moves firsthand in Hilton Head, I was counting on you to be the women's dance captain. Please let me know as rehearsals should begin next week, once we get the casting complete and contracts written and signed.
Your pal,
Asta: Teka and muzzer agree that the scarf you are wearing is tres fab! We are looking forward to the new production.
ASta Girl!
You're gorgeous even when you're hard at work! Look at you, all accessorized and not a fur out of place. You are AireMazing!
We've followed all of the CCSI sequels and can't wait for this next one! Will you be acting in this one too?
All my love to you and Karl, Ruis & Opus (and the rest of the cast and crew)!
Goober love & backstage smooches,
I be very excited to see this movie!
~lickies, Ludo
OOOhhh, can't wait. Good thing you are on the costumes - i bet it will be fab.
Lots of licks
It takes a lot of hard work and time to make a great movie - yours will be fantastic - can't wait to see it.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
We agree we could definitely use a little bit of entertainment around here. Glad you are working hard and keeping focused, Mom said that helps when we are sad too.
You are a very talented designer, Asta!
those are some pretty neat pictures Asta! Soundsl liek you have been working very hard!
Benson and Gibson
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