We had some fwiends come ovew fow Sunday Bwunch

I was supew happy to see Sloan(fwom the Taylor Catsssss) who hasn't been hewe since my Mommi's Biwfday way back in Novembew..she still wemembewed whewe I like to be scwitchied

I'm afwaid thewe awe no pictoowes of the yummie eggs and potato Spanish Towtilla ow the snausage..........Buwp..xuse me..
We ate it too fast(if you biggify the pictoowe , you can see I smeawed it all ovew my face, hehehe)

then came coffee and cake

unfowtoonately fow me it was chocolate, and mommi has stwict wooles about that

but No one said I couldn't taste the cweam

sometimes I cwack mommi up so much , she has twouble keeping the food in hew mouf

Sloan gave me whipped cweam lickies

unkel Tony held me, and said I was like a snausage (how wude..I'm floofy, not fat)

sometimes I think mommi will squish me to deaf wif hew love

but it's all wowf it, when you fall asneep, loved, and wif a full tummy
hope you all had a gweat sunday too
smoochie kisses
Ah, kousin Asta,
That is so nice. There's nothing better than lots of love and a full tummy.
Koobuss Kisses for Everybody!
Love ya,
I bet the food was wonderful as usual hehe.
Make sure your mummy doesn't squish you too hard, you need to breath lol.
Looked like a bountiful meal.Sorry about the chocolate.Our Mommy has that same rule.You got to sit at the big table with the guests...how lucky you were!!
Airekisses and Welshiehugs,
BabyRD & Hootie
You sure had a pawsome weekend. ;)
~ Bae
you have a grrrreat blog,Can't stop woofing.
Love Travis!!!
P.S Im following!!!
Hi Asta
What lovely pictures of your Sunday. Lovely flowers, nice coffee and cake and lots of friends round.
It was nice to see you were at the centre of it all!
Loved the picture where you were sitting up at the table.
So glad you have trained your family and friends so well.
Have a lovely day.
Martha & Bailey xx
Aw Asta, looks like the pawfect Sunday. Mommi love is the bestest along with snausages. Bet it was good to see Sloane again too. specially when she's got the scratchy thing just right,he,heee!!
Phew, I'm glad little Lacie ate at last, I was wagging worried. And thank dog you wore your safety helmet. I knew it was cos you didn't wish to squish your curls. Bet yours might be stripped from you soon cos mine is due in a week or twoand we always have our spa days near together! Mom says I might have a spring clean for when Toffee is over..he,heee bet she has one too!!!
Love and kissies, Eric xxx
Asta woo rocks! Eating at the big table!!! Woo has very good manners! I would have growled and barked at the company! Not to mention, slobbered on all the foods!!
Mya Boo Boo
Looks like you had a great weekend. Lots of love and food, sounds like bliss.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Hi, Asta...
Wow...You get to sit at the big table and eat with your Mom & her friends??
I bet that's cuz you are such a good girl...
That chocolate cakey thing looked yummy...I don't know why they have such a thing about us eating chocolate...I think they just want it all for themselves...
Abby xxxooo
Wow! The cake looks great & it looked like a fun pawty.
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
What a great Sunday! And to end it with lots of hugs -- awwww -- what could be better?
What a wonderful Sunday brunch you had! At least you got to eat some yummy whipped cream! You and your mommi are so precious!! I can tell how much she adores you!!!
We know wonderful mommi love and a full tummy can be!!! We get a lot of that too.
Brunch looked yummy. Did we see glasses for mimosas???
And yes, your mommi's rule about no chocolate is right on. Here in Florida, we've been warned about cocoa mulch, which attracts dogs cause it smells so good, but has all the negatives effects of chocolate if a dog eats it.
Glad you had a sweet Sunday!!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Oh I am hiding the picture of you at the table from Teka. She would want to eat with the guests too. And we know that her manners are not as good as yours are!
lovely brunch
Ciao bella snella Asta!
OMD, between your scrumptious brunch and Maggie and Mitch's deelish lasagne, my tummy is going all a-grumbly! Yummers!
And BTW, cara Asta, "snella" means "slim" in Italian. No one wears couture like you do, and EVeryone knows you have to be utterly teensy to fit into those gowns!
Tanti baci!
Wow! It sounds like you had a fantastic time and got lots of love and scwitchies! Lucky dog you! Plus you gots human food! YUMMO!
We are so happy you had such a good weekend Asta! Take care,
Benson and Gibson
What sweet sweet pictures of your mommi squeezing you, Asta! We love the picture with your napkin around your neck too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
A heart full of love, a tummy full of treats and a house full of friends. Life doesn't get much better than that!
What a fun way to spend a Sunday morning! Sloan looks pretty cool too - look at that nail polish - she will be all set for St. Paddy's Day. If woo are a sausage, woo are a very cute one.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
What a wonderful Sunday - scratchies, good food and cuddles with Mommi - it doesn't get much better than that.
You are not fat - just big-furred - like big boned but furry. I get to sit in my D's lap too - I like it best there too - I get to see everything - lick a passing plate and fall asleep all safe and sound.
Lots of licks
What a nice happy post. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside my belly. It lovely to have snuggles with mum isn't it? You is one lucky girl getting to eat all the people food!
~lickies, Ludo
My mom says the khake looks yummy!
I khan tell how much your mommi wuvs woo!
So great to see Sloan! Did you eat all the foodables before Mommi could take a photo? That cake looks delish. Now remember Asta, the swimming pool opens at the dog run in just two months. Next time you're over, we'll do some pawlates.
And guess what I saw today on my walk? DAFFODILS! Little wee ones but they were blooming and growing out of the ground! Yipeeeeee!
Your pal,
Sure some people get to sit at hte table..others have to stay under hte table..life is not fair.Love A+A
Oh comme j'aimerais être à la place de ta Mami pour pouvoir te donner des bisous aussi. Et goûter ses gâteaux !
Bisous, Faya
oh I think your brunch looked most delicious Asta!
You are one happy dog I can tell, nothing like good friends, good food and laughter!
lotsaluv Marvin xxxxx
Yummy! And I think your mom and my Old Girl are on the same wavelength sometimes!
Wow, Asta - what an amazing brunch!! You're one lucky puppy - and you look so happy in the last pictures, being cuddled!
Honey the Great Dane
Have I told you that whenever I have a minute or I'm sad, I always seeking comfort and peace and joy and feeling fine again lately?Muahhh!
Hey Asta...
Wow...that cakers looked fab!!! Lacie said to tell ya she wants to buy Sloan Cats boots...very cute were her words...
Mumsie sez ur mommi's furtrim looks amazing...that she doesn't look a day over 25...great haircut!
Lacie refoosed to eat again tonight...worked for me and Stanny...we ate it for her. She didn't even growl...poor dog...
If she keeps this up, she's going to be at the vetties again....
Love ya lots...
Your son Scruffy
Looks like you had a really nice Sunday bunch going on at your place. I bet that took your mind off of your friend Lacie, which I hope will get feeling better soon.
Love to all!
Wow, Asta. Woo iz one luckee puppeh. We have to stay on da floor wen da hoomans arr eeting. And den we get kicked out from underr da table, too! Arr hoomans arr no fun, let us tell woo.
Gus and Waldo
Yum Yum YUM! Looks like a wonderful way to spend your Sunday morning. I have never even tasted cream but I bet it is great.
Oh no, we thought we had a comment from Lacie that she was feeling better. We will go over and send even more healing vibes.
Joe Stains
Mmmmm, your brunch looks delish! I think I'm going to head East towards NYC so I can eat at your place Asta, cuz you always have the yummiest foodables! Glad you got to sample some of it. Oh, Mommy wanted me to say that she LOVES the painting next to your Mom, the one with the purple flowers. Absolutely Fabulous she says. Whatever that means. He he!!!
Your pal,
Loved, with a full tummy, & sleeping! Truly the best things in life.
Your mommy sets a beautiful table!
Friends, a taste of cream and squeezes from your mom.. you are one lucky Asta. Well deserved to a sweet baby girl.
Oh Asta, Look at all those people giving your scritches and kisses. My mom says she is going to do the same when she sees you. I would probably just chew on your head if I got to see you, but evidently I won't. She's sending me to the country. But get this one! She is having a friend come over to take care of the homeless cat who is living on our balcony. So the cat gets to stay home and have special care, but I have to go to the country. It just doesn't seem right. Next thing you know, she;s going to adopt that cat. oh boy.
Oh Asta, how's uncle tony going to call you a sausage while sloan feeds you cream. tell him it's your wintah coat! that's all. fuggeddaboutit! :O
your mommie certainly does luv you!very lucky...
Hi, Asta!
Sure you had a great sunday!
Yummy food!
Kisses and hugs
Sweet Astaroni!
I'm so glad you got to have brunch with everyone, especially since Sloane was there. Please tell Unkel Tony that if he persists in trying to insult you that I know where he lives, and I may have to come gooberize him. Then he won't be too worried about whether or not you look like a snausage since he'll be covered in goob juice.
You are extra fuzzy these days, which I LOVE. Please ask your mommi to hold off on getting you stripped so we can all admire your fuzziness just a little longer.
That bib around your neck, was so cute, but quite unnecessary (you have impeccable table manners)! We love seeing photos of you with your mommi since it is SO obvious that you two are a real love connection! (Do you think she'll hold ME like that if I come visit?)
Goober love & smooches,
Woooo! One can never have too much affection ;)
What a pawsome time! If its any consolation the Chief calls me Tubby-lar all the time (instead of Tuffy...) :P
Licks and Wags,
Tuffy of Dog WOods
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