a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


A Package, a Package , lemmi open it!!!!!!!!!!! pleeeez!

It's fwom my fwiends Baby Wocket Dog and Hootie!!! Thank you so vewy vewy much!!!!!!!
Let me see....Pleeeez..........
it's all wapped in a cool bag that you can use to wash youw delicate dwesses----like my special owange chiffon one

My name was dwawn in Baby Wocket Dog and Hootie's Spwing Fling contest..
I got the gwand pwize!!!! I suwe am a lucky kid.
just look at the bootiful note they wote me, you can't see it, but it's vewy special papew wif flowews imbedded in it!
This is the magnificent collaw and lead..it fits pawfectly . SEEE????????

May I see the west now?

Oh My dog
Supew yummie Mothew Hubbawd Tweats..I love those!! I can hawdly contain myself........... thewes thwee diffewent flavows, and theiw small enuff so that Mommi doesn't have conniptions about me eating too much.

and a battle tested Tug-Toy
(well we'll see about that, hehehhe..) and a little containew fow special poop bags(sowwy , you can't see it cause I got in fwont of it)

It's a Spwintime spectacoolaw of gifts..I am so Happy and gwateful

This is the face I made aftew I had two cookies and wanted mowe and Mommi said no..spoilspowt

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Best Weekend

Well as you have undoubtedly seen at Petey's, we've been having the time of ouw lives at his special Wainbowbow dance

My Sweetheawt that faboolous Goob himself, Stanley, snuck a quiet moment wif me befowe we hit the dance floow..I was in heaven as you can imagine

thewe wewe just a few of us thewe in the beginning of the night, but we hit the dance floow wunning------------------------- thewe wewe cocktails and incwedible eatables--we gwabbed some betwwen songs
Jake that Bawkalots boy dazzled evewyone wif his fancy pawwowk and flexibility on the dance floow, That stunning,bella Lucia (don't you think she is weminiscent of a young Sophia Lowen), came wif Bustew that dashing dawk and handsome Oiwish lad..
Just Harry was wif his supewmodel dweam date Willow the Dale
Stanley and I moved in pawfect hawmony
his little goob sissie Stella Bean Latifah was the pawsitively aiwebown wif hew Toffy love,
and My BFF Lacie made hew gwand entwance , twying to decide which lucky boy will get the fiwst dance...decisions decisions......hmmmmmmmmmmmm....

a gwoup of us decided to wun awound the fountain in fwont of the Plaza Hotel..it's just a few blocks away, and we needed the fwesh aiw
Lacie was wif Joey , that handsome sweet young golden, Dyos had fallen asneep and stayed back cuwled up on one of the comfy chaiws
Mack couldn't take his eyes off Ruby
Stanley and I sat and welaxed ouw dancing feets
Tanner and Eric wewe talking boy talk(whatevew that is??)my giwl's the best, blah,blah,blah
Teka was looking fow Sweed Willum-those two awe insepewable oosooaly, but he wasplaying hide and seek
and Nessa and Willow wewe just dazzled wif the night sky, and the Manhattan skyline

evewyone changed theiw clothes thwoughout the evening..we got so hot fwom dancing, besides it was a gweat occasion fow al the giwls to show off theiw dwesses

awound dawn, Stanley and I changed yet again , we had to wun to Bob T Beaw's 500th post pawty in England..the dwess code was a little mowe casooal..naked wit bloo pants on youw head..(it's long stowy, hehehe)

It was gweat to see all of you and dance wif so many light twipping boyz..the foxtwots wewe my special favowite..Thank you Petey and all my fwiendz (don't fowget to bigify the pictoowes if you want to see us)
smoochie kisses

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Getting weady fow the Weekend of Pawties

My BFF Lacie did a bad-good thing, heheheheh

the bad pawt: she took Mumsie's cwedit cawd
the good thing: she bought me evewything I need fow spwing

this is the most spectacoolaw chiffon pawty dwess- just look at the details, satin bows, peawls wooshing on the stwaps..the wowks!!!SHE IS THE BEST!!! THANK YOU !
then she sent me tow diffewent nail polishes

and some thongs to put my feets in aftew I polish my nails to let them dwy

and to top it off, she sent me a gift cewtificate to Sephowa...
well I wushed wight ovew to pick some makeup fow spwing

hmmm, I think that's the wight shade

I won't need these, since I aweady have the polish

I sat in the makeup chaiw .."COULD I HAVE SOME HELP HEWE PLEEZ?"

I don't know about this lipstick..I pwefew the blackbewwy I picked out( you weally have to wely on youw own instincts and not fall fow all the stuff they twy to sell you)
this blush isn't bad

well, I guess I'm done hewe..gotta wun, so much mowe to do

getting a haiwcut

Putting on nail polish---------I chose to go wif the puwple as a cotwast to my owange dwess
I twied the dwess on befowe going to sneep..I was so anxious to see it, I didn't even take the tag off--just look at that Dekol-tagie

showing off the details

Getting weady fow a big weekend is exhausting,
I'm falling asneep standing up, and you know the most impowtant ingwedient in looking good...booty west!hehehe

See you at the Wainbow Woom (we'll be on Petey's bloggie)
smoochie kisses

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wed Nose contest and Pwayews fow Herc,Jackson, Snickers

Impowtant announcement!!!!!!!!!
Hey evewyone..Please wun ovew to Herc's place and wish him well. He is a vewy sick puppy at the moment..I'm suwe wif all ouw pwayews and cwossed paws he will be wecovewing soon!!!!!
get well dawling Hewcooles

pleez cwoss all paws fow ouw pal Jackson who is going in fow tests tomowwow!!!!!
It's fow woutine chest and bladdew x-ways to check for weoccuwwence of lung cancew and stones.
We awe wooting fow you JAX!

The othew day I weceived a vewy special pawcel fwom Scotland..I've nevew evew weceived one fwom that bootiful place

thewe was a faboolous cawd witten by my fwiends Rosie,Alfie,Snoop and Gabbi, the Dughallmow Beagles
and inside thewe wewe fantastical beefy tweats , which I'm unable to show you cause i scawfed them up too fast, heheheheehe....................they wewe vewy tasty indeed! Thank you vewy much.

the othew impowtant pawt of the package was my wed nose fow theiw snootew contest.
you can go vote fow youw favowite snootew pictoowe on theiw bloggie fow five mowe days

I twied out my wed nose in many diffewent ways

the obvious

then it occoowed to me, that tewwiew tails wewe a pawfect place to put a snootew

and in case you need to go to a fwench pawty, you can aways use it as a buh-way
if you get bowed just modeling, tossing it in the aiw and catching it on youw nose is a fun thing to do

and since I stole Wheeley Wednesday fwom Mywna (who is too busy to post anyway, so I don't know why she'd mind), I let hew twy out the snootew too..she had to check hewself out in the miwwow
she decided against weawing it fow hew wedding even though it is a pawfect match wif hew tongue--------whew

and finally, it makes a nice , cheewy stoppew fow Mommi's watew pitchew..all in all, a supew useful snootew.
Thank you my fwiendses!

pee ess
I just heaw that my sweet cousin Miss Snickews is having seizuwes again..pleez go and tell that stoopid howwid seizuwe monstew to leave hew alone!

love and smoochie kisses

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sophie's gift and a Sunny Day

Wemembew I told you sophie sent me a faboolous toy and also a vewy stylish , bootiful coat?
well hewe's the pics finally!
They awe fwom a place called Faiw Twade Fibwes of Life it's something called handicwafts fow social Development..whimsical felt pwoducts fwom Nepal (this is a little hawd fow me to undewstand, but Mommi got it)
the pwoducts suppowt skill development and oppowtunities fow low income awtisans.
a faiw wage
handicwaft skills and twaining and pwoduct development
financial loans, wewawds, and pension plans
paid matewnity leave
medical allowance
childwen's education allowance
a gween wowkplace
and a pewcentage of theiw annual sales awe contwibooted to the south asian coalition on Child Sewvitoode.

Doesn't that all sound cool???
Well wowf suppowting I think
so, tha dah!!! hewe is my coat..I was finally able to get Mommi out into the sunshine..it was vewy cold but you can tell Spwing is on it's way
the sun was bwight..thewe is a bounce in my step..I get to show off my coat..thank you sophie..you suwe have excellent taste!
it's vewy convenient that the snazzy boo ticks awound us put out watew fow doggies
long walks make me thiwsty

I chatted wif a few fwiends..this cutie is called Jay..he's a fuzzy floofy wescoo doggie..vewy sweet

weluctantly, I had to bwing my walk to a close and head home..but I have a feeling thewe will be mowe of them in my footoowe wif the weathew impwoving

Smoochie kisses

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Puppy's wowk is nevew done

Excoose me my fwiendses fow not posting , ow answewing fow so many days..but I have to tell you I'm exhausted..too exhausted to even pose mowe discweetly----------let me explain:

Mommi and Daddi wewe bof sowt of sick all week..I mean Daddi went to wowk ,but would come home and cwash---as fow Mommi, she was pwetty useless--------------
so I did evewything
I didn't mind so much in the beginning, cause the weathew stunk--------------I checked my mail

then when it wasn't waining anymowe, I went gwocewy shopping

I whipped up some eatables

of couwse the house was a mess, so I vacoomed

Mommi had to finish some paintings , so I lent a helping paw

when all that was done..I sewenaded them so they would welax

and finally I guawded Mommi while she snept------------I think I did enuff wowk fow the west of the yeaw..I hope Eduawdo agwees.

I'm suwe cwossing my paws that this will be a bettew week .
I hope all of you awe fine and still wemembew me
Love and smoochie kisses