A Package, a Package , lemmi open it!!!!!!!!!!! pleeeez!
It's fwom my fwiends Baby Wocket Dog and Hootie!!! Thank you so vewy vewy much!!!!!!!Let me see....Pleeeez..........
it's all wapped in a cool bag that you can use to wash youw delicate dwesses----like my special owange chiffon one
it's all wapped in a cool bag that you can use to wash youw delicate dwesses----like my special owange chiffon one
My name was dwawn in Baby Wocket Dog and Hootie's Spwing Fling contest..
I got the gwand pwize!!!! I suwe am a lucky kid.
just look at the bootiful note they wote me, you can't see it, but it's vewy special papew wif flowews imbedded in it! SPWING!!!!!!!!!!!
I got the gwand pwize!!!! I suwe am a lucky kid.
just look at the bootiful note they wote me, you can't see it, but it's vewy special papew wif flowews imbedded in it! SPWING!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh My dog
Supew yummie Mothew Hubbawd Tweats..I love those!! I can hawdly contain myself........... thewes thwee diffewent flavows, and theiw small enuff so that Mommi doesn't have conniptions about me eating too much.
Supew yummie Mothew Hubbawd Tweats..I love those!! I can hawdly contain myself........... thewes thwee diffewent flavows, and theiw small enuff so that Mommi doesn't have conniptions about me eating too much.
and a battle tested Tug-Toy
(well we'll see about that, hehehhe..) and a little containew fow special poop bags(sowwy , you can't see it cause I got in fwont of it)
It's a Spwintime spectacoolaw of gifts..I am so Happy and gwateful
(well we'll see about that, hehehhe..) and a little containew fow special poop bags(sowwy , you can't see it cause I got in fwont of it)
It's a Spwintime spectacoolaw of gifts..I am so Happy and gwateful
This is the face I made aftew I had two cookies and wanted mowe and Mommi said no..spoilspowt