a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving in Nowf Cawolina

In the Mowning, Mommi and I walked ovew to Auntie M's house to help wif the cooking and dwink pwosecco fow bweakfast, cause that was Mommi's akshual Birfday day, hehehe(she got to celebwate fow a whole week)

Thanksgiving dayYEAH!!!!!

Mommi was in chawge of finding something in the gawden to decowate the table

hewe's what she found

then thewe was a lot of chopping, and saw-taying of stuff..it smelled gweat..and we watched the Macy's Pawade meanwhile to twy to see auntie Jane..(I think I saw hew in a funny outfit, like a clown ow something), but Petey wasn't wif hew

lots of cooks in the kitchen...I only helped as a taste testew, hehehe, the vewy best job

Bobo and I did vewy little cooking..,mowe sunbafing

Mommi's cwambewwies have gingew and owange wind and almonds...I loooove the smell

evewyone helped out (some mowe wif making us giggle than akshual cooking)

auntie M and unkel B make a gweat team...they awe faboolous cooks too!
evewything was weady fow the feast

we went back to whewe we wewe staying five minutes away
to take a nap and get dwessed fow the evening and dinnew

we had dwinkses and munchies( I only got cheese..no nuts)

how owiginal..evewyone in black

finally the food!!!!!!

niammniammmmniammmmmmmm......as Faya would say

Mommi got that necklace fwom Daddi fow hew Birfday...(she's nuts about bake a light)
apple pie and punkin pie and ice cweam...pawfect!!!!!

silly Mommi likes the gawlic smooshed pota-toeses so much that she wants that as a last bite

Bobo got vewy sneepy
as did I....
Little Fuzzbwat went to sneep eawliew aweady
AHHHHHH I love a nice full tummie!
smoochie kisses


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Wow, the Thanksgiving dinner sounds PERFECT Asta! Glad to hear you had a great time helping out with the testing and getting some nibbles in too! Everyone looked so nice and happy...what a lovely gathering! =)


Stanley said...

You, my Asta lovepup, are adorable awake or asleep! I LOVE that you and Bobo got to relax and only had to taste test all of that good cookin'!

That photo of you and your mommi walking down the road to your friend's house looked very much like the photo of her walking you down the road when she and your daddi went to pick you up as a pup. How fun to revisit your roots!

North Carolina will always hold a special place in my heart as the place where my lovepup was born!

Goober love & smooches,

Moco said...

We all loved the picture of you and your mom walking down the road. It was lovely. What a nice dinner you had and a beautiful table arrangement.

The Black and Tans. said...

Your Thanksgiving break away looked wonderful. The long journey there certainly was worth it.

You always have such yummy food, we always have to make sure we have a towel when we read your posts as the drool was starting to clog up the keybosrd! :-)

Molly and Taffy

Amber-Mae said...

Oh my gosh! I'm dying just looking at the glorious food & CHEESE!!! What a feast!!!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Faya said...

Oui tu as raison : miam miam miam....quelle belle fête vous avez eu... Bisous à tous, Faya

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
I think you definitely had the best job in the kitchen as the official 'taster'!
Mom says the ladies are all very smart to wear black outfits.. she does that when she has to go for a nice meal because she is a creless bum and always end up with food / gravy stains if she wears anything light colorued. Heehee..

Duke said...

We are drooling looking at all of this tasty food! You always have the best adventures, Asta!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

You all seemed to have such a pawtastic time during Thanksgiving. Mama agrees with your Mommi about garlic smooshed potatoes. Mama loves smoohed potatoes.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Sophie Brador said...

Asta, What a great place to hang out! That big giant window is so nice. Is that water on the other side? Did you try swimming? Did you get any prosecco?


Cassidy said...

Looks like you had the most perfect Thanksgiving Asta! All that food lookd scrummy!

Cassidy x

Unknown said...

Yummm, I bet your Mommi had kitchen-envy with that huge and gorgeous kitchen. My Mommy sure did! And Mommi did a great job with the centerpiece-can you imagine what that would go for in a NYC florist?

I got a special can of "Thanksgiving Dinner" dog food (Mica got the feline version) for Thanksgiving, but not one bite of actual people food because Mommy had dinner with her friends The Little Rascals and they ate every last bite!

Your pal,


Jake of Florida said...

What a fun Thanksgiving and birthday adventure!!!

Asta, please tell your Mummi that our Mom loves her hairdo and her Bake a Lite necklace -- and would seriously like the cranberry/orange/ginger recipe. She had one a few years ago like that, which everybody loved, but she put it somewhere and hasn't found it since. (If she put us somewhere different, we'd be lost too, given her record of not remembering where she puts things!!).

Wirey love!!!

Jake and Just Harry

Gus said...

1. Muzzer would like to be in the queue for the cranberry relish receipt. In return, she has one with sour cream and jalapeno to trade. (dad loved it, maybe she could have skipped half the jalapeno for the rest of the folk)

2. Even Muzzer has serious kitchen envy going.

3. Your Mommi is looking skinnier! Keeping Fuzzbutt from peeing on the floors must be good for her?

4. We missed you at ThanksGibbing. Can you come visit when the Barkies are here in December? We could get you home for Christmas


Daisy said...

That looks like an extra-scrumptious Thanksgiving feast! Being a taste-taster must have been a wonderful job, Asta. I would love to nom-nom-nom some of that cheese right now.

The WriggleButts said...

That sounded like a perfect Thanksgiving! I'd surely be thankful after a day like that ;)


Mack said...

Aren't Thanksgiving naps the absolute best??

Simba and Jazzi said...

Looks like everyone had a great time. So much yummy food!!

Simba x

Simba and Jazzi said...

Looks like everyone had a great time. So much yummy food!!

Simba x

well this sucks said...

The house looks amazing! Did your mommy arrange the center piece herself? It looks so great!!

Kelli said...

Hi Asta!
It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving dinner! And I loved the table decoration your mommy made!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

The beaWOOties in blakhk needed a Siberian to khome khyss them!

We love the house - it is soooo furry khool looking!

Of khourse, I LOVED your last pikh!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Glad to know everyone had a pawesome day!
All that yummy food is making my mom drool!
Kisses and hugs

Rudy said...

That WAS a long drive from NY city! North Carolina is a good 6 hours' drive from here if we go to Raleigh where Mom used to live when she got her first doggie.

Ohhh did I see sweet potatoes and marshmallows on top? Mom sez it's not Thanksgiving without it! That sure was a yummy dinner you had!


Bae Bae said...

What a colorful and pawsome thanksgiving you had. ;)

~ Bae

Koobuss said...

Wow!! What a great visit you had and such a beautiful place! It looks like the humans did a lot of cooking and eating. There must have been a lot of great smells. You had the right idea, kousin Asta, resting in the sun while everybody worked. Looks like you had things well under control. Hehe

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Joe Stains said...

Look at all that delicious FOOD! I would have been happy with just a block of that cheese all to myself. I am glad you got to be a taste tester, all the work of cooking seems like a pain. Your Mom had a Mommi-palooza!!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

It looks like the perfect Thanksgiving feast! And what a beautiful place to celebrate Thanksgiving! We had a party here in Italy. It was fun to celebrate Thanksgiving with our Italian friends. But now we are SICK of turkey! No more turkey please! At least not for another year!

Opus and Cyn

Noah the Airedale said...

Crikey that food looks fantastic Asta. Yummy big fat plump olives and the cheese....hmmmmmm!!!!
Looks like you all had a great Thanksgiving with all your friends.

Noah x

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...


Looks like you had a very nice Thanksgiving adventure. Good food, good friends, and good family. I had to stay home this year, cause no doggies were invited to Thanksgiving dinner. I did get a good chewy though for watching the house.

Happy Birthday wishes to your Mommy.

Luna Licks,


T-man Angel said...

Wow, what a GRRREAT Thanksgiving dinner. And what a great view of the outdoors too! Asta, you're a lucky pup to get to dine in such nice places (I hope you did get some of the goodies!)

T-man Angel

Deb Cushman said...

What a wonderful time you all had -- and the food looks scrumptious! (Love your mom's necklace!)