a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New Yowk befowe Chwissmuss

who did it..any Idea???find out t Sassy's place

Hello Sweet Fwiendz!

I apologize once again fow my tewwible wesponce wate ..I have gone and wead all youw bloggies, but didn't have time to wite answews.
Mommi has house guest fow the last week, and thewe doesn't seem to be time fow anything..I love you all and you'we in my heawt and thoughts always!

I went wif Mommi and ouw guest to look at the Chwissmuss atmosphewe in NYC ..this is Fifth Ave.
then we went to look at Wadio City Music Hall, and look at the suwpwise I have fow you!!!!!!!!!! heheheheheheheheheh

yes..as a suwpwise, all the squawe doggies who wewe able to be hewe have been pwacticing
even the boyz wewe allowed to be Wockettes, heheheheheheh
l-wight: Eric,Butchy, Archie,Gussie, Scruffy,Just Harry, Jake,Dewey Dewster, and Lenny
Unfowtoonately, All ouw othew squawe fwiendses had othew engagements and couldn't commit to all the weheawsals and the pawfowmance
hewe awe some of the giwl....left to wight:
Stella, Asta,Luna,Koobuss,Agatha, Lacie, and Snickers

aftew the pawfowmance we walked awound to see mowe sights
I like the big doggies wif policehoomans sitting on them
on ouw way, we stopped into StPatwick's Cathedwal to light candles and say a pwayew fow ouw sick fwiends, and to ask that all fuwwkids find wawm and loving homes vewy soon, and that ouw fwiends ovew the wainbow know that we love them and they awe in ouw heawts fowevew!

thewe was angelic singing and bootiful moosic

of couwse we oogled the blingie stuff in Cawtiew's windows

we wewe pwetty tiwed by then, and since we wewe in fwont of the Plaza Hotel, we admiwed the lights in the fountain, and decided to go in and west ouw paws

thewe is a champagne baw off the lobby, and Lacie and I met Archie and my Stanley thewe fow a wefweshing dwink (notice that they had a giant Bukket of the flowews named aftew my Mommi)

by now it was quiet and dawk outside, and pawfect fow looking at the windows at Bawkdog Goodman(they have the most wondewfully cweative and magical windows)

it's a wintew wondewland
thewe awe magical cweatoowes along wif the clotheses
some little fuwwkids awe painting
Mommi was vewy impwessed by theiw awtisitc abilities
This biwd was supew elegant in hew white coat

we slipped inside the stowe to wawm up fow a minute..............................and what do we see????
Mango buying pawfoome...hmmmmm(I wondew who the lucky giwl is? ow is it just to covew his occasional ummmmm, gaseous you know....?)
we didn't want to embawwas him so we went on ouw way
and looked at some mowe windows
at the cownew of 57th St and Fifth Ave. , thewe is a bootiful cwistal staw..

I hope you got into the Chwissmuss spiwit wif me ....of couwse all of this would be much bettew wif snow..
today, we got a smattewing, but none stuck...I'm still waiting!(maybe Faya could send me some)

and now a wemindew!!!!!

Pleez don't fowget to go seeMomomo Capew Pawt III..
 It's vewy good, and all of us who wowked on it wowked vewy hawd..it would be nice to heaw some comments fwom ouw fwiends on Sassy's site to tell us if you awe enjoying it ow not. I designed the costoomes, and all my cat fwiends who pawticipated wowked theiw paws off.


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Oh wow. What beautiful pictures!! And so nice that there was a foxy rendention of the rockettes!!!
It is truly gorgeous in that apple city with those wonderful lights and decorations.
We are enjoying the mystery!!!!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

What gorgeous pictures of NY! Would love to be there again. Love your dancing sissy!

Mack said...

Oh my dawg...New York is so beautiful at Christmmastime. We can't wait go see the MoMoMo pic....


Eric said...

Pawsome pictures Asta. Made me a little sad cos I'm so far away now but we had the bestest time and were lucky enough to see it all for real. Aw the bestest picture was of us Square Dog Rockettes,HaaaaHAAAA!!!!LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!! Dog we all look so WAGGING pawsome. Be a sell out.

"Start spreading the news..."" right kick, tap together....left kick...

Wags and wiggles, Eric Square Rockett.xxx

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, NY City is very beautiful this time of the year. thank you for showing it to us. we haven't looked at any pretty christmas scenes, just our boring back yard. you and your square friends make great rockettes. we would love to do that too. we think our long curly furry legs would look pawsome in that lineup.


Dexter said...

Thank you so much for your card. You look so pretty.

And your picture of New York were just lovely.

Oops, I didn't think anybody would recognize me in my black coat. Let's just keep that little shopping trip to ourselves, hmmmm?


Gus said...

Aw Asta! Thank you for the wonderful pictures of New Yawk. I am so glad I could come dance with the guys, and you ladies all looked lovely.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
With all those activities, we can understand you don't have time to be blogging!
Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures!
Kisses and hugs

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Gorgeous photos as always, Asta! I sure got into the Christmas mode after looking at your photos...=) It's magical! I love the ones of the windows at Barkdog Goodman too...it sure looked like they put a lot of effort into it!

I am reading the Momomo Caper too, and I can't wait for the last part!


Huskee and Hershey said...

NYC is so pretty!! The pictures are beautiful... Mom likes NY a lot (she shopped soooo much when she was there 4 years ago!)

L said...

What beautiful pictures of the city at Christmas.

Thank you for your lovely card.
Comet and BLU

Koobuss said...

Hi Kousin Asta,

Boy, that Rockette dancing can sure make you sore. My legs hurt for two days. Maybe it's the weather.

Loved your photos of New York. The city is so beautiful at Christmas. I wish I could come to see it up close. You are so lucky to be right there in the middle of all that beauty.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Sophie Brador said...

Asta, Your bloggie sure looks pretty, and so does your city. Mom loves NY in December. She was supposed to go for her birthday, but has so much work to do, she decided to just stay home. She sends big smoochies for you and I do too.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

I'm with Koobie...I can hardly move, Asta...those kicks are so much harder than furdryer jumpin...it's amazin' that the boyz could stretch that much!!!!

Wasn't it sweet meetin' Arch and Stan for a drinkie in the Plaza???? It was so festive...I love that carriage wide we had in Central Park in the buggy pulled by the big dogs...

So who was Mango buyin' that perfume for???? Hmm...

I'm sleepy...need to go and hit the crate!!


Love and kissies...Laciegirl

Stanley said...

Hey Sweet Astaroni!

I LOVED meeting you at the Plaza next to the giant urn of mommi flowers. (They were almost as bootiful as your mommi... almost.)

You were rowrrr roWRRR rOWRRr ROWRRW Gorgeous in your Rockette costume! Stella hasn't stopped talking about "dancing with the big girls" and about all the fun you guys had backstage! (Thanks for including her. You know how much she looks up to all of you ~ especially you.)

We are definitely in the Christmas spirit after that tour. Who wouldn't be?

Please give your mommi's friend a taste of juicy goober smooches from me. I'm almost tempted to mail her nogood stinkin' ex a big steaming pile of poo. (Maybe Stella can take care of that for us.)

Goober love & smooches,

Duke said...

NYC is just fabulous at Christmastime, Asta! Thank you so much for the tour! We're still waiting for snow to fall at our house too!
We love your blog header! It's so festive!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

PerfectTosca said...

I'm not impressed with Radio City because they don't let dogs in there.

Woot we got a boatload of snow here Asta! I love snow. Snow Is Me! I love playing with The WOman in the snow especially because I knock her on her butt. She makes this really cool THUMP sound!

The WriggleButts said...

Oh that's lovely!

Cassidy said...

We loved seeing all the photos of Christmassy NY!

Cassidy x

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

The Christmas pictures are pretty. Mama liked all of you as Rockettes. We have a little snow on the ground but it probably won't last.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Clover said...

Oh Asta!
Thanks for taking us around New York at Christmastime. It looks SO beautiful. My mom really really wants to visit!!
Your new header and background are great too!
Love Clover xo

Simba and Jazzi said...

My Mummy would love to spend Christmas in New York. She wants to see the big Christmas tree.

Simba x

Lady Kaos said...

Wow, New York is beautiful at Christmas!

Petra said...

NYC looks magical at Christmas; I love all of the lights!

Sassy Kat said...

Beautiful photos of a beautiful city. What an exciting place to live.
I am so sorry that I have been busy at the studios as it looks like I missed out on Christmas time in NYC with my sissie.
Maybe next year?

Daisy said...

That store window is magical! I think NYC must be the very best place to be for the holiday season.

BrandytheGreat said...

Wow, NY looks FAB!
And don't worry Asta, you can take a break from commenting!

Anonymous said...

I agree wif Daisy... NY just looks magikal fur tha holly*days. Wishes I was there.
An tha CCSI was incredible. It was Pawsome! You all did such a grrreat job.
Love and Purrs,

pee ess: Auntie Deb is here in Houston wif us right now. She be haffing hers sekond out-patient back surgery today. Then she goes back to DC fur tha holly*days and comes back to Houston next month, January, fur big major back surjery.

Lenny said...

Square faces, HOT LEGS!!
Thanks for including me in the kicking. :)
Your friend, Lenny

Noah the Airedale said...

Thank you Asta for showing us the wonderful photos of New York. I wish Sydney was more Christmasy. We kind of lack Christmas Spirit down the ar-- end of the world hee hee.

Noah xx

Jans Funny Farm said...

Beautiful picture tour, Asta.

We just came from Sassy's where we watched the conclusion. Very, very good!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

A wonderful "Woofortage", as always, Asta! New York City looks stunning!

Sophie Brador said...

Asta! I am appalled! You are not in my friends or foes list? To be honest, I never use it anymore, because everyone is now on my bloglines list, but still. You were one of my original bloggie pals. You should be there. I am getting my horribly abusive mom to fix it. You know, you lost my tennis ball in the snow. Bad mom.


William Tell said...

Your city is very beautiful with the Christmas lights all around!

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Tesla and Hansel said...


Joe Stains said...

Living in NYC during Christmas must be the best thing in the world, it looks so fun!! I can't believe the furry Rockettes danced and I didn't get to see!

Mango has to go to another state to buy perfume, he must be embarrassed!

Lacy said...

w00f's Asta, bute ti ful picksursss...me iz wiff joe and tanner, nyc has to b pawsome this time of the year...and me loved the ccsi story..

b safe,

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

Nothing is prettier or gets you in the Holiday Spirit more than NYC at Christmas...

Thanks for the tour...

Abby xxxooo

Homer said...

Hi Asta,

Thank you for your Christmas and the pictures of New York is so beautiful. Hopefully I can go there someday, we never know.


Fred said...

Wowowow! You have the most exciting life! Thank you for sharing the booty-full pictures!

Unknown said...

Hey Asta!

I hope we can go see the store windows this weekend too...that is, if we don't get snowed in!

Hey, how did that sneaky Lacie get into the All-Square Dog Kickline???

Your pal,


Juno said...


Eric,Butchy, Archie,Gussie, Scruffy,Just Harry, Jake,Dewey Dewster and Lenny look so cute!!

Everything you showed us in NYC during this time of the year is so bootiful! We love that crystal ball!

Momo & Pinot

Islay said...

Asta, we certainly get in the Christmas spirit looking at your blog! What a lovely walk around NYC -and bubbly at the plaza! I guess they've decided to finally admit dogs at the bar!

licks & puppy love,

Bogart H. Devil said...

Soooo beautiful Miss Asta... those pictures make mama miss NYC so much!!!!

Big Aire Kisses,