a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Chwissmuss Eve at my House

I hope all of you had a wondewful Chwissmuss! I got some mowe wondewful ecawds and gweetings THANK YOU!!!!!!! I love them!

Now I'm going to show you my Chwissmuss

It was soggy outside, but thewe was still a little snow to be seen on the wooftops, so we could pwetend a white Chwissmuss

This was my twee

Mommi decowated evewything (wif my help of couwse)

thewe wewe candles evewywhewe

and flowews , and owanges wif nice smelling nails in them

Thewe was even a WFT on the twee

Mommi made some angels a few yeaws ago, and they came out

hewe's anothew one

I made my wound of inspection befowe the guests came

I think we'we weady

not a moment too soon..the fiwst to awwive was my little Fuzzbwat bwuvvew Duffy

aftew a gweeting, I showed him my Chwissmuss bow...he was unimpwessed..said it was giwlie duhhhhhhhhhhh..that's what I am...a giwl

he was mowe intewested in the hows doovwes

we had cheese stickies, and smoked salmon tawtawe (auntie Kawen bwought it) wif black bwead and pwosecco...yummmmmmmmmmm

auntie Juli gave us lovies when she awwived

Daddi was content
we went to the table as the fiwe was dying out

My hooman sissie Cawolina, hew pawtnew Athena and my hooman cousin Cawina went to the kitchen to help, but I think they just wanted a good laugh

we finally sat down and had ouw fiwst couwse..made by my hooman cousins Cawina and Chwis..it's a Hungawian specialty called " Hortobagyi Palacsinta" ..I just know you would love it like I do
then came the woast duckies..Mommi assoowed me it wasn't Donald ow Daisy , ow Huey , Louie, ow Dewey..whatevew..they suwe tasted gweat..wif potatoes(cwacklings on top) and cabbage in a Hungawian way
I positioned myself stwategically , hehehhe..I got lots of yummies!
we went up to the woof to look at lights and get some fwesh aiw befowe dessewt..sowwy I have no pics of the woof ow dessewt, but when we came back I demonstwated to Duffy how to give kisses to aunt Nancy
he's a quick leawnew

we had a secwet Santa ..I helped aunt Juli open the pwesent she dwew
we wewe not supposed to spend mowe than fifteen dollaws and if you didn't want the one you got you could exchange wif someone else.....I didn't want anybody's but mine (like I would want a soap, ow baf pwoducts hehehehe)

Can I have this one???

I got this soft ball..it's fun to munch and chase..I also got a Muttoni puwse fwom my angel sissiecousin Steffi and Coco, and faboolous cookie tweats fwom Duffy

All the food and excitement was too much fow me and I fell asneep on Athena

It was a vewy Mewwy Chwissmuss..I hope youws was too. love and smoochie kisses

Pee ess!
don't fowget to go to Sassy's blog to see me and my fwiends stawwing in the SANTA CAPEW!!!
You'll be sowwy you missed it if you don't..It's a classsic, and I do a good job as the fowensick sckientist , if I do say so myself


Jans Funny Farm said...

What a beautiful Christmas. Your mom sure knows how to entertain. And you're teaching Duffy well too.

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

There was no better place than getting comfortly under the food buffet!
You smart girl, Asta. You taught Duffy well.
I adore your mom, she painted Christmas with her skillful strokes and the most warm cheerful colors!
Life is so beautiful in your house, Asta!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a beaWOOtiful post!

The pikhs
The peops

Happy HOWLidays!


Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

Dear Asta,

Merry Christmas to you and your pawents. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas Eve. I love your new hairdo and your stylish bow. Mommy can't seem to contact my groomer so she is on a mission to learn how to hand strip. She has two possibilities as far as people who are willing to teach her. I'll keep you posted.

I got lots of nice Christmas presents from Santa Paws. Mommy had to work at the hospital today so me a Daddy went to Uncle Ted (The Sea Monster) and Aunt Donna's for Christmas. I got to run around in their yard with my friend Lady.

I hope Santa brought you lots of prezzies.

Luna Licks,


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...we were just salivatin' on the floor lookin' at that duckie...oh my!! Your house looked magical with all the candles, lights and decorations! Ours looks um...messy...and Stan sez it was Santa Paws that chewed Mumsie's church shoes Christmas Eve...and Scruffy just got one of the cat mice...Mumsie had to bribe him for it...my brothers are so dumb it's amazin'!!!!!

Hope you had the happiest Christmas ever Sweet Girl...we love ya...

Laciegirl...Fuzzbrat is HOOGE!!!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, what can we say, everything was gorgeous, including woo and your pretty bow. Duffy has really grown since we last saw him but we haven been blog MIA for a bit.

Hope you had a happy day today too.

Woos, the OP Pack

Gus said...

Your photos are beautiful, and so are you. Thank you for sharing your lovely christmas.


Noah the Airedale said...

Hi Asta
Your apartment is decorated beautifully for Christmas and the food sounds very yummy.
We hope you had a lovely Christmas.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Merry Christmas!
Sure you and your family had a pawesome celebration!
You house looked beautiful with all the decorations!
Nice people and yummy food!
Kisses and hugs

Sassy Kat said...

NYC that is the place to be, oh how I wish that I lived closer so I really could be at your place for the parties. It looked like a lot of good food, fun, and friends.
Merry Christmas to all of you at your place!!

Stanley said...

Sweet Astaroni my Christmas pup!

Of course you had a lovely Christmas since it was at YOUR house. I would have totally positioned myself by your side under the buffet, then under the dining room table. (You are so strategic.)

Duffy is getting stinkin' big, and his hair has that very fly-away puppy fluff quality to it. Can't believe he didn't love your bow. Doesn't he know that accessories are the key to fashion??!

Again, I'm sending you hot juicy goober smooches and loads of snuggles (feel free to share with your mommi & daddi)!

Goober love,
Your Stanley boy

Faya said...

C'est vraiment un magnifique Noël ! Et en plus avec des crêpes et de la dinde. Quelle chance.
Maintenant repose-toi bien et aide un peu ta Mamy pour tout ranger !
Bisous, Faya

Lacy said...

w00f's Asta, u and ur mommi and daddi really no how to throw a pawty..it wuz bute ti ful, wiff pawsome foodables tooooo..merry christmas to u girlie and ur mommi and daddy...

b safe,

Bogart H. Devil said...

Miss Asta, that's the most beautiful Christmas I've ever seen!!! I wanna come to your house next year :)

Happy Holairedays!!!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It looks like you had an absolutely wonderful time, Asta! Festive, delicious and full of love!

Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan

Katherine and Pippa said...

Hey Asta looks like you had a great time. Pleased you are all enjoying your Christmas.


Snowball said...

You had a wonderful Christmas, Asta.

I got roast stuffed chicken with potatoes and carrots. Its yummy!



Sassy Kat said...

Hope you got everything you wanted from Santa Paws!

Amber-Mae said...

Looked like a great one! The food looked simply amazing!

Still celebrating,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

What a wonderful Christmas you had with so many friends over, Asta! And all that yummy food.............

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Daisy said...

It looks like you had a magical Christmas!

Deb Cushman said...

What a fun Christmas filled with good food and friends! Looks like you had a great time! (We had to postpone ours because of the snow - nobody could get here! Hopefully, we'll celebrate this weekend.)

Princess Patches said...

Asta, your Mommi did a great job of decorating! It looks very magical! Duffy sure is growing up! We're glad you had a great Christmas and had the chance to spend time with your lovely family!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, your apartment looks so festive and beautiful. you and your mommi are great decorators. your dinner also looks so yummylicious. we wish we could come to your christmas. ours was kind of boring, but we were all together and that's what counts the most.


Amber said...

Merry Christmas and happy new year :D Asta and family <3!! The pictures are lovely, wonderful Christmas you had :)

warmest wishes

The Army of Four said...

Merry Christmas, Asta!
Tail wags,


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Asta!!!

Mickey's Musings said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family!!!
We hope it was pawsome and fun :) You did a pawsome job decorating!!!!

Wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR too!!!!!!!!!!!

Purrs Mickey,Georgia and Tillie

Sophie Brador said...

Asta! Your house looks so warm and beautiful. It looks like you had a fabulous Christmas Eve!


Sophie Brador said...

Asta, Mom just read this in the NYTimes: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/27/nyregion/27developers.html?_r=1&hp

Does this mean you will get to keep your view for a while longer?


Joe Stains said...

Your home looks WONDERFUL and festive. I wish I could have come over! FuzzBrat is getting so big!!

Koobuss said...

What beautiful decorations! And a fabulous meal, great company, lots of wonderful friends! It doesn't get any better than that, Kousin Asta!

Happy Holidays to you, Mommi, and Daddi!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

What a lovely Christmas, we enjoyed reading all about it and seeing the pictures. ~S,S & C

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

I love looking at your foodables! Looks like you had a pawsome time. Jx