a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


HAPPY NEW YEAW EVEWYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Dawling Stanley asked me out fow a vewy special evening of pwogwessive dinnew thwoughout Manhattan..(each couwse would be a t a diffewent bootiful place)

ouw fiwst stop was Centwal Pawk..we went by cawwiage to Tavewn on the Gween..(I know..it's touwisty and gaudy, but I love that it's in the pawk and aftew all it's NewYeaws..a gaudy time...we even wowe masks, hehehe)
then a stop at a quiet Mawtini Baw(notice it's OWANGE just fow me..he's sooo considewate and thoughtful..I can't believe I doubted that he would have plans fow NewYeaws)

aftew all the faboolous couwses at vawious gowgeous westauwants..we just wanted to snuggle, but it was getting late,
It was time to wun to Time Squawe and meet up wif ouw Fwiendses, who wewe
well into the pawty mode aweady

all the hoomans whewe shivewy and cold,it's been snowing softly all day, but we pups wewe so wawm fwom wunning awound , we thwewe off most of ouw clothes
l-r Agatha in wed hat,Butchy, Opus(who flew his magic Van ovew fwom Italy) and Archie on eithew side of Lacie, ( do you think thwee dates is a little excessive??noooooo, not fow Lacie, hehehehe)Scruffy whispewing into Koobie's eaw, Scootew in between them, Snickers smiling at hew lovepupGussie,and Sunny(who knew she could loosen up so?) wif babyStan

we also wan ovew to see the fiwewowks ovew the Hudson Wivew(I talked to the owganizews and they made them totally quiet just fow us)
most of us took advantage of the dawkness to snuggle wif ouw sweeties
When I saw the Puppewatzi, I tuwned awound and told him to leave us alone.."what awe you looking at???" I said

(left -right....babyStan and Sunny,Butchy twying to see in betwween them, Lacie jumping up and down to get a bettew view,Archie,Scruffy being given a smooch by Koobie Agatha, Scootew, Snickers being kissed by Gussie Me(Asta)hugging Stanley my Goob)

back at Times Squawe..the cwowds had left and it gave us time to wish each othew a Happy NewYeaw

We put on ouw coats and went fow a buwgew in Madison Pawk at the Shake Shack..a pawfect end to a pawfect Night and Yeaw.(We will all spend the night at my house, so don't wowwy pawents..thewe will be no dwiving tonight)
Thank you all fow all the love and kindness and laughs thwoughout the yeaw..I hope you will have a pawfect yeaw of love and good health and tweats and play galowe

(pee ess...don't fowget to visit Sassy's place to see outtakes fwom the Momomo Capew)

love and smoochie kisses

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What awe you doing NewYeaws Eve?

I awwived home fwom a wondewful skating pawty at Butchy and Snickers' I was in a gweat mood
all of a sudden I felt soo alone...Gussie wote the most bootiful song about New Yeaws Eve
It made me vewy sad..the songs title is "What awe you doing NewYeaws Eve"

I saw that Gussie was going to be wif Snickers, Koobie is twying to decide what to weaw fow hew date wif Scruffy...but no one asked me to go anywhewe..

I thought that was an invitation..but it was just anothew notice fwom the phone company

I had a dwess and evewything, but My Stanley didn't ask me out

luckily my deaw sissie Sassy sent me some NewYeaws Glasses to covew my wed eyes

Maybe it will be just Lacie and me, hiding behind ouw New Yeaws glasses celebwating in NYC

Sunday, December 28, 2008

gift fwom a shy fwiend

My adowable BFF Lacie sent me a selfless , thoughtful gift..I took it wif me to Butchy and Snickers' house and filled it wif hot cawob dwink and mawshmallows...this is a fwont and back view of the mug, on B&S' powch...now we won't fweeze...THANK YOU Sweet Lacie giwl.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


The fiwe was lit..we wewe wawm and safe, and home just the thwee of us wif no chowes, ow guests , outside it was yucky..we did ouw favowite thing.....nothing, heheheheheheheheheheh...we awe a lazy family

I played fow a while..it's a new Muttoni puwse (a pwesent fwom my angel cousins Steffi and Coco)

Daddi snuggled me
Mommi talked on the phone ................

Mommi talked some mowe
I cuwled up on the sofa
Daddi wead to me

Mommi kept talking

Daddi and I napped
Chwissmuss is exhausting..I hope you awe all wested up.

love and smoochie kisses

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Chwissmuss Eve at my House

I hope all of you had a wondewful Chwissmuss! I got some mowe wondewful ecawds and gweetings THANK YOU!!!!!!! I love them!

Now I'm going to show you my Chwissmuss

It was soggy outside, but thewe was still a little snow to be seen on the wooftops, so we could pwetend a white Chwissmuss

This was my twee

Mommi decowated evewything (wif my help of couwse)

thewe wewe candles evewywhewe

and flowews , and owanges wif nice smelling nails in them

Thewe was even a WFT on the twee

Mommi made some angels a few yeaws ago, and they came out

hewe's anothew one

I made my wound of inspection befowe the guests came

I think we'we weady

not a moment too soon..the fiwst to awwive was my little Fuzzbwat bwuvvew Duffy

aftew a gweeting, I showed him my Chwissmuss bow...he was unimpwessed..said it was giwlie duhhhhhhhhhhh..that's what I am...a giwl

he was mowe intewested in the hows doovwes

we had cheese stickies, and smoked salmon tawtawe (auntie Kawen bwought it) wif black bwead and pwosecco...yummmmmmmmmmm

auntie Juli gave us lovies when she awwived

Daddi was content
we went to the table as the fiwe was dying out

My hooman sissie Cawolina, hew pawtnew Athena and my hooman cousin Cawina went to the kitchen to help, but I think they just wanted a good laugh

we finally sat down and had ouw fiwst couwse..made by my hooman cousins Cawina and Chwis..it's a Hungawian specialty called " Hortobagyi Palacsinta" ..I just know you would love it like I do
then came the woast duckies..Mommi assoowed me it wasn't Donald ow Daisy , ow Huey , Louie, ow Dewey..whatevew..they suwe tasted gweat..wif potatoes(cwacklings on top) and cabbage in a Hungawian way
I positioned myself stwategically , hehehhe..I got lots of yummies!
we went up to the woof to look at lights and get some fwesh aiw befowe dessewt..sowwy I have no pics of the woof ow dessewt, but when we came back I demonstwated to Duffy how to give kisses to aunt Nancy
he's a quick leawnew

we had a secwet Santa ..I helped aunt Juli open the pwesent she dwew
we wewe not supposed to spend mowe than fifteen dollaws and if you didn't want the one you got you could exchange wif someone else.....I didn't want anybody's but mine (like I would want a soap, ow baf pwoducts hehehehe)

Can I have this one???

I got this soft ball..it's fun to munch and chase..I also got a Muttoni puwse fwom my angel sissiecousin Steffi and Coco, and faboolous cookie tweats fwom Duffy

All the food and excitement was too much fow me and I fell asneep on Athena

It was a vewy Mewwy Chwissmuss..I hope youws was too. love and smoochie kisses

Pee ess!
don't fowget to go to Sassy's blog to see me and my fwiends stawwing in the SANTA CAPEW!!!
You'll be sowwy you missed it if you don't..It's a classsic, and I do a good job as the fowensick sckientist , if I do say so myself