a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, October 29, 2008



happy halloween
The time is hewe all my fwiends to be spooky ,scaiwy and have loads of FUN!!!

the addamss family
photo by Sassy (my sissie)
hewe I am wif my fellow CCSI boawdmembews..................... BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

photo by sassy
left to wight: Sassy, Mrs.Oz, Momo, Opus, Karl, Ruis, and TinTin

My Cat fwiends awwived in theiw magic bus a day eawly, and took me out to dinnew in NY befowe the gwand Halloween pawty..we got up at dawn to gathew all ouw stuff and make the flight to London......

and now let the pawty begin! Lacie , Eric and I welcome you to ouw Halloween pawty 2008 in London

Aiw Wuby made a pawfect landing on the West Side Hwy next to my house.. sooo many of my fwiends wewe on boawd aweady

we had the oosual lusoowious sewvice(no cutbacks on Aiw Wuby)...lots of pawtinis, niptinis, and yummie hows-doovwes fow evewyone, and lots of woom to stwetch out and play(eat youw heawts out hoomans, hehehehe)

ouw descent at London't Heathrow aiwepowt Ruby is the Pawfect Pilot!!!!!!
Booty and Bwains..the pawfect combination.

Wuby did a pawfect pawking job even though hew plane is Biggew than all the othews

Eric awwanged fow a vewy nice welcoming commitee fow when we landed.
Appeawantly, Pwince Chawles was quite smitten wif Agatha (his fwumpy wife looked miffed), maybe because Sylvestew (Butchy and Snickers' New kitty bwuvvew) was giving hew the evil eye, hehehehehehehehe

next to Aggie wewe left to wight: Scruffy, me, Herc, Stanley of Gooberstan,Lacie wif Archie, Joey and Petey wewe behind them.



love and smoochie kisses youw hosts Asta, Lacie, and Eric


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Pawsome job done, Ruby! The party looks all set to be the best party of the whole year! *wink* Can't wait to see what events will be happening!


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Good to see you sissy! Kissy, kissy!!!! What a party!

Lorenza said...

We are going to have a pawesome weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Loved the images.

Will see you later @ the Tower!
Love, pats & pets

Cat Naps in Italy said...

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!! Everything looks just puuuurfect! I want to thank Asta, Eric and Lacie for inviting all of us cats! We sure are happy to be here!

And I know you have a boyfriend Asta, but you ever need a Prince Charming I am your cat! Hehehehheehe!



Simba and Jazzi said...

I'd better get the next train to London.

Simba x

Duke said...

This pawty is going to be a blast! We're bringing lots of halloween yummies, Asta!

See you soon!

Maggie and Mitch

Girl Girl Hamster said...

OH you're all ready for halloween pawtying Asta.

~ Girl girl

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

Those pictures looky scawie. We can't wait for the party to begin.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

It's gonna be a great Pawty...

Abby xxxooo

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hi Asta, thank you and Eric and Lacie for inviting us. This is a pawsome party.

Happy Halloween! ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Ferndoggle said...

HAPPY HOWLOWEEN!! Let the party begin!!! See you in London.


Anonymous said...

those are really cool :) have you tried http://www.blingeasy.com

Ruby Bleu said...

Cut service on Aire Ruby??? Well NEVER!!! It's not our fault the economy is so messed up, right? How did you enjoy kibble clafouti? I thought it turned out quite well for a first recipe!!!

I can't wait to see what else you've got planned for the weekend!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Gus said...

Whew..so glad we made the flight. Looking forward to the weekend.

Gussie, Teka, Jake, Just Harry and the Waggle

Sassy Kat said...

This is great! What fun to all be together again!!!! Flying in the MFV is fun but boy I must say your big ship was the firstest of first class. What a fun weekend we will have!!!!!!!

Daisy said...

You sure know how to throw a fun party!

The Black and Tans. said...

Hi Asta

Sorry it has started to rain here in London, hope it does not spoil anybody's costume. We are so excited.

Molly and Taffy

The Black and Tans. said...

Hi Asta

Sorry it has started to rain here in London, hope it does not spoil anybody's costume. We are so excited.

Molly and Taffy

Clover said...

Aah! I forgot to peemail you my costume pic!
Doing it right now...
Love Clover xo

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta...thank Dog you had an extra set of skinny jeans for me to borrow...um...I CAN'T BELIEVE DUFFY THREW UP ALL OVER ME! As for Dyos...Faya SEZ he's outta diapers...I had a very very wet lap.

Um..these jeans are a little snug thru the butt...um...Mango sez my butt is AMPLE. SOB SOB SOB...he's horsemeat, Asta...

The cats are insanely funny...I could believe the comments they make under their fishy (yum!) breath...

You looked divine gettin' ur hand kissed...when in the world did you have time to change into that suit...since Ruby put the hottub in, I thought you were never gonna get out...

Gotta run...any chance you would like to babysit both FUZZBRATS this afternoon, so I can catch up on my booty sleep? What...you have a date with Stan? Hmm...never mind...I'm gonna go and call Mango...tra la la la....

Love, Laciegirl

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

We are so glad the big party weekend is here!!! Thank goodness we made the plane in time. Leave it to Scooter and Tanner to make a wrong turn and end up on the moon...
Scooter says everyone got their deliveries though.
Now, let's party!!!!!
Sunny & Scooter

Moco said...

The Magic Bus is flying again. That is way cool. See you all bloody at the Tower.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

It is so good to get together with all our old friends again and we are making lots of new friends. ~S,S & C

PB 'n J said...

It looks like it's going to be a great party Asta!

Petra said...

Let the party begin!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Everything is just wonderful! It is so nice to see everyone. I just can't wait to hit the dance floor!

Prince Not-so-charming

Lizzy said...


I hope you have a GRRRReat HOWL-ooo-ween! Get lots of candy!


George the Pup said...

Looks like the start of a Pawesome weekend Asta!

Noah the Airedale said...

This is going to be a fantastic weekend Asta.

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Opus, I think you are charming. Will you dance with me. ~Scylla

MoMo, Opus has the right idea. Let's hit the dance floor.

I am having the bestest time. ~Charybdis

Agatha and Archie said...

Well I must say Prince Charles is quite the charming one... It is good to be be back "home" in jolly old England(I mean we WFT'S are from here orginally aren't we??) Can not wait for the party to start!! And Archie is chilling on those smoothies!! Love A+A

Mack said...

This is gonna be so much fun!!

I love your spooky signature!

Unknown said...

Hi Asta,

Thanks for your suggestion that Duffy sit with Lacie! Telling her she could actually "grow her own" boyfriend was a stroke of genius.

That Agatha sure travels in style (though what was up with Archie quivering under the seat when the in-flight movie was Ghostbusters?)

Off to Saville Row with Eric for some bespoke leads...see you at the Ritz for some pre-party Pawtinis!

Your pal,


Raising Addie said...

Very cool, Asta!

Halloween is so much fun!

The Devil Dog said...

Looks like thisis going to be the happening place, Asta. And since mom and dad are gonna be gone most of Saturday and Sunday, Lucky and I will be free to party all weekend long. Su-Weet!


The Cat Realm said...

Ohhhhh - we are so honored to be part of this great Halloween Party!!!
Thnka you so much Asta and Eric and Lacie to include us cats in this super fun!
Mrs. OZ, Tintin and Karl and Ruis

i said...

Hi Asta! Happy Halloween! What a pawsome job you've done! I've forgotten about this pawty yipes! Thanks to LS, now I don't have any costumes to go in. Sigh...

I love your signature! It's so spooky!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

"Oh Asta"...Lacie hiccups and giggles...she tries to stop,chokes, and giggles even harder. Asta looks around to find the source of her friend's hilarity...but sees nothing out of the ordinary. "Um...Lacie...what's so funny?"...

Lacie tries to talk, hiccups again and finally falls on the floor laughing so hard she has to get up and run to the ladies' room.

Mystified, Asta follows her.

Laughing even harder, Lacie points at Dyos and Duffy. In a stroke of Lakie genius, Lacie had tied their tails together with a giant blue bow....one can imagine the results.

Asta looks in disbelief and collaspes on top of Lacie giggling wildly.

The girls pull themselves together and return to the dance floor! And the pawty is only beginning...

The Nararator

Joe Stains said...

omdog we are having such a great time!! I am so glad I got to hang out with everyone before we leave for a week!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Looks like it's going to be a pawsome weekend! J x

Koobuss said...

This is going to be a terrific weekend! What a great place!!

Koobuss Kisses,

Stanley said...

Astaroni Pupcake!

I'm just now leaving comments because I have been having the time of my life with you in London! You are the BEST hostess, and Eric & Lacie are amazing!

Thank you for making this weekend possible for all of us!

Goober love & tons of smooches,

Lindsay said...

Looks like it's going to be a good time! No time to comment, I've got to go read more!

Brown dog kisses,