a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Finally anothew installment fwom HiltonHead

As I pwomised what seems like momfs ago, I have mowe pictoowes to show you fwom my Twip to Hilton Head wif Petey
this is what we saw in the mownings on ouw fiwst walk evewy day

bootiful stowks and hewons having bweakfast
but this is also what we saw...GULP........Mommi took this pictoowe fwom the powch

scaiwy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.I tippie toed awound , so he wouldn't wake up

then aftew bweakfast, it was time to go to the beach
we saw othew bootiful doggies on the way..

I asked this lovely whippet, if he knew my fwiends at whippet waggle, but he claimed he didn't..I don't believe him, since they awe wowld famous

this day , the beach disappeawed..aunt Jane said it was vewy high tide that made that happen

we thought it was sooo pwetty the way these vines gwew on the sand

my Daddi was the sweetest..he played wif me all the time we wewe thewe

and look how clevew the hoomans awe in Hilton head..they give you poopie bags fow fwee

now this is a video of me at the beach the next day...see how the watew went faw out? cool hhuh??

aftew the beach Petey and I went home to nap, while the hoomans went fow dwinkies and a boat wide wif fwiendses

anothew bootiful day came to a close

but it had been so nice, we didn't want it to end, so aftew dinnew, we wewe taken out fow some ice cweam along the watew fwont

diffewent bands played in westauwants..aunt Jane said they've nevew played anything witten aftew the 80s, hehehe...but it suwe was pleasant

natoowally we met some mowe pups to play wif, and get lovies
and then the "raisin detwe"..hehe, ask Faya..that's Fwench fow why we came...ICE CWEAM!!!!
evewyone seemed amazed by how long I can stand on my back feets..

Petey and I did a Sting opewation, hehehehe------While I distwacted evewyone wif my ciwcus act, Petey went ovew to a man watching with that cutie black doggie, and stole a tennis ball out of his pocket while he was amazed an stoopified at my feets, hehehehehehehe..
it was the best!!!
we made a pawsome team.

I still have some mowe pictoowes to show you, but Pleez be patient wif that and wif me answewing all of you, cause mommi is sowt of out of time always.

Thank you fow youw good wishes fow auntie Kawen and Duffy the pup who's coming, and fow auntie DEB and hew back..she's a tiny bit bettew, but still needs youw good vibes and kisses.
She will have to have the same pwoceedoowe done on the othew side next week..UGH!!!!!

and evewyone get back to wishing on the dog staw fow JACKSON pleez..it seems pawt of "Rodney"emigwated ovew the pond and took up wesidence on him..we hope it's just like Gussie's was, and nothing wowsew..cwoss paws!!!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh what alot of nice doggies you met and that scary croc...
Yeah on yummy ice cream

~ Girl girl

Lacy said...

w00f's Asta, watt iz we gonna do to git Jackson better...bless his heart...me thought gussie got rid of rodney...wow it wuz sooo much fun watching u runn on that beach...heehee me wood stay away from dat gator too...

b safe,

Duke said...

We're so glad you got ice cream, Asta! HiltonHead is sure pretty!
Paws are crossed for Jackson and Auntie Deb!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Hee hee, Asta you didn't tell them about our "Sting" operation. While you were distracting the people by dancing on your back legs, I swiped a tennis ball out of a man's pocket! They were astonished at what smooth operators we were!!!

Your pal,


Gus said...

Asta: Wow..that is some beach! And Teka is very jelly that you met some whippets. She is pining away because Swede William's mom is out of town and she can't read about him. Terrible, young love.

We are glad you didn't get into an argument with the alley gater, and that Petey didn't try to take any tennis balls away from him.


Huskee and Hershey said...

OMdoG.. that alligator looks HUGE!! Please STAY AWAY from it!! I can't bear the thought of you ending up in his tum tum!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

OH to be the kind of dog that khould run free like that BUT if I did, I'd never khome bakhk to my mom!

The HH pikhs reminded her of younger days and North Myrtle Beach - years and years ago -

I'll git over to Jackhson's blog now!

Have a good one!


Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

That alligator - YIKES! (really scary).

We like all of the pictures especially all the dog friends you and Petey got to meet.

Mama has been a little behind schedule with the dreaded H word - homework.

Time to go light another candle for Jackson.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Toffee said...

Oh! It looks like you all had so much fun! How did your daddi's talk go? My mom says that she wants to go to Hilton Head now!

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

Just wanted to stop by with an update on AutoBiography Week...

As you know, it's gonna be Oct 20 - 27th, but you can start putting your post together now...

When you have it ready, please email it to one of us:

chef.boxer@yahoo.ca or


Let's try to keep our posts to your 2 favorite pictures & under 500 words...

Our Mom's will get your post published on the "Littlest Memories" Blog during that week of Oct 20th thru 27th...

Thanks, & we hope you enjoy it...

Chef & Abby

Stanislaw said...

You and Petey live the life! And apparently there's ice cream in that life so I'm majorly jealous! What a great time and thanks for those videos!

Daisy said...

Asta, you are very, very wise to stay clear of the alligator. They can be mean, and they have sharp teeths.

I am amazed to see how far out the tide goes!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my...how in the world did mommi photoshop ur spots so black in that video? What...ya can't photshop videos? Ya mean THOSE BLACK SPOTS ARE REAL????

OMD, Asta...those are very rare 'spensive black Vera Fang spotties...

Sigh...I know I'll never get them cept with an air brush....

Oh...so ya got to eat raisin ice cream with some Deetz chopped in?? Are Deetz like those little black and brown jimmies ya put on cuppiecakes or more like nuts??? mmmmmmmmm....

My raisin deetzie is to irritate Scruffy. I'm darn good at it too!!!

Oh...I jumped outta the car at Baylee's house this morning...Mumsie's lucky she ever saw me again...

And Boy has Baylee peed all over their carpet...hmm...(that Mumsie paid for to have cleaned when they moved in...she said some HBO words!
Gotta run...this is a tad disjointed!

You looked fab on that beach....you'll NEVER have to wear shapewear!

Love you girlie...


Moco said...

That was just lovely. Grammie says it makes her want to take us to the ocean. We would go the Pacific though. A nap was truly in order after all the running.
We will include all in our daily circle of healing vibes.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Great photos, Asta. You are such a lucky girl to have gone on holiday to such a wonderful place!

Sen-Chan and Tom

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Wow, such beautiful pics and videos!!!(Glad you stayed away from the gator-chompchomp) We just love the ocean. The sounds and smells...ahhhh.
We will snd healing vibes to your Aunty eb and to Jackson. He has to get better. He has had ENOUGH!!

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Asta! what a pawsome place to holiday! and as always you looked marvelous!

we will add your auntie's to our pawrayer list and we'll head over the pond to Jackson's

We love you xoxo

well this sucks said...

aw the beach walk looks so much fun! Elmo's never been to the beach! I've never seen wild alligators either!

Stanley said...

Sweet Fuzzaroni Astapup!

You were RUNNING LIKE THE WIND on that open beach, sweetpea! Your mommi barely kept you in the frame you were so stinkin' happy! I could watch hours and hours of video like that!

You and Petey play so well together. I'm not surprised you had such a BLAST! Of course, the ice cream sting of 2008 was amazing! You and Petey should take your sting to the streets of the West Village!

We'll be thinking of our Jackson Boy! That Rodney is so stubborn. He's probably just missing Gussie and looking for a new place to live.

Goober love & smooches,

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Asta,I can see how much fun you had at the beach!!!!! I must say that I would not want to go because I hate to get my furs wet!!!! heeheehee
That ice cream looks yummy :)
Purrs Mickey

Deb Cushman said...

It looked like you had a lot of fun running in that water on the beach. We're glad that you tiptoed around that alligator so you didn't wake him up. We were so worried!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
That alligator sure was scary!
I loved your videos! Glad you had lots of fun there!
Yes, you and Petey make a good team!
Paws crossed for Jackson and your auntie too!
Kisses and hugs

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Asta..is your halloween costume for the wun...did you get it at Targee?? Um...does it have a pic of a lakeland wearing it? Mumsie saw one today...it's pawsome!!!

We need to have a pawty!


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wow Asta, what a great trip you had!! You are so fast running on that beach. I wish I could have gone with you. Poor Galveston was torn apart so badly that we may never get to go to the beach again....it's so sad.


Deefor said...

You look very happy on those beautiful beaches. I like all those birds too.


Kirby said...

Hi Asta,

Those pictures are just beautiful! What a wonderful getaway you all had. The beach from one day to the next is amazing. You would never know that it was the same beach!! Oh, that 'gator is WAY scary. I'm glad he didn't get you or Petey!

Your pal,

Hammer said...

Dear Asta
Your photos are lovely of your time spent at Hilton Head. The birds caught my attention. I'm real pleased the alligator stayed away from you though. No wonder you met so many nice dogs .. they would not be able to resist you. I had a chuckle about Petey stealing the tennis ball while you danced. I love icecream too cept my mum won't buy it for me. She says I'm too fat.
I'm sorry I haven't been visiting lately but I'm always thinking of you and your pawrents.
Mum is extra busy so I'm not doing many posts and I'm only managing to reply to comments. Where we live the internet connection is very slow and blogging takes a lot of time coz of this and Blogger dropping out and mum just doesn't have the time to spare at the moment. She is trying to start a business so we don't lose our home. She does not want to work for anyone else coz after what happened to Beau, she'd be too worried leaving us alone for too long during the day.
Love from Hammer

Joe Stains said...

omdog we loved the video of you running around after the tide had gone out. you look like you are having the best time ever. what a fun vacation. we giggled over petey stealing the ball while you danced :)

Noah the Airedale said...

Those beach videos are pawesome Asta. That is an amazing tide and that alligator....crikey how scary was that.

We thought Jackson was getting better. Goodness, we'll go over there right away.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Simba and Jazzi said...

So many things to see and do, what a great trip.

Simba x

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

What a great set of pictures! I sure do like the storks!

P. said...

Hey'a Asta!
Thanks for stoppin' by my blog! Khyra is so nice to telling you so comes over.

Looks like you had a great trip, wish my ma would take me somewhere like thats!

I'm putting you on my fur friends list, and you can bet I'll be reading your blog!

Tail Wags,

Shaggy and Scout said...

What a fabulous trip! Those were great pictures and WOW can you run like the wind!

Deetz said...

Thank you so much for sharing your trip with me. It looks like you and petey had a wonderful time. I would be afraid of that gator too...that is very scary! I wouldn't get in the ocean either, cuz of the sharks...scary! I was so totally amazed with your "sting operation" hehe...you are so talented. I had no idea Jackson was still not feeling well...
I will pray upon his star and ask Gizmo to send healing vines down from heaven, okay?

Petra said...

A magic beach that disappears? That's pretty tricky. I'm impressed that you weren't afraid of the waves, Asta.

Hilton Head looks like a beautiful place to vacation. Motch said when she was in Israel that she had Gelato and that made her think of you. She loved it, too!

BenTheRotti said...

Wow Asta that looked like an amazing trip! That gator was very scary though, you are such a brave girl!
Whenever you share photos of a trip I always feel like I have been there, you describe a place to perfection!

have a great weekend sweet girl,

Ben xxxxx

Mickey's Musings said...

Thanks for stopping by Asta!!! Have a fun weekend :)
Purrs Mickey

Eric said...

Asta! Asta!Asta! Woooo hoo!!! I'm clip-clapping my paws together in joy and happiness at the lovely sight of you running free as free with NO LEAD on the beach. Isn't it the just the VERY VERY best? Makes you feel good all over and the 2 leggededs too. (I bought Mom over to see you ,she went all sniffely) I'm so wagging you and Petey had the most pawfect time in in Hilton Head...in the sea, on the beach, eating gelatos,using the free poopie bags (he,he)and getting lots of loving. Nice double act you dancing and Petey ..um..taken rightful possesion of misplaced tennis balls. Hope you, Mommi and Aunty Jane each get a nice handbag from the'gator later too. And a wallet for Daddi.

Wiry wags of happiness, Eric x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Chrissie said...

I'll bet it felt good to run free and fast, Asta! That makes it a GREAT day, when you're a woofie. For me, I'd call it a great day to NOT be eaten by your 'gator neighbor and to get a lick or two of that ice cream!

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

Those are beautiful pictures...The beach is the best...

Abby xxxooo

Tesla and Hansel said...

ice cream?! NOM NOM NOM

Anonymous said...

I love ice cream nom nom... But that croc was scary really scary....
You seem to have a nice day there, good for you my dear friend!

Yes I will cross my paws....

Juno said...

Sissy, thank you for sharing your bootiful photos with us. You've travelled many bootiful places but you just add one more bootiful experience! :)

We're happy that your Auntie Kawen is expecting a baby WFT!! We can't wait to get to know this new family member.

Thank you for your barkday message to me, Pinot. You made our day!

Momo & Pinot