a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

halloween Pawty

Where: Tower of London, UK
Attire: Costumes optional!
all fuwwfwiends awe invited!

asta eric and lacie's halloween party

RSVP: Asta, Eric, or Lacie
Transportation: Aire Ruby...flights leave 10/30/08;
Return Sunday, 11/2/08 Make your reservation early!

Other activities; Shopping, Theater, Double Decker Bus tour, Tate Gallery, etc.!

Pleez let us know if you awe coming by 10/26 at the latest if you want to be included!
Make youw wesewvations on Aiw Ruby!
Can't wait to see you thewe. whaahahahahahahahahahah


Brownie said...

I want to go there!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

It looks like such fun BUT I must be in Gettysburg 11/1 for The Siberian Husky Khlub of Amerikha Nationals!

I khan't WAIT to meet some of my Siberworld Blog pals!!


Dexter said...

Asta! Hector Wheelie here! Mango, Dexter, and I are already trying on costumes. Count us in!


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Count us in, please, I'll sit on Huge Mango's lap. Puggy Ximui and Chubs, too. We'll help cleaning the plane after the party is over.

Mickey's Musings said...

WOW!! That sounds fun Asta :)
Purrs Mickey

P. said...

Count me in Asta! I betters go and find my custom, maybe I'll dress up like Mango? I could pull of being lovely Mastiff, don't ya think?

Tail Wags,

Chef said...

Hi Asta. I was grounded for two years because I was a bad boy at Gucci's party, but then Mama said if Mango's going so can I because he's mature and will make sure I don't make mischiefs. YAY!! Count me in.


Huskee and Hershey said...

Count us in please!! (oh is there an age limit? Just wondering cos Hershey is only 5 months old, so if there is an age limit, then I have a valid excuse to leave her at home with mom and I can enjoy a date with Baby)...

Sami & Baylee said...

Mando told me all about the halloween pawty and I am so excited. I would like to come so count me Baylee and my sista Sami in for the pawty, do you want us to bring anything? :) What shall I be? Hum better start thinking!

I can't wait for all the fun!

xoxox Baylee

Kirby said...

Wooo hooo, I love Halloween! Count me in. I'll head over to Ruby's and book my seat! This is going to be so much fun!!

Your pal,

the many Bs said...

Asta dear, please make our reservation for the party. we will come dressed as curly coated water retriever dogs - hee hee!

we love a good party & Baxter joined our dog pack on Halloween 4 short years ago!


Lizzy said...


The Tower of London?! Wow! I am SO there! Can't wait!


Joe Stains said...

We will TOTALLY be there!!! YAY!!!

Boo Casanova said...

count boo, dopey and girl in please! it'll be difficult to get a good picture of girl. but i'll post some new ones up soon so you can use it.

this is gonna be fun fun fun!

wet wet licks


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
A Halloween party! I want to go!
Kisses and hugs

Moco said...

I would like to be included on this trip. I have always wanted to be Dr. Watson. Who could be my Sherlock Holmes?

The Devil Dog said...

Ohhh, that sounds like fun. Can we go? Can we? Can we?

Roxy & Lucky

PS Love your dogs for Obama sign. Mom is gonna vote for "that one" too.

Noah the Airedale said...

Count us all in Asta. Can't wait. Just gotta sort out our costumes.

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Asta girl...
This is going to be the bestest pawty! I'll post the RSVP starting tomorrow - W00t!

Oh and I just love your costume!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That looks fun.. It's not too scary is it. Can we come too?

~ Girl girl & Bae

Urban Smoothie Read said...

wow!! love your scawy poster..

i can't wait to wear my devil costume

Ben & Darling said...

Oh, you calling Boo?? haha

Count us in!! Im gonna bring along Twinkle, WW & Hippo. This will be their 1st pawty.

slurpy licks,

The WriggleButts said...

Count me in, Asta! Virus isn't even big enough to carry his own litter box so I think he'll have to stay home.


The Black and Tans. said...

Oh how exciting, you are having a Halloween party in our country.

We will definitely come up to London and join you all.

Will we be visiting the London Dungeons as well????? They are ever so spooooooooky.

Molly and Taffy xx

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Dearest Asta! I would be delighted to come to your Halloween party! Last Halloween I almost died because I was so very sick. This year has been good to me and I am felling fine for a senior kitty. So I will wear my pretty pumpkin sweater OK...
Lots of love from your MissPeachy

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

This sounds like so much fun! We'd like to come too.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Duke said...

This sounds like fun! Count us in!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

can i come and bring Otto to i would hate him to miss out.

Ludo the cool dude.

Mack said...

This sounds so awesomely fun! We would love to go!

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

I want to come...

I am still trying on costumes...

I can't wait...

Abby xxxooo

Toffee said...

oooh! oooh! count Riley and I in!...that is one scary "witch's cackle" you have there Asta!


Agatha and Archie said...

Ah geesh....I just told Archie about the party..he is out cold, pssed out, fainted......I knew he was going to get scared when I told him it was THE TOWER!!!!! mwahahahahah...Of course reservations for 2( I may have to get a couple of Lacies super powered smoothies for ARchie) Love A+A

Eric said...

Asta! Aggie! Lacie! NURSES!!!

HELP MEEEEEEEEE!!! I must be harmed!!! I'm sort of BlEEEEDINg..............!!!Kisses and smoochies of revival NEEDED NOWWW!!! (um.. can you bring Toffeee too?)

(Or is it just a fake blood pellet in my dandy shirt pocket?)Come over and find out,he,he,he!!!!

Wags, Eric x x x x x x

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Since we are much closer to London than you are, Asta, and #1 is used to driving through the Channel Tunnel, I guess we'll just see you there!

Count us both in!!! And we may have a surprise guest with us!

Tom (for Sen-Chan too)

Unknown said...


Yes! i'm in too.

Can I have a nurse since I've got conjunctivitis??? (Just not one from Pittsburgh who weighs 12 pounds! She'll leave me worse for wear, I'm afraid...)

Your pal,


Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Asta Darling! yeah can't wait to go to the dungeon! mommy said it's sumtin to see so reserve 3 seats fur us k?!

we love yous thanks fur the invite it's gonna be a scarily fun pawty boohahahahahaha

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We will go. Sounds like lots of fun..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Sassy Kat said...

Count me in!!!!! Do you need help with anything????
I will send you a photo of my costume.

Balboa said...

I'm in!!!! I can't wait, we're gonna have a blast. Now, I just have to buy a costume.

Frenchie SNorts

Petra said...

Oh, I'm so excited! Please bring your dramamine in case I need it again, okay, Asta?

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hi Asta we would love to come. Mommy says we are monsters so we will come as ourselves ~Scylla & Charybdis

I am looking forward to your party. ~Socks

Tesla and Hansel said...

dat wud be lots of fun! i might wanna come!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Count us in too. If the baby bipeds here can get costumes, surely Mom can help us too. Sounds like a great night of fun.

Woos, the OP Pack

The Cat Realm said...

We definitely want to come!!! What do we have to do? Just make the airline reservations? Oh what fun, a Halloween party in the tower of London!!!! I do need to get new help before that though.... the current staff even forgot my Gotcha day today!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I'm coming!!!!!! Just let me know what I have to do? Where do we make the reservations for Aire Ruby? If the flight is full, we kitties can teleport, or come by the magical van!!!!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

BTW, Asta sissy, SS only manages to get me into a blinking witch hat. Would that do?

Rudy said...

I wonder if I'd run into any Bedlington ghosties if I went? We're from England, being terriers and all, but my daddy was Swedish.
I'm confused!

Sign me up --

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Dear Dr. Asta,
Whoa, I have to swallow Valium before stepping in your blog's entrance. I loved it!
Do you think we need some paw foods during the flight? I'll make spring rolls, ok?

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Your Award is waiting for you in my blog, pick anyone you like, please.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ohohoh, we'd love to come...can we make a reservation for three please. We'll even bring some homemade doggy treats along with the cat treats. Please and thank you...

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

I'm IN! J x

BenTheRotti said...

I would love to come Asta,

Is it ok if I don't wear a costume though? They don't really sell doggy halloween costumes here and Mum is no good at sewing so she can't make me one. Mum tried to get me one but all she could find was flimsy plastic capes (a bit like a garbage bin liner) and Mum was worried I would swallow some of it and get sick!

The UK sucks at Halloween.. all the decorations for the houses are plastic and yukky too!

Ben xxxx

Anonymous said...

Oh wau, I'm in of course! Could you pick me up here from Finland? Now I need to decide my costume, whether nurses dress or Sherlock Holmes dress... Or because my origin comes from Ireland should I be a Leprechaun????

Kellykat said...

That sounds like so much fun but our typist leaves us on the weekend and we don't get to blog then. If we can just teleport over on the 30th we would LOVE to attend!
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar

The Meezers or Billy said...

we would like to please come to the party!!!

Sammy, Miles and Billy

Lacy said...

w00f's my bute ti ful friend asta, can me please come to ur pawty...me will b a good pup and not dwink to many pawtinis...

b safe,

Deb Cushman said...

Your party sounds like a lot of fun! I'd like to come, Asta!

Unknown said...

we will go.... yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

a big hug

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

hay asta, hay asta, hi butiful gurl. i haf not ben feelin gud but i wanted tu see u on this puter. aannndd i want tu cum tu yur pardee. plees? i am shur i will be all bedder by then. oh an can sunny cum too? i askeded mom to mak air ruby res, uh rez er va shunz for us. u r lookin az butiful az efer. *sigh* i fink i feel bedderer jus lookin at u!
ok anok

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

pee ess i dunno if we wil haf costumz. we never haf, but mom sed she mite see if she cud fink of somfink. i dunno
ok anok

Amber said...

Count me in Asta!! been ages since i've been one. definitely wearing a costume!

big licks

Ruby and Penny said...

I would love to come. I have a costume & everything.

Love Ruby