a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, September 29, 2008


I have a vewy exciting announcement!!!!

NOOOOOOOO, I'm not getting a bwuvvew ow sissie, BUT,

Auntie Kawen is expecting a baby WFT..
I heawd the stowk has been spotted winging his way to New Yowk City fwom Nowf Cawolina..that's wight..fwom the same place I was bowned..as a mattew of fact..I heaw this little tyke has the same Daddi as me..so I guess he'll be my half bwuvvew?

...someone managed to snap a pictoowe of him being bwought by the stowk
..he looks pweety sneepy and young still..I can't wait to meet him....(did I evew look so little?)

isn't he adowable?
his name is going to be Duffy, and the stowk is schedooled to awwive on Octobew 11th in the evening!

speaking of little...
evewyone wemembew to pawticipate in Autobiogwaphy Week OCT.20th
if you want to participate, please email your stories and pics to us at chef.boxer@yahoo.ca or crabbyabby5827@yahoo.com, and we'll paste your entry to the Autobiography Week site.

and now fow anothew auntie announcement:

Please go and give youw good wishes to auntie Deb.......she is soo nice and if you wemembew, she visited me hewe in NY about a momf ago
hew back is vewy ouchy and she's having a BIG pwoceedoowe on it today..go give hew youw love!  at the Taylor Catsssss


Anonymous said...

Our paws are crossed and we pray for your auntie Deb. I'll promise to you that she will get better!

I'm very happy to hear that you will get the half brother. And so soon already! Great! Now you better start to do some preparations....

Lots of kisses to you!


ps. Yes I did ate a turtle, but I told Jane and Bunny then that I was sorry and beside that I got stummy ache...

Moco said...

How exciting. A new cousin. You will be able to teach him all the in and outs of being a great terrier.
We will be doing a circle of healing vibes for Aunt Deb.
Count us in for autobiography week. We are pretty boring though.

Lacy said...

w00f's Asta, wow, bout time auntie karwen got a baby...heehee u can show him cool doggie ways...me will go wish auntie deb good wishes...

b safe,

Lacy said...

grrrr asta girlie, blogger being mean, it wont take me to say woof's to auntie Deb, me will haff to go there from u friends list...


Lacy said...

well poop that didnt work, not nos which it is...will u wish her good wishes fur me and me will keep me paws crossed and mama will keep her in her prayers...thank you ;)


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hi Asta!

It's so exciting that you're going to meet Duffy real soon! He looks SOOOO adorable!

I've already signed up for the Autobiography Week entry, so hopefully I can get it done quickly with my Mom...*wink* Can't wait to read YOUR stories...=)

Will be thinking about your Aunty Deb too...hope the procedure will go smoothly and her back will be all fine again!


Faya said...

Oh quelle joie ! Un bébé fox ! Je me réjouis pour tante Karen !
Bisous, Faya

Simba and Jazzi said...

Dropping by to say hello.

Simba x

Duke said...

Congratulations to Auntie Karen! Now you have to convince her to blog so we can watch Duffy grow up, Asta!
Our paws are crossed for Auntie Deb!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Snowy and Crystal said...


that is so exciting


keep us posted with updates about Duffy, okay?

That picture of him is sooo adorable

Maltese Paws

Noah the Airedale said...

We are sooooo excited for your Auntie Karen and your going to have a little wire to play with. She chose a great name for the little fella. Please pass on our congrats to her.
We also hope all goes well for your Auntie Deb. Paws are crossed!!

Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxxx

Islay said...

Did I hear right, Asta - are you getting a new brother? What fun! Congratulations!

licks & slobbers

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

How exciting for your Aunt Karen. We can't wait to meet Duffy. ~S,S & C

BenTheRotti said...

What exciting news Asta! I bet he is cute as a button, can't wait to meet him.

Putting my paws together and sending good thoughts and healing slobbers to Auntie Deb, we wish her a speedy recovery.

love and tailwags,

Ben xxx

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


I hope The Stork takes good khare of him and doesn't drop him!

Paws khrossed and Sibe Vibes fur your Auntie Deb and her bakhk!


Gus said...

OH boy how exciting, A new baby foxie! Are you old enough to babysit? hehehehe, maybe Faya can give you some tips!


Ruby Bleu said...

OMD OMD OMD OMD...how excitering to have your half brother so close by!!! You'll get to play with him all the time. Your Auntie Karen must be sooooooo excitered! Oh I can't wait to see more pix!! W00t!!!

Oh and I'm thinking good thoughts for Auntie Deb!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Daisy said...

Your little bebbeh cousin is very adorable! Congratulations!

I am purring my best for Auntie Deb today.

Fred said...

Hooray for the new bebe!

Agatha and Archie said...

A BABY!!! OOOOhhhhhhhhh you can push the carriage and teach him all the tricks and take him shopping and take him to the run and to the pool...oh you are going to be vry very busy!! We are sending lots of luck to Debbie and gentle kisses Love A+A

Murphey said...

Oh, a little puppy, HOW COOL!


Petra said...

Oh, Asta, I'm so happy for Aunt Karen; she'll be a great mom! And I'm happy for you because you'll be a great cousin, and I'm happy for Duffy because he'll have such a wonderful family. I'm happy, happy, happy!

Mack said...

A new Baby WFT!

How exciting! He looks so widdle as he is being delieverd to auntie by that stork!

We are sending Macky healing vibes to auntie Deb.

Can't wait to see pics of the new little one!

The Furry Kids said...

Oooh, Asta! How exciting! We are so excited for you. And your Auntie Karen, of course. We're purring for Auntie Deb, too.

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

OMD!!!!! A baby for Auntie Karen!!!!!!!!!!! oh and Asta, best of both worlds.....your own bruvver that you don't have you share with all the time. Just visits!!! WOOT!! We think it will make Auntie Karen feel lots&lots better. She's had a hard time. We help people sooo much don't we. This is just what she needs! YAY!
We love pups!!!!!
We will send healing vibes to Auntie Deb!
Hugs&Hi 5s
Sunny&Scooter(mmmuuuaaaahhh asta :)

Chrissie said...

Wow, a baby woofie! He's very cute! I hope we'll be hearing from him at his own blog as soon as he gets settled in!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...i just can't wait to come up and take care of Duffy!!

That is the most adorable pic of him flyin' around with the storkie!!

I have the pic of all of us posted at the game last night...my my didn't you get a nice surprise!!!

Lotsa love, Laciegirl

Toffee said...

I am so happy and excited for auntie Karen!! Now you and Petey will have another to partake in your shenanigans...hehheh...does auntie karen live in NYC? If so do you think she would like to meet up on Nov. 14th too?

Chef said...

Oh we can imagine all the fun that's going to go on with a baby in the family! Can't wait to meet that little cutiepie Duffy. Petie and your Auntie Karen must be so excited!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
I can't wait to meet Duffy!
Cousin or half brother?? Well, he will be part of the family, that is what matters, right?
Paws crossed for auntie Deb!
Kisses and hugs

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How exciting - a baby biped for woo!!! We have four little grandbipeds here during the weekdays as our Mom takes care of them. They are very noisy but they sure are good at dropping food on the floor for us.

Woos, the OP Pack

Sassy Kat said...

Wow! A stork coming a little one!!!!! I bet you all can hardly wait. Yes I would think you are related. Congrats!!!!!!!!

Dewey Dewster said...


How excitin' fer Auntie Karen ta be gettin' a baby wire....I am sure that she will love it the same as Gram and Pap love us.....ta the end of time.....

Ya had lots of news this time...sorry ta hear about Auntie Deb's back...hope 'er procedure goes well.....back trouble can be a real pain in....well...the back....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Joe Stains said...

OMDOG this is SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!! woooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Dear Dr. Asta,
Thanks for taking care of Rocky, he told me he felt better now, thanks for your soft touch.
I'm so proud to be a friend of a Head Custom& Fashion Designer.
Congrats on the new baby, you'll enjoy the new bundle of joy, Auntie Karen.
Autie Deb, may I assist you with home physical therapy. Do you have to wear a back brace? You'll look more elegant with a proper fitted brace. And I'll make sure you practice logroll in bed and comply with all rules no lifting, no twisting, no reaching, hehe.
The season allery this year is killing my mom, so this weekend we'll be heading to UPS.

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Dear Dr. Asta,
Thanks for taking care of Rocky, he told me he felt better now, thanks for your soft touch.
I'm so proud to be a friend of a Head Custom& Fashion Designer.
Congrats on the new baby, you'll enjoy the new bundle of joy, Auntie Karen.
Autie Deb, may I assist you with home physical therapy. Do you have to wear a back brace? You'll look more elegant with a proper fitted brace. And I'll make sure you practice logroll in bed and comply with all rules no lifting, no twisting, no reaching, hehe.
The season allery this year is killing my mom, so this weekend we'll be heading to UPS.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

What great noos. Lil Duffy looks cute, too.
Fanks fur tha get well wishes, i hope yours mom gets rid of hers sinus too, gifs yous a headache.
Love and Purrs,

T-man Angel said...

I'll be saying a special prayer for Auntie Deb that her back gets all fixed up.

We'll be looking forward to seeing baby photos of little Duffy when he arrives home!

T-man Angel

Bogart H. Devil said...

WOO-HOO - more WFTs!!! :)



Snowy and Crystal said...

Hey beautiful Asta,

we wont be around for a while. so we wanted to say "have a nice weekend" earlier :)

enjoy your weekend and we hope that by the time we are back, we would fine tones of posts from you. We love your posts - so keep them comming

Maltese Paws


Deb Cushman said...

Things are pretty busy with your Aunties! Duffy looks like he's going to be a fun half brother! We're thinking of your Auntie Deb!
Freckles and Deb

Amber said...

Missh you Asta, that's very exciting news on little Duffy :) ! Paws crossed for your Aunt Deb~!!

Amber~ :)

Eric said...

OOOOhhh a Square Puppy!!! What a fab picture of him. Hope the stork drops him off gently on the 11th. He's sooooo adorable and will be the most pawfect company for Auntie Karen to love and look after and maybe help her to cope with her sadness.I know Duffy will do his bestest. Bet he will be as sweet as his half sister too.I'm wagging excited, another square cousin for me across the big pee!

Wiry wags to you and Aunty Karen and Duffy.

I'm keeping paws crossed for Auntie Deb. And thank dog have my bark spot back so I'm barking for Jackson. Hope I've not been waking you.....

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

How exciting...You will have a half brother/cousin named Duffy...

He is adorable...

Maybe your Aunti Karen can send me or Chef a little story about him & a picture to post for the Autobiography Week event...

Abby xxxooo

Unknown said...

I'm busy "conditioning" a tennis ball especially for Duffy! Got to get it nice and smushy for his little baby teeth!

Your pal,


Deetz said...

Gosh I hope the stork knows how to fly really good, cuz that puppy is really tiny. I hope the stork drops one off for me sometime soon.
Mum says she is working on it.
I pray upon all the doggie stars in heaven that Auntie Kawen recovers quickly without any pains at all.
I Pray I pray I pray

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Duffy is so cute. We can't wait. We will get mom busy on our Autobiography.. She better get busy...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Koobuss said...

Hi Kousin Asta,

What great news about Aunt Karen and Duffy! I can't wait to see him. I bet he's gonna be adorable.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Thor and Jack said...

So cool you´re getting a new half brother! Congrats! Duffy is adorable!
Paws crossed for Auntie Deb.

Love and licks

Kirby said...

YEAH Aunt Asta! You and Duffy are going to be the best of friends. You are going to have to teach him EVERYTHING that you know. Oh, he is going to be so smart. Can't wait till he arrives!

Your pal,

Anonymous said...

Hi Asta!

Is there any rules for that autobiography week in October? We like to participate but we would like to know more about it, because we are newcomers in blog world as you know.

Kisses for you


Stanley said...

Sweet Astaroni!

Your new brudder/cousin is STINKIN' lucky to have you around to mentor him. He is already such a loved puppy!

And yes, you were once that tiny and even more adorable. NOT hard to believe!

We're sending healing goober smooches to your auntie Deb. We're hoping everything goes well. (Think they'd let a big hairy Dale go visit her in the hospital?)

Goober love & smooches,

Jans Funny Farm said...

Whew. We dropped by to catch up and got a lot of news!

We're really happy for your Auntie Karen. You're going to have another friend to play with.