a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sunset on the woof

I weceived this wondewful awawd fwom some gweat fwiends,only I can't thank them ow even tell you who they awe, cause stoopid Mommi's bwains don't wowk, and she didn't wite it down and can't find the owiginal, and now I'm soooo embawwwassed...but THANK YOU SO VEWY MUCH ........WHOEVEW YOU AWE SWEET FWIEND!!!!!!!!!!..if you see this let me know..I'm so sowwy!!!!!!!!!

and now fow a twavelogue of sowts

While I flew to England to help nuwse my gweat fwiend Jackson, Mommi and Daddi got invited to Petey's Mom's house fow dinnew.
Since it was a bootiful evening..wawm wif bweezes off the Hudson wivew, the dinnew was outside

Aunt Jane lives about a five minute walk fwom us..in a wondewful building fwom the twenties ,it's in the Faw West Village, and has 360 degwee views of the city fwom the woof

like a lot of apawtment buildings, it has a wooftop tewwace fow the tenants to use
(also like most buildings..thewe is a NO DOGS allowed sign...unfaiw!!!!!!!!!!!)
when my pawents fiwst moved to ouw apt...it was mowe bohemian, and you could take youw dogs up and BBQ and all sowts of stuff..but now it's gotten too posh fow us

aunt Jane's is a weally classy one

she set the table fow dinnew up thewe
( I heawd it was fabulous..it involved chicken wif a pawmesan cwust...and salad, and .........pwosecco and cheese and bwead, and cookies and fwuit, and cweme fwaiche)

and while they had appetisews and dwinkies..they looked out on all this

that's the Hudson Wivew of couwse...and some lucky hooman has that deck on the wight as a pwivate deck (they can have theiw dogs thewe if they want...I wish we wewe wich)
Daddi , auntie Jane and and hew good fwiend Unkel Glen having dwinks

the sun stawted to go away...the othew side of the wivew is NewJewsey

this is looking nowth east..you can see the Empiwe State building and Mommi's favowite..the Chwyslew Building
this is just the village..I don't know how Mommi got that big ciwcle in the pictoowe..but I think it's kind of cool....like an extwa moon ow something

thewes all sowts of plantses up thewe too, but mommi took the pictoowe of the lavendaw cause she was thinking of Maggie and Mitch
it's hawd to take pictoowes in the dawk wif a little camewa

well,I'm glad I wasn't in town, since they didn't invite me anyway, but at least Mommi and Daddi didn't miss me too much cause they got to sit on the nice deck...

Jackson is an excellent patient, and he is healing wondewfully...I have to apply salve and kisses houwly fow the itchies though..Laci is getting weally good at this


Goofy said...

oh.. great photos there.. how i wish i were up there having that great view..


KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Those are beautiful photos, but would have been better with a few woofies (and cats) for company up there.
Missy Blue Eyes

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Wow, what a wonderful view. But I've got an even BETTER one, since you're here with me, tending my ear! Hehehe! J x

Girl Girl Hamster said...

The view from your house look pawsome. :)

~ Girl girl

i said...

Ooh I just love the view from your house! Great pictures!

Congrats on your wonderful award!

Kyanite said...

Glad Mommi & Daddi had such a lovely evening - terrifiv views of the city @ nite.


Joe Stains said...

the views are spectacular! I cannot believe they don't let doggies up there! I might need to fake an injury just to get a visit from the nurses!

Simba and Jazzi said...

I'm back at last, so much to catch up on.

Simba xx

BrandytheGreat said...

Mmm BBQ sounds good!

Noah the Airedale said...

Asta, those photos are great. The only problem now is D is mumbling about going to New York. I think it's wishful thinking hee hee.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

The views from Aunt Jane's house are pawtastic! Mama has been to the Empire State Building a lot of times. She has also seen the Chrysler Building up close.

The terrace views would be prettier if dogs were allowed.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Mack said...

Wowsa- NY is so beautiful.

Maybe some day I could catch a ride and we could meet up?

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

That looks like a very nice place to sit and visit. It's too bad they don't allow doggies. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Patience-please said...

We could not live in a big city. (We probably could, but the servant couldn't.) We always lived on a little horse farm until we moved to Paducah. We think Paducah is a HUGE city and we live practically downtown. Those photos are lovely, and they gave us a little perspective!!!
Glad Jackson is doing better!!

wags from the whippets

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

I'm glad Jackson is feeling better...You are a great nurse...

What beautiful pictures of NYC...

Did they bring any of that great food home for you?

Abby xxxooo

Agatha and Archie said...

How lovely!!! But stinky that no dogs are allowed!!! Ah well......That Petey is agreat kid! Love A+A

Deb Cushman said...

The view is just beautiful! What a wonderful time they must have had. Hope all is well with your friend Jackson. That nurse's outfit should have cheered him up considerably!

Unknown said...

Hi Asta!

After dinner, Bear and I walked your Mommi and Daddi home. I was all set to come in and play a few rounds of ball, when I remembered you were in England! Oh well, when you get back!

Your pal,


P.S. I've snuck up on the roofdeck a few times. Good thing I'm not scared of heights!

Toffee said...

My dear ASTA...you mentioned in your blog that you wished that you were rich...oh! Asta! you ARE rich - you are rich with the love of your mommi & daddi and your countless DWB friends! But I think you knew that didn't you!?...tee hee...

with love,

pee-ess: we get to see Agatha & Archie and Lenny today!!!

Jake of Florida said...

What wonderful photos of Mom's favorite city!!! We could just imagine what it was like. But how stoopid not to let dogs enjoy the terraces and the views. We love to be way up high, so it would be a real bummer not to be allowed.

Mom loves Prosecco -- next time have a sio for her.

Lots of wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Oh, oh, oh, I think I just stubbed my paw. Oh, oh, I think I need a nurse, Hellllllp!! :) Jake

Daisy said...

What a beautiful, beautiful view! I think it would be so fun and exciting to live in New York!

Ruby Bleu said...

wow...what a view. When your Mommi looked over to NJ did she see Pearl - hee hee hee!

You are such a good nursey...I'm sure Jackson will be all better soon!

Lots of licks, Ruby

Deetz said...

Wow those pictures are so cool....Where I live you can look for miles and see nothing but fields and buildings are not tall at all.....My mum said we would get lost in all those buildings and stuff. Its like we are the only people on earth where we live....kinda scary!

Moco said...

What a lovely view, but what good is it if you can't share it with a dog?

Petra said...

Thank your mommi for sharing these pictures; they are beautiful! My mom loves NYC and thinks it's about time to take a trip there. I'll sneak in her suitcase & come along, if you're going to be home, Asta.

The Furry Kids said...

Congratulations on your award, Asta!

That's a very cool view of the city. It would be better if dawgs could be up there, though.

Your pal,

Gaia the Airedale said...

My my, what beautfiul pictures you have taken! And congrats on the award!!!!

puppy breath,

Juno said...

Sissy Asta, Coongrats on the awrad!! It's not fair that we doggies are not allowed to go to the rooftop but wow..what a view!!!! We can at least enjoy your mommi's bootiful shots!

Momo & Pinot

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

We forgot to congratulate on your award. Silly Mama!

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Duke said...

What beautiful pictures of the city and what a fabulous sounding dinner! Thank you for showing us Petey's lavender! Doesn't it smell awesome?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dewey Dewster said...


It looks lke your Mom and Dad had a really nice dinner..what a beautiful view of the city and of New Jersey beyond the river. It looks like a very enchanting city to live in.....New York, the city that never sleeps.....
Dewey Dewster here....

Eric said...

Wow! Fab photies of NYC ...your beautiful and exciting city...it's my 2 leggededs favourite place in all the world . . . you are one lucky pup .... and pawfectly lovely that your 2 leggededs had a good evening with Petey's ones.

I was looking for a big apple in the photies but I didn't see one.. only that UFO thingie. . .

Wags, Eric x

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

those pix were great! Mom says that she always wonder what was up on the roofs?

Did you get to see any of the man- made waterfalls in the east river?
Mom believes that there 5 all together.

When the yacht goes in, maybe we will sail there to see them! What to come along?

Luna Da Luna

Koobuss said...

WOW!!!! What a great place!! I would really love that!
Great photos!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie