a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A vewy Sad ASTA

My Sweet Fwiends,

Pleez fowgive me fow not answewing all youw lettews and weplies wegawding the pawty..
I hope you awe all having a gweat time, and want you to stay as long as you can and go back to visit tomowwow, when Willow and Puttew will have the west of the pictoowes on theiw bloggies..pleez go wish them a happy , healthy , long life!!!!!!!!! I don't want to spoil any fuwwkids fun, but I had to come home eawlymy Dawling auntie Kawen's husband ED died satuwday night, and Mommi and I want to be hewe fow hew..she is bwoken heawted, and needs us.

This was Ed, and theiw doggie Duggan in happiew times..pleez pway that auntie Kawen finds peace in hew heawt again...and maybe even happiness aftew a time..
thank you
ASTA and Mommi


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I am so sorry to hear this. I would like to send purrs to aunt Karen. Purrs, purrs and more purrs to get her through this tough time.

Kapp pack said...

Prayers for your family!

Sad woos, Kelsey Ann

Peanut said...

Our thoughts are going out to your Aunt Karen and your family. Take good care of her.

Lorenza said...

I am so sorry to hear about Ed.
Tell your Auntie Karen that we are praying for him and all the family.
Take care

Noah the Airedale said...

Asta and Ami
We are so sorry to hear about Ed. How distressing for Karen and all of you. You are in our thoughts.
Take care.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy & Denise

Maya and Kena said...

Dear Asta,
We are so sorry to hear about Ed. We see that it's a hard time fur you and your humans right now... stay strong!
Our paws are crossed fur you and we'll be praying.
Lots of licks,
Maya and Kena

Charlie Daniels said...

Hi Asta

Sorry to hear about Ed. I am sending my best doggy wishes for you and those you love.


Faya said...

Asta, nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous dans ces pénibles instants. Toutes nos condoléances à la famille.
Amitiés, Véronique et Faya

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Sweet Asta...

Please give Auntie Karen comforting licks from us,'kay??? We know she will draw solace from your mom and dad, but we really think she will be helped by hugging you and feeling ur warm fur against her face.....

Make sure your mom gets some sleep and eats nourishing food....this is going to be a tough time on her, too...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all....

Scruffy, Lacie, Babystan and Mumsie

Lacy said...

Sad w00f's asta...we iz sooo sorrwy to hear about ur uncle Ed...u stay close to u mommi and daddi and aunt karwen and comfort them as best u can..and listen to them...our thots and prayers r with u, now and always...

A sad,
bear and
angel lacylulu who says she will watch over ur uncle Ed...

Cat Naps in Italy said...

We are all so sorry to hear that your Ed passed away. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers and sending you and your parents our hugs from Italy.

Opus, Roscoe, and Cyn

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I am sending purrs and more purrs to auntie Karen and Mommi in this difficult time. They are in our thoughts and prayers.

Hugs and headbutties,
Momo and SS

Duke said...

We are heartbroken for you and your mom and dad, Asta. We know what an important person Auntie Kawen is to you. Our heart goes out to her. Please let her know she's in our thoughts and prayers.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

We are so sorry to hear about your Uncle Ed. Please give lots of kisses to your Mommi, Daddi and Aunt Kawen from us.

You all are in our thoughts and prayers.

Love -

Hershey, Kaci and Mama (Dianne)

P.S. Bosco will have another person to play ball with her.

The Black and Tans. said...


We were very saddened to read about your Uncle Ed. We will be thinking of you all, please pass on a hug from each of us to your Auntie Karen and your Mummy.

Molly and Taffy

Anonymous said...

Asta, We are so sad for Auntie Kawen, but Uncle Ed is at peace now and no more suffering he will be missed by all of you and never forgotten. Give Auntie Kawen much love and huggies, and take care of Mommi I know how much she cares and will need your strength to get thru this terrible time in her life. We love you all very much.
Pearl, Opal & Nanny

Abby said...

Dear Asta...

We are so sorry to hear of your Uncle Ed's passing...

Our thoughts & prayers are with you & your family...

Abby & her Mom xxxooo

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Sweet Asta, we are so sorry to hear about the loss of your Uncle Ed. Our thoughs and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.

Purrs & prayers from our home to yours.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Sweet Asta, we are so sorry to hear about the loss of your Uncle Ed. Our thoughs and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.

Purrs & prayers from our home to yours.

Mack said...

Oh Asta,
This is such terrible news.

I am so so sorry.

Kisses and all my love,

Princess Patches said...

Oh, Asta, we are so very sorry! Our paws are crossed for Aunt Karen! We know this is probably the worst time of her life and we hope she can find peace soon. We will pray for doG to guide her through her grief. Take good care of her and your mommi and daddi too. They will all need your sweet fuzzy face for comfort.

Aire-hugs to all of you,
Poppy, Penny and their mom and dad

Dexter said...

Asta, that is so sad. I'm sure you are a great comfort to your mom right now.


Deb Cushman said...

We are so sorry. We will keep you and your Mommi in our thoughts.

Jake of Florida said...

Dear Asta -- and Ami,

We're sending your whole family our heartfelt condolences on the death of your Aunt Karen's husband, Ed. We know how close you all are, so this has to be a very very sad time. We're with you in spirit.

Jake, Just Harry, and Joen

Deetz said...

Asta: Auntie Karen is going to need lots of paw hugs and lil kisses. Your mummy needs Auntie Karen and Auntie Karen needs her. I am sure this was not expected and is a huge shock. I am so sorry that your Aunt has to go through this. I wish I could kiss her on the nose and let her know my sincere sympothies. I love you all and will always be here for you in good times and the bad....
Deetzy...Deetz's mum

Petra said...

Oh, Asta, I am so very sorry to hear that your Uncle Ed passed away. Your Aunt Karen and your mom and dad are in our prayers. I'm glad that your Aunt Karen lives close to you so that she is not walking through this time alone. Tell her that I love and care about her.

Gus said...

Dear Asta, Mommi, Aunt Karen and Daddy. We are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers, and we agree with the others who have said that Asta is a great medicine for all of you to have at hand. Time for the little girl to be a strong and beautiful lady, so that people can tell her the secrets their hearts can't hold any longer. Dogs are the best medicine humans can have at time like this. Work your magic darling, we will be here to support you when you need us.

lots and lots of gussie kisses

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Asta Dear we are sorry to learn of your family loss. We will pray for your Auntie Karen, Uncle Ed whose in God's arms now and for you and your family. It's a difficult path to walk we understand

Love Licks and healing hugs

Putter said...

Oh Sweet Asta!

ME and MY MOM are so sorriest ever to hear this terribly sad news ... Please know that we are thinking of you and Aunt Karen and your Mommi and Daddi ...

Much Love,

Putter and Mom ...

ps ... Asta ... Also we can't thank you enough for helping us to organize our pawty and for all the great photos! :)))) Thank you dear friend!

Daisy said...

Asta, I am so sorry to learn the sad news about your uncle Ed. I am sending soft, comforting purrs to you, your family, and auntie Karen.

Stanley said...

Sweet Astaroni,

We are still crying with you here in GooberStan. PLease keep giving Auntie Kawen goober smooches whenever she runs out. I'm sending you emergency stores of them.

Gus is right. You are good medicine for ANYone, and I know you keep their secrets well. If you need to somedog to just listen or cuddle you, I am here, girlie.

Goober love & smooches of comfort,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Dearest Asta & Ami, so sorry to hear your sad news. Please accept our sincere condolences for your loss. Auntie Karen will be in our thoughts. J x

Dewey Dewster said...

Dear Asta and Ami....please accept our very deep condolences on the loss of your very good friend. And please pass that along to your Auntie Karen too. Good friends are hard to come by and their loss leaves a huge empty spot that is hard to fill.

Dewey Dewster, Asta Marie and Toby

Jans Funny Farm said...

We are so sad to read this news. Our hearts go out to your auntie Karen and your mom and dad. We pray for peace and strength for all of you.

jamie said...

Oh my. I am so sorry Asta, Ami and Aunt Karen. I will keep y'all in my prayers. Like everyone one has said, you'll have a big job helping everyone Asta. Wish there was something we could do.
(((((HUGS)))))to all of you.

Jamie, Sunny & Scooter

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are very sorry to hear about your Unlce Ed. He looked like a very kind man from the photograph. Your family & Aunt Karen will be in our thougths and purrs/prayers.

~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Alasandra

Anonymous said...

Asta, Ami and Aunt Karen,
We are so very very sorry for your loss. Asta-your job is to be with Aunt Karen and comfort her. Wire fox terrier hugs and licks have super powers so use them!
Poodle kisses and cat licks.
Gordy, Georgie and Pesto

Kirby said...

Oh Asta, I'm so sorry for you and your family. I know how important your Auntie Karen is to you, your Mommi and Daddi. Make sure you give extra love and kisses to everyone in this difficult time. Please pass on our condolences and know that you all, especially your Auntie Karen and her husband Ed will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Your pal,
Kirby & my mommy Kirstin

Toffee said...

Asta & Asta's mommi -
We are so, so sorry to hear this sad news. I wish there were something I could do to bring him back for your aunt Karen. I have no doubt that Ed is still with you in spirit. My mom has always loved this poem and hopes that you find some comfort in it:

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sun on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there; I did not die.
(author anonymous however attributed to Martha Frye)

sending you chihueagle cuddles and hugs.
Toffee & Riley

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Asta sweetie...I'm so sorry. All my love to you and your mommi and aunti karen!

Lots of Loving Licks, Ruby

Joe Stains said...

we are very very sorry to hear this :( We will send lots of healing heart vibes to your auntie karen!

Moco said...

We are so sorry for your loss. Words can never be expressed well at a time like this. We are sending good vibes across the country for all of you.

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, we are so sorry to hear about Uncle Ed. please give Aunt Karen lots of licks and tell her we are holding her in our thoughts and prayers.

sad woofs.

George the Pup said...

Oh Asta I am so sorry for you and your family's loss. Our thoughts are with you all.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
I am so sorry to hear about your family's loss... Please give your Aunt Karen a big kiss and hug from me.

Myeo said...

We are sorry to hear about Uncle Ed. Please send our love to Aunt Karen.

Boy n Baby

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh dear. I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle Ed. Our thoughts are with your auntie Karen and your family. :(

~ Girl girl

Islay said...

What sad news. Ed looks like he will be well-received at the Rainbow Bridge - whence we will all end up someday.

licks & kisses

Kyanite said...

So Sorry, I'm late here!

Such sad news - I do feel for your Auntie Karen - well all of you, but I'm sure you Asta will be such a comfort to your Auntie & Mommi!

Love, pats & pets

Simba and Jazzi said...

Sorry to hear your sad news. Thinking of you all at this difficult time.

Simba xx

Ferndoggle said...

Oh Asta, we're so sorry to hear about your uncle Ed. I'm sure you'll take fantastic care of your Auntie Karen.


Deetz said...

We just wanted to check on you and give more kisses too Auntie Karen.

Renna the Princess Puppy said...

Hi Asta, I came to meat you today but it looks like it is a bad time. Loving puppy kisses sent your way.

Deefor said...

Sorry to read such sad news about Ed. We'll be barking for you and your Auntie.


Toffee said...

Thinking of you and your family today.

Eric said...

Asta and Mommi,

I'm so very sorry for you all. My heart goes out to you, take very good care of Aunty Karen and of your sweet selves yourselves too. B x

Agatha and Archie said...

Dearest little one,We hope you are a big comfort to your Auntie Karen and to your Mommi right now as they wil really need you.We send you all of our thoughts and prayers and love .Love A+A

jamie said...

Thinking about y'all. Wish we could do something. Take good care of yourselves.

Joe Stains said...

We just wanted to come by again to say we are thinking about you and your family. Tanner suggests he could stop by and give Auntie Karen a big old WHATSSUUUUPPP since it always makes Mom laugh. Either way, we are thinking about you guys!

Koobuss said...

What a shame about Ed. How sad it was to hear of his suffering and passing. Please extend our love and sympathies to Karen. Our thoughts are with her, and you, during these most difficult days.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Koobie and Family

pee ess What a beautiful wire!

Randi said...

Oh Asta - I'm so very sorry to hear about your Uncle Ed...Oh..my heart goes out to your Aunt Karen & your Mom & Dad & rest of your family...Please know that we are sending you positive energy & healing thoughts & you are all in our prayers...

Love & Licks,
Randi & her mom

i said...

Sorry to hear the sad news. Our thoughts and prayers to you all.

Amber said...

We sorry to hear about Ed, our hearts go out to you and your mom, Auntie karen and her family.

with love

Patience-please said...

We are sending our best miracle whippet prayers for Auntie Karen and your mommi. We know your sweet kisses will make things better.

nose dabs from the whippets

Pippa said...

Oh Asta what very sad news.
I have not been around and as soon as I log on I find sadness. All our sympathies to you, auntie Karen and your mommi and daddy.
Pippa, Adrian and Katherine

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Asta, we are still purring for you. We just wanted to let you know that we were thinking of you and your family. We know this is a difficult time and we are sending lots of smoochie kisses to you.

Deetz said...

My mummy said she has a close friend who unexpectantly lost her husband to a heart attack and how it took a very long time for her friend to just feel human again...she and I both want you and Auntie Karen and your mum to know that you are loved very very much.

Deetz said...

also the last picture in my post today, please let Auntie Karen and your mum know I was sending my sincere thoughts and prayers their way

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

I just wanted to say Hi, again, & let you know me & my Mom are thinking of you & your family...

Abby xxxooo

Snowball said...

This is a very sad news. I hope your aunty Karen will feel better soon. You and your mum are such great friend to be there for her in time when she needed support from friends most.


Ben & Darling said...

Im really sorry to hear that. We will pray for aunty karen.

Slurpy Licks,