a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, May 23, 2008

some celebwations to lighten ouw heawts

My auntie Kawen went away fow a few days to be wif some vewy close fwiends, so Mommi thought this was a good time fow me to weconnect wif my fwiends, and welax and have some fun..

I think I helped auntie Kawen, and I know all of youw thoughts and pwayews and lettews made hew feel loved and helped hew vewy much...THANK YOU SO VEWY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My fwiends Karl and Ruis awe getting mawwied on the 30th of this momf, and as theiw best man, Opus and Roscoe awe thwowing them a fabulous LUAU bachelow pawty today

Mommi said I needed to go and have fun, so I am thewe wight now
Opus and Roscoe have done an incwedible job..they have chosen a gowgeaous location, have supew eatables and dwinkables, and leis fow evewyone

Thewe awe so many things to do..Ruis' family have wented suwfboawds and awe giving evewyone an oppowtunity to leawn how to suwf
one of the most populaw places is of couwse the Tiki baw that they have set up
the twopical dwinkies awe full of wefweshing fwuit and thewe awe viwgin maitais fow the youngstews
the limbo contest is puwwfect fow those limbew catses..all the doggies want to jump ovew, thinking these awe agility huwdles, hehehehe

My Sissy Momo is weady fow dinnew..doesn't she look bootiful wif that weath in hew haiw???
The sky is blue..the weathew balmy, and thewe will be a ukulele concewt as well as hula dancing fow entewtainment and if you just want to laze awound, what bettew place than in a comfy chaiw at the beach ow in a hammock
I have been pwacticing my hula..I just love the way those skiwts move and the fwagwance of the twopical flowews is intoxicating

all the bootiful pictoowes above awe couwtesy of Opus and Roscoe photogwaphews

Please stop by at Opus and Roscoe's to wish the happy couple continued love and a gweat wedding and enjoy the pawty..!!!!


don't fowget that Opal and Pearl awe having wollew skating pawty on the 26th..Ruby is again flying us all thewe and if you don't have skates, don't wowwy, cause we can went them at the pawty..of couwse all wheelies awe welcome!!!!


Ruby Bleu said...

OMD Asta you look so bootiful dancing. What fun!!! I'm so glad you are giving yourself a rest...you deserve it. I just know you and your Mommi helped Auntie Karen a whole lot.

I'm getting very excitered about Opal & Pearl's pawty on Monday. It is going to be SO much fun!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

lambj said...

Asta, thank you so much for coming to comment about Bonnie. Doing CCCSI together, she learned to like and respect you, and that's saying a lot for a cat who hissed at everyone! We are terribly sorry about your own family loss. With time, our sadness and pain will ease, leaving happy memories. Victor will look for you at the luau. Oh, and it's hugging holiday: ((hugs))
Jen & Victor

Mack said...

Hi Miss Asta!

You look like natural at Hula dancing!!

I know you helped your Mommi and Aunti Karen a lot. You are a great comfort to them.

I can't wait to see you at the skating party. Just don't laugh at me if (WHEN!) I fall down !!! :)


Sparky said...


Wow, what a party! Heh heh, I probably would have jumped over the limbo sticks too... And I must say, the surfing does look like fun!

The weekend is here already! I hope you have a GRRRReat one!


Lacy said...

w00f's girlie, me iz glad u wuz there to help u auntie karwen, mommi and daddi...dont know watt they wooda done wiffout u...me will haff to go to da pawty....r dey having liztinis??? heehee me likes dose...

b safe,

Deetz said...

It will be good for Auntie Karen to go and see close friends and get away and out of the house for awhile...You were very comforting to her and your mummy, I know, cuz they told me so. I have to go and spend quality time with my mum and entertain her on her vacation, so I will see you when I get back.....Kissy smooches and paw hugs lil Asta

Deetz said...

You looked gorgeous in your hula skirt by the way

Gus said...

Wowie Zowie! You are one gorgeous wahine! We are glad you can take a break, and know yo have been a great help to Mommi and Auntie Karen.


Daisy said...

Hang Ten! Did you try the delicious roast lizard yet? I am so happy to celebrate the upcoming wedding of Karl and Ruis.

Peanut said...

OH asta that is good your auntie karen got to go be with her friends and that you did too.

Duke said...

Your chair at the beach looks so relaxing, Asta! We think it's just what you need! Have a great time!
See you at Opal and Pearl's skating pawty!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

Great hualing(is that a word????) Love A+A

meemsnyc said...

Wow, what a luau party! Fun!

Noah the Airedale said...

Hi Asta
It's good to see you smiling and having fun. You look gorgeous in the Hula outfit.
Can't wait to see you at Pearl and Opal's party.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Snowball said...

Hi Asta,
I am glad that your aunty Karen is feeling better.

You look so cute doing the Hula dance. You are a natural dancer.


Amber-Mae said...

You must miss your Auntie Karen. But that looked like a pawsome Hawaiian pawty! And I bet you do the Hoola Hoola dance very well...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, we're glad you are getting out to have some fun again. it's good for Auntie Karen to get away for a little bit too. your beach party looks lovely. we would like to be playing on that sandy beach.


Sassy Kat said...

It was so much seeing our sissy at the bachelor party today. You sure can dance that Hawaiian dance really good! You taught us a few moves that we didn't know about. So much fun we had. It was a good day and a day to remember those that went to the bridge. That was a nice tribute that Opus and Roscoe gave.
Take care sweet sissy.
Sassy & Momo

Moco said...

You are the original pawty girl. We are glad that Auntie Karen is taking a few days with friends and you also.

George the Pup said...

Asta - you look great in that grass skirt! The kitties and I stopped by the party earlier, it was amazing!

Goofy said...

wow.. that was a great pawty right???

skating pawty?? could u arrange Air Ruby to fetch me?? Count me in plssss..


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Babystan lookin' at Asta in her grass skirt.....

T H U D!!!!!!!

Babystan lookin' directly at the floor havin' done a faceplant.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...

You look so so attractive in your Hula outfittie!!!!!

Babystan is never going to get over this....

Those cats sure are limber going under those agility bars!!!!

Hope Auntie Karen's doing ok....

Barkies and hugs,

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Hi sweet Asta. Thank you so much for the wonderful birthday wishes.
I love the photo of your hula. All my kitties really enjoyed the big party today, and I know Bonnie would want everyone to have fun.
And in honor of Miss Bonnie an the Day/ Weekend/ Holiday of HUGS, here’s ours:
*******hugs******* (KC)
*******hugs******* (Missy)
*******hugs******* (Faith)
*******hugs******* (Sol)
*******hugs******* (Smokey)
*******hugs******* (BJ)
*******hugs******* (Mommy ML)

Love, ML & The Sherwood Bunch

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

You are a pawtastic hula dancer! Not to mention you look gorgeous in that dress.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Simba and Jazzi said...

Your life is just one party after another! That party looked like a real blast.

Simba x

Princess Patches said...

Asta, we're very glad you are getting away to have some fun. We know Karl and Ruis will be very happy together. Auntie Karen is very smart to get away for a few days. We pray she finds peace in her heart very soon.

Poppy & Penny

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

It will be good for your Antie Karen to get away...I'm sure you will miss her...

Great Party...You hula very well...

Abby xxxooo

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hi Asta! You deserved to have some fun! Love the hula!!!

We are having a weekend of hugs on the blogosphere so:

(((((HUGSSSSS))))) from all the Taylor CatSSSSS!

Joe Stains said...

I think this is JUST what you needed Asta. You earned a fabulous party after all the support you have been giving. We can't wait for the skating party!

Koobuss said...

What a terrific Hawaii pawty for Opus and Roscoe! Looks like great fun!

Can't wait for Opal and Pearl's skating pawty. Hope I don't come home like my mom did when she was skating on her 10th birthday years ago. She fell and broke both her arms!! Had two casts on for 6 weeks. What fun that was! But that was her. I'm a much better skater than she is. I have built-in four wheel drive. Hehehehe.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Sassy Kat said...

Checking in to see how our sissy is doing and leaving you hugs in memory of Bonnie Underfoot.
Sassy & Momo

Jans Funny Farm said...


We came by to leave you and your pawrents {{{{{HUGS}}}}} from all of us at JFF in memory of Bonnie Underfoot.

Boo Casanova said...

ooooh! asta, please send my regards to auntie kawen for me.

wet wet licks


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Another pawty? It is always a pawty at your blog. Aloha!

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Asta!
What a great pawty! We are so happy and can't wait until Karl and Ruis' wedding!! Woof! Woof!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hello Sweet Asta! Hope you are having a great Sunday!

Smoochie Kisses!

Charlotte said...

Hi Asta! Sorry I haven't been around much. Great to see you at the party. Love dancing the hula with you. My SMS has a sporting injury and is laid up. This translates to blogging and visiting time for me.

Myeo said...

Those costume are beautiful. Glad that you had a great time.

Boy n Baby

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You look cute doing the hula Asta, Oh pawty... I hope I can skate well...

~ Girl girl

Urban Smoothie Read said...

they are some really good surfers...

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Happy Memorial Day!

For Our Troops:

Dexter said...

Asta! You are hot stuff in that hula outfit. Oh my! Say hi to Hector at the skating party.


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hi Asta, thanks for showing us how to do the hula and teaching us to dog paddle we had a great time with you. ~Scylla & Charybdis

Asta, the love of a good dog (or cat in our case) makes the sadness bearable. We are sure that you have helped your Aunt Karen a good deal by just being there and being your lovable self. We will continue to purr for you and your family. {{{Hugs}}} ~Socks, S & C

Sassy Kat said...

Happy Memorial Day! Hope you and your family are just taking it easy.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Asta, We just stopped by to wish you and your humans well.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, I hope that Auntie Karen is doing OK.
Wow, that looks like some pawty! J x

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Asta Darling your mommy was right that you needed to have a little fun cos you been working hard to comfurt your auntie. You looked beeuutiful

Love Licks