a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, May 31, 2008

GusGus' Successand all the Help in the wowld

Well hewe's what happened today

Daddi was sent home late this aftewnoon..the Dogtows decided that he would wespond to the medcin that he could take by mouf at home ...of couwse we have to watch him like a hawk..he must take the medcin weligiously and on TIME! evewy twelve houws fow seven days...

He's still week, and sick, but he's at home!!!YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and he'll be all fixed!
I know it's because all of you my dawling fuwwfwiends..doggies, catses, hammies, bunnies and theiw hoomans all pwayed and thought good thoughts and cwossed paws and puwwed...this was the best medecin!!!

I'd like to thank each and evewyone of you in pawson..I wish I could, but know that I am so gwateful fow all youw love and stwength that you sent.

GusGus was a lot clevewew than I gave him cwedit.....he made an almighty mess and wow at the hospital, and genewally was such a nuisance, that he and Daddi wewe asked to leave, hehehehehehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Photo by Asta

We got home and stuck Daddi in bed...his tempewatoowe has to be monitowed as well as all his othew vital signs...luckily My nuwsie fwiends BFFLaci, Agatha and Koobie awe all hewe and alewt and oh so good at theiw job!!!...Agatha was allowed to use hew stefas-copy..she was so sewious about hew job, that she put hew hat on backwawds in hew huwwy.Lacie is faiwly new at this nuwsing, and wants to do the pawfect thing each time...
Daddi asked fow a nightcap, and she went and got him that silly looking stwipedy thing on his head, hehehehe I don't think that's what he had in mind, hehehehee
I fell asneep..it's been too much.
My special fwiend Sam I Am who is a cewtefie
d thewapy doggie, and my babybff Stella (thewapy dog wanna -be)...awe all hewe to help and make suwe that Daddi makes a complete and thouwough wecovewy.

MOMMI AND DADDI THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I want to expwesss my heawtfelt thanks....

Friday, May 30, 2008

Daddi news

Daddi is still in the hopsital, but as you can see he is in a good mood and getting kisses fwom Gus Gus, who was the only one clevew enough to sneak in..I wish I wewe a clevew thewapy dog like my good fwiend Sam I Am, but I'm not, and all my subtewfooges have failed to get me in to see Daddi.

Thank you fow all youw sweet love and help..he's getting bettew and bettew because of it..Mommi just got home..and I'm fowcing hew to go to bed and not answew you....so pleez fowgive hew...have a gweat weekend evewyone and stay safe!!!
I'll be back!!!!
smoochie kisses

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Update on Daddi

Daddi feel bettew soon..wowe ASTA
fwom aunt Jane's phone
Mommi just got home fwom the hopsital..Daddi was in the ER fwom 1:00PM ..they finally found him a woom at 11:30..he was getting medecin fwom about 4:30 on , and is feeling much bettew..his fevew is down, and is now sneeping....
auntie Kawen and auntie Jane(Petey's Mom) came ovew when Mommi wan home to see me at 5:00...then I went with Petey and auntie Jane to hew house till Mommi picked me up just now..

they wewe vewy sweet and I played with Petey and His kitty sissy Mica(my fiwst actooal face to face with a kitty), while Mommi went back to be with Daddi...

This is how many tennis balls two tewwiews can find in the fiwst two minutes at Petey's house.

Thank you all fow the many many pwayews and good wishes and puwws and sweetness..I told Daddi(they wouldn't let me in but I talked to him on the telephone)...Mommi is supew tiwed, and has to go back tomowwow again, so she won't be able to wite to all of you fow a while to thank you pawsonally, but please know we love you and all youw love is coming thwough and helping us.

I'll tell you mowe when I know mowe..
My Lacie nuwsie fwiend is taking the night shift(A Hooge thank you!!!), so I'm going to sneep now

love and smoochie kisses

More Bad news

Sowwy evewyone, but I can't wite to you all..Daddi has to go to the hospital so I have to help

Monday, May 26, 2008

Skating Pawty

Do I have the wong day???????????????????????
it's Pearl and Opal's skating pawty todayphoto by Asta

I sat by the automat at the skating wink waiting fow my fwiends and feeling kind of lonely

photo by Asta
It tuwns out , a bunch of my fwiends wewe aweady waiting in the westauwant..thewe was even a wollew skating cake that Peawl and Opal owdewed...I want some!!! do we have to wait???

Table picture:Ruby, Mack, Pearl, Casper, Nikki
Stella and Stanley, GirlGirl whispewing something in Stanley's eaw, Faya, Rocky, Lorenza,Putter, Herc, Amber, Simba, Snickers, Butchy, JoeStains, Clover, and MJ,
Willow Tess,Lucy and Noah in back

photo by Asta

some unwooly tewwiews wewe vewy impatient to get theiw skates and didn't pay much attention to the sign telling them not to shove each othew, hehehehe(you know who you awe)

photo by Asta

Well, we finally stawted skating..it got pwetty wild
this is a gweat idea..wheelies and Doggies alike had a blast

Skating rink: Willow,Tess,Lucy,Chloe in a foursome, MJ, Mitch, Archie wif a bag full of tweats, Penny behind him, and Agatha showing off next to Blue in the back

Koobie,Asta,Lacie,Scruffy, Petra,Tanner, Flash, Lola,Kaci doing trick skating, Peanut and babyStan above her, Mack in yellow jewsey, Harry and Cassidy in the back on the middle wight

from left forward: Maggie and Autumn,Opal, Hawlie, Sophie the pug, Myrna, Butchy and Snickers' wheelies (Roxy,Max,....... with Hector and Ruby in fwont of them...
Mango wasn't going to come..he's not vewy fond of excewcise like this, but he was so wowwied about Hectow who is still bandaged that he came anyway
conga line of doggies..Ellie,Noah,Sherman,Poppy,Faith, and Buddy, Seymour a little behind, then Stanley coming at an incredible fast pace,
GirlGirl, Gilbert and Josephine the wheelies at the lower right.

photo by Koobuss
then all *%#$ bwoke loose..evewyone was facing in a diffewent diwection instead of going wound and wound in an owdewly mannew...well what do you expect, we'we a bunch of silly pups
photo by ASTA
and vewy pwedictably, this is what happens when you get us on wheels, hehehehehehehehehe

a giant puppy pile..don't wowwy..we all fell down, but no one got huwt, we just giggled ouw heads off....What I want to know is how Mango wound up on the sign????????????????

(if you want to see the pictoowes , you can biggify them by clicking on them..we'we vewy cute)

Thank you fow the pawty Opal,Peawl and Hawlie...I had a gweat time!!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

some celebwations to lighten ouw heawts

My auntie Kawen went away fow a few days to be wif some vewy close fwiends, so Mommi thought this was a good time fow me to weconnect wif my fwiends, and welax and have some fun..

I think I helped auntie Kawen, and I know all of youw thoughts and pwayews and lettews made hew feel loved and helped hew vewy much...THANK YOU SO VEWY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My fwiends Karl and Ruis awe getting mawwied on the 30th of this momf, and as theiw best man, Opus and Roscoe awe thwowing them a fabulous LUAU bachelow pawty today

Mommi said I needed to go and have fun, so I am thewe wight now
Opus and Roscoe have done an incwedible job..they have chosen a gowgeaous location, have supew eatables and dwinkables, and leis fow evewyone

Thewe awe so many things to do..Ruis' family have wented suwfboawds and awe giving evewyone an oppowtunity to leawn how to suwf
one of the most populaw places is of couwse the Tiki baw that they have set up
the twopical dwinkies awe full of wefweshing fwuit and thewe awe viwgin maitais fow the youngstews
the limbo contest is puwwfect fow those limbew catses..all the doggies want to jump ovew, thinking these awe agility huwdles, hehehehe

My Sissy Momo is weady fow dinnew..doesn't she look bootiful wif that weath in hew haiw???
The sky is blue..the weathew balmy, and thewe will be a ukulele concewt as well as hula dancing fow entewtainment and if you just want to laze awound, what bettew place than in a comfy chaiw at the beach ow in a hammock
I have been pwacticing my hula..I just love the way those skiwts move and the fwagwance of the twopical flowews is intoxicating

all the bootiful pictoowes above awe couwtesy of Opus and Roscoe photogwaphews

Please stop by at Opus and Roscoe's to wish the happy couple continued love and a gweat wedding and enjoy the pawty..!!!!


don't fowget that Opal and Pearl awe having wollew skating pawty on the 26th..Ruby is again flying us all thewe and if you don't have skates, don't wowwy, cause we can went them at the pawty..of couwse all wheelies awe welcome!!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Comfowting Auntie Kawen, and zonked

and this....

I suwe hope it helps!

then Mommi and I walk home and this is what I do
twying to fix all the huwt is hawd wowk fow a little doggie, but my deaw fwiend Gus Dagger wote me some vewy wise wowds

"Time for the little girl to be a strong and beautiful lady, so that people can tell her the secrets their hearts can't hold any longer. Dogs are the best medicine humans can have at time like this. Work your magic darling, we will be here to support you when you need us."

THANK YOU ALL MY SWEET ,SWEET CAWING FWIENDS fow all youw thoughts and pwayews comfowting AUNTIE KAWEN..She has wead all youw wowds and gotten all youw kisses, hugs, puwws, and headbutts, and they have helped hew get thwough this sad time.....fowgive me if I haven't gotten awound to answewing you..we haven't been home much lately, but I'm going to twy to catch up wif all of you in the next few days..

I miss you, and miss heawing about all the sillinessesses you'we up to and seeing youw faces..

I love you all!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A vewy Sad ASTA

My Sweet Fwiends,

Pleez fowgive me fow not answewing all youw lettews and weplies wegawding the pawty..
I hope you awe all having a gweat time, and want you to stay as long as you can and go back to visit tomowwow, when Willow and Puttew will have the west of the pictoowes on theiw bloggies..pleez go wish them a happy , healthy , long life!!!!!!!!! I don't want to spoil any fuwwkids fun, but I had to come home eawlymy Dawling auntie Kawen's husband ED died satuwday night, and Mommi and I want to be hewe fow hew..she is bwoken heawted, and needs us.

This was Ed, and theiw doggie Duggan in happiew times..pleez pway that auntie Kawen finds peace in hew heawt again...and maybe even happiness aftew a time..
thank you
ASTA and Mommi

Willow and Putter's Birfday Pawty

I have wushed the development of the photogwaphs fwom ouw pawty down undew and sent them to Mommi to post so you could all see them while we'we still thewe enjoying ouwselves

if you want to see details just click on the photos to biggify them..I think we awe all vewy photogenic so it's wowf doing that.

photo by Koobuss
It's a bootiful day , and we all gathewed in Willow's yawd aftew a loong but mawvelous flight on Air Ruby..as oosual, it was comfy and fun..it must be the only aiweline in the wowld that is..Ruby nevew complains about the amount of luggage you bwing, and wif hew co-pilot, Mack at hew side, she flew smoofly and pawfectly...many rubytinis wewe consoomed and we awwived in the best of moods to celebwate the Birfday Giwls.

Photo by ASTA
We all piled into fouw wheel dwives..hewe is the lead caw with the Thuglets wunnin next to it
We wewe on ouw way to Ayres Wock

Mango, Hewc ,Puttew,Molly and Gewtwude inside the caw..
and on top Toffee, JB The kitty who has fwiends all ovew the wowld, Hewshey and Kaci, Clover, Wocky, Caspew, Nikki, Buddy, Moco, and Simba

photo by Koobuss

we awwived at Ayres Wock, and of couwse we all had to climb it, hehehehe

thewe awe so many fabulous sights hewe and Willow and Noah and Tess and Lucy..wanted us to see evewything

photo by Asta

we went to see JimJim Falls, and all the wheelies wewe in awe .....they had nevew seen such natoowal booty so faw fwom home

fwom left: Gilbewt and Mywna, just back fwom theiw adventoowes on Mt.Evewest and Monaco, (unbelievably healthy and happy despite going naked up the mountain)
Max, Twip-Twap,Woxy,Nigel?,Seymouw and Opal in twee

photo by ASTA

then it was time to visit
Leuwa Cascade:
and what a fabulous spot fow fun

fwom top left...Cwikit..Spawtacus(Spawky) and Jake and JH gazing up
next row:Katie woaching on the wocks, Ewic...Asta looking down...Teka plotting to go into the caves, Zowwa and Sam diving into water
fwont wow: Spawky,Geowge(of PB&J)..Ellie and Noah finally getting a pwivate moment they thought, and getting weady to smooch,
Mango, Gussie and Willow the black dale all enjoying the bootiful and wefweshing watewfall

Photo by ASTA
We then headed fow
Bondi Beach where the Birthday cake was eaten..Asta was able to get a special bakery to airlift a cake that was in the shape of Ayres Rock

It's delicious and totally safe for all the kids..it's not chocolate....
Asta and her BFF Lacie also chartered a plane to drag the happy Birthday sign over the beach..Lacie is the pilot, Asta is holding onto the sign.

The doggies involved are
From top left: from the back and coming forward
Flash chasing Peanut

Cassidy and Harry, with babyStan looking on

Lorenza in dress, Eric, Ruby, Girl Girl with Happy Birthday hat, Mack at Ruby's feet, Lucy, Willow(biwfday cake hat), Tess, Hewc singing, Puttew(biwfday cake hat too)..just behind Puttew awe Gus and Louie,then Faya

Pearl, Maggie and Mitch goofing off, Happy, Gaia(plate of cookies in front of them), Petra, Mr.T-Bone Beasley with his lobster and eel, Joey with a bottle of wine ..wearing a red vest because he's always cold, Noah playing the didgeridoo for his sissie, Penny and Poppy airegirls

Molly, Shewman, Butchy, Molly and Gewtwude and Taffy,Deetz

front middle:Gussie, Snickews with hew pink bananda, AstaMawie,Dewey Dewster, Sitka,M.J,, Toby,Thow, and Toffee and Wiley at the vewy wight

in the water from left...Faya in red undershirt,Alf and Mindy,Stanley swimming and Blue waving from boat

photo by ASTA
This is wif my new undewwatew camewa..pwetty kool no????
It's a pictoowe of Willow giving scuba lessons to a few of hew fwiends:

on the left: Taffy with Lacie undew hew...
Ruby with Koobuss under her,
Asta all the way to the right amongst the fish with baby Stan wight above hew,
and Lola and Willow in the centew ,
Spawky on the uppew wight, and Katie of (Katie, Zowwa and Sam) on bottom wight

these wewe vewy bwave pups..thewe could have been shawks, but instead, they saw bootiful cowal and glowiously colowed fishies.......PHEW!

Then , some of the kids went fow a catamawan wide in Sydney Hawbow

in the watew...Scwuffy had to twy snowkeling, hehehehehe

On the Boat: Pacco Joey,Lola,Penny(Lola hanging on to Stella ) Powdew Puff, Faith, Tannew , Willow, Ambew -Mae, Sophie, Finni, and Deetz
behind them left to wight awe ....Asta and Stanley (pawtially hidden behind the sail) Hewc and his lovepup Puttew

photo by ASTA

Aftew the sun had set. we all gathewed in Sidney Hawbow to witness the spectacoolaw silent Fiwewowks that the Leuwodales had pwovided fow us..
it was magnificen and astonishing!!!

Thank you fow this bweathtaking holiday wif you, all my fwiends..I hope Willow and Puttew had the best Birfday evew!!!!

I also hope that Willow found a twue love among all the handsome boys who wewe swawming awound hew..she did look most gowgeous, so I can't blame them one bit.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Weady Fow RUBY

Now that I know that Myrna is not lost(check our Gilbert's bloggie)..just adventoowing(I have a few talking to wowds fow hew about this)..I have packed my bags, gotten the gifts, and am weady to be picked up!

Myrna is meeting me thewe...she keeps sending me wequests fow $$$$$$$$$$...as if...........

I've pwepawed a map so Ruby knows exackly whewe to land to pick me up..I'm vewy excited.I suwe hope I didn't fowget anything...I nevew know what to bwing, but I want to be pwepawed fow all eventooalities....I guess I can always get extwa things once I get thewe..............................

I'm soooo impatient..I hope Ruby comes soon! See you all thewe!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Missing Myrna and a Wemindew about this weekend!!!

Hello evewyone, this is ASTA..,,I know,I know, you wewe expecting Mywna..
fiwst she had a cold, now she's missing................that giwl...I don't know what to do with hew, she's so in love...
it tuwns out, she's not weally missing.......................I just got a note fwom hew saying that she and Gilbewt awe climbing Mt Evewest...unbelievable, and they both just had momo-nucleaw-osis.

This was the postew I had up all ovew town, now I have to go take it off fwom eveywhewe again..I guess I should just be happy that I heawd fwom hew...Mommi and I wewe so distwaught

I hope you all wemembew the big pawty in Austwalia to celebwate Willow and Puttew's Birfdays!

Don't wait to the last minute to make youw wesewvations on aiw Ruby, cause if I don't take enough film wif me, you'll be left out of the aftew pawty pictoowes.....hope to see you thewe.

I wondew if Gilbert and Myrna will make it back fwom theiw expedition......?????????????
This should be a fantastic event..I hope you will come and have a gweat time! See you thewe.

Monday, May 12, 2008


It's been a yeaw since that tewwible day that I expewienced the loss of my fiwst Bloggie Fwiend
FUFU, THAT WONDEWFUL HAMSTEWWIEW... and oldew bwuvvew of GirlGirl

Since that time ,We've all lost so many wondewful fuwwfwiends..it hasn't gotten easiew..but last yeaw was the day I discovewed that by meeting and loving so many, you get youw heawt bwoken often....
I wouldn't twade the love though..you've all filled me wif so much joy..so often, the pwice of love ..loosing fwiends..is wowf it (but I suwe wish it wouldn't huwt so much)so hewe I am weawing one of my bootiful Bananas..sent to me by my sweet fwiend Faya..
HEWE'S To You my Little FWIEND,

last yeaw, when little Fufu died we all sobbed ouw heawts out..and Hammer declawed this banana day in honow of him...(Fufu had sent hi his fiwst banana when he joinedDWB)
I'll aways wemembew my fiwst little hamstewwiew fwiend Fufu...I hope you'we playing wif all ouw dawling fuwwfwiends ovew the bwidge..and know that we won't evew fowget any of you..
fawewell deaw fwiends you'we pawt of ouw heawts fowevew

Saturday, May 10, 2008


The day finaly awwived... We wewe all picked up by Ruby in hew fabulous jet....aftew a luxoowious, fun, flight, she safely landed us in bootiful Dweamingspiwes I think AirRuby is the most wondewful(possibly the only wondewful)way to fly.

(How does she avoid customs, and those annoying body seawches and limitations on luggage...you can even bwing nail files if you want..and then don't even get me stawted on the eatables and dwinkables that awe sewved...heavenly!!!!!!!)

photo by Asta
the excitement was mounting...
aftew hugs and kisses (and bitey faces) all awound, we wan awound to see a few of the sights.
Isn't spwing a fabulous time??? How pawfect fow Biwfday celebwations! ...and we have so many to celebwate!
Blue invited us all to Dweamingspiwes fow this pawty she's hosting fow Snowball and hew own Birfday...but then we found out that two of the guests, babySTan and Eric awe also Birfday kids..so this should be a mega pawty.......I can't wait......

photo by Asta
Snowball had aweady awwived, and was touwing the Botanical gawdens wif Blue

photo by Asta
WE went to the Pwison Hotel( it oosed to be a pwison, now it's a lovely luxoowious place)..whewe we all had the most fabulous wooms

Some of us posed fow a pictoowe:

on top of the steps...Agatha and Faya
on the left: Jackson, MJ and Lacie
on the staiws: Sparky,Boo Casanova, Opal and Snowball
hanging out on the wight:Butchy,Dopey and Clover
in fwont fwom left to wight:Buddy,Pearl,Archie,Asta,Stanley,Snickers,Gussie,Harry, Casper and Nikki

photo by Asta
some of us took advantage of the gowgeousness of the day and went punting(is thewe such a wowd??)
On the shore :
Blue and Snowball , Fig and Petra,Dewey and Koobie ,who bof fell in the wivew and wewe scwambling out, hehehehe Peanut, with Snickers behind him and Flash in fwont of him, Noah, Willow, Tess, and Lucy Clover and Stella, and Butchy, who assoomed since we wewe in England , he should weaw the full awmouw of a knight...isn't he a sweetie?

hanging ovew the bwidge:

In the punt:
Simba,Lorenza,Chloe,Faith,AmberMae,Harry,Ronin, and Eric doing all the hawd wowk

Then we gathewed at the pawty boat and dock to go to the May Ball

photo by Asta
Putter and Herc
wewe canoodling in the bushes, hehehe
on the boat:
Ellie and Baz, Noah, Jackson, Simba, Stella, Peanut, Willow, Tess and Lucy,
Eric looking in the water, Ruby helping Mack who decided to swim to the boat
sitting on the awning: GirlGirl, Snowball, Moco, Boy, babyStan, Scruffy and Lacie, Baby, Sparky
Flash and Joey soaking up the sun, and Rocky at the end
on the gang plank: Stanley and Asta, Molly and Taffy, and of couwse Blue

photo by Asta
a lineup of tewwowist swells at the ball, hehehehe
Left to wight: Toby,Cassidy,Scruffy,Archie,Lacie,Koobie,DeweyDewster,Agatha and babyStan
photo by Asta
at the ball,left to wight:
Blue and Snowball,Sherman,Toby,Asta,Stanley,Joey,PennyFerndoggle,Penny and Poppy,Mitch,Mack,Ruby,Dewey,AstaMarie,Sophia laBwadow, and that diva hewself LOLA and up fwont..it's Myrna wif hew sweetie Gilbewt..(they snuck off claiming they wewe vewy tiwed...a wesult of theiw Mono Nucleaw osis...a likely stowy...hmmm)
photo by Asta
we gathewed in the dining Hall and aftew the most sumptious meal that Blue had so bootifull awwanged..we finished by singing Happy Birfday and shawing the yummie cake

a few of the celebwants:
on the left: Tanner, Penny, Hershey and Kaci, Rocky, Sparky and Crikit,Moco, GirlGirl Snowball, Baz
on the wight: Ginger, Ruby, Stanley, Asta, Ellie

ovewseeing it all is BLUE, behind the cake
AFtew dinnew thewe was a !Quiet fiwewowks display..I don't know how Blue awwanged it, but it was Gweat, and none of the guests had to take valy oom to be able to enjoy it.

Thank you fow a most fabulous pawty..I'll nevew fowget it..HAPPY BIWFDAY TO ALL!!!!!!!!!
fow mowe pictoowes of ouw weekend, be suwe to visit Koobuss' site, she was my fellow photogwaphew, and of couwse go see Blue and Snowball and Eric, and babyStan....they may post latew this weekend, so keep checking back.