a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The wait is over

Finally everydoggie, the wait for the suwpwise is over
Opy and Charly's Mommi had the wonderful idea to ask me (and my Mommi)to paint a powtwait of our dear FUFU...we were vewy excited and happy to do this

Here I am with my Mommi discussing the pwoject...she then showed me how to hold the bwush and the west is histowy..................................I did the whole painting almost by myself , well with just a tiny bit of help, hewe and thewe....I had the bestest time, cause all the while I painted ,I could see FUFU's sweet face in fwont of me, I know none of us will ever forget him, and we hope that this pwesent fwom all the doggies in DWB will make his family feel better, and know how we feel. Thank you especially to Opy's Mom who was the dwiving spiwit behind all this....MWAHHHHHHH!


Tadpole said...

Oh Asta! You and your mommie did a SPECTACULAR job capturing FuFu's spirit! It is so beautiful.... It brings tears to my girl's eyes. Bravo to you! And thanks to Opy's mom too!

Hana said...

Asta! You and your Mom are the bestest!!! We love the painting you made of Fufu! Your Mom has a very kind heart and is sooo talented! (Asta, you are talented too)

Ruby Bleu said...

Dear Asta & Asta's Momma...
This was the bestest thing I've ever seen! It's totally pawsome...it looks just like little FuFu. You both have such talents...and the biggest hearts...Just like Opy, Charlie, Brooke & Greg!

Lots and Lots and Lots of Licks (you guys deserve extra licks today!)
Ruby oh and my Mom Michele too!

PS - can't wait to see Butchy & Snickers picture!!!

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Asta and Asta's Mum,

This was such wonderful thing for you and your mum to paint a picture of dear Fu Fu and send it to Eil and Girl Girl. I also saw the picture earlier on Girl Girl's web site, but bad mum was working and wouldn't help me e-mail you till now. I agwee with Ruby that the painting is pawsome. FuFu was such a great little mate to all of us. You are just the bestest girl in the world (other than Girl Girl) for doing this. You deserve lots of treats to go with all the licks. I'm so pwoud that you are my bestest pal and share my name.

xxx Asta down under

Frasier said...

That was a beautiful potrait!Your mummy and you are so talented!

Duke said...

You and your mom did an awesome job on the Fufu painting! We absolutely love it to pieces! The two of you are so sweet to do this for Eil!

Love ya lots,

Stanley said...

Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! Pllbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb!

That is Goober kisses and a raspberry of love to you and your sweet, bootiful mama! I never had the privilege of knowing FuFu, except through all of you. I'm sure Girl Girl and the rest of FuFu's family will cherish your labor of love.

Can't believe I have a pawsomely talented girlie like you as my friend (I'd love to watch you work your magic with those colors sometime).

Goober hugs to go with the kisses,

Gus said...

Asta and Mother:
Great job on painting. Would you say that Asta's talent is inherited or a result of environment. Nature v. Nurture?

Great idea and excellent actualization.

I am saving my wages from the store so I can travel to New Yawk and have the two of you do my portrait from life. Do you think I should wear my bow tie?

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Your mom and you of course did an excellent portrait of FuFu. Its really beautiful.
You are so talented and very nice.
I am sending you kisses and hugs.

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Oh my gosh it's beautiful! Such a nice tribute to our little Fu Fu Bear who is so very missed. THANK YOU:) It is totally awesome:)

BIG hugs from Billy Boo:)

Boo Casanova said...

asta, i love the painting. very very nice. so nice of you to help paint it together with mommi. i'm sure GG and Eil will treasure it very very much.

wet wet licks


Ben & Darling said...

Hey Asta,

Well done, both you and your mama are super!! and the potrait is super nice !!

But then....how come the brush you holding is colorless??? hehehe

Nugget said...

Hi Asta, What a beautiful painting you and your Mum did of Fu Fu. You are a gifted girl! We would be honored to have you link to us, we will add a link to you. Mum made me include Stewy and Ozzy when we signed your guest book. Ozzy is handsome terror terrier)
Nugget (and the boys too)

Joe Stains said...

This was such a wonderful idea and you guys did an AMAZING job. question though, how much paint ended up in your furs??? lol

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Asta, you are such a talented little doggie. Our family really love this painting of Fufu. It's hanging inside Eil's room now where she can see Fufu every day.
Thank you Asta & your mom for making us so happy. :)

~ girl girl

Simba and Jazzi said...

wow your Mummy is clever. How come I stuck with a Mummy who is no good at anything? Well she gives good tummy rubs.

Simba xx

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Wow, how great to see your artistic flair in action Asta! I am in awe of your talent you wonderful little girl.

I am going to stop mum spending money on stoopid shoes and stuff so I can get you to paint my pawtrait!

Oscar x

ToFFee said...


such an awesome Pawtrait!

You and your mommy is a big pawtrist in my book!


Goofy said...

That is a real beautiful pic of FUFU...

Finnegan said...

I love it!!!! Mommy thinks it's beautiful. I think your mommy might be having a lot of requests for painting other doggy blogger's portraits. It's really really fantastic.


Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Asta up over,

Am I weally your bestest fweind? You are soooo kind. You have sooo many fweinds! I'm weally honored to be the bestest. You and your mum look so cute together. I hope you will have a pajama pawty for all of your wirey NY pals, even though I can't come all the way fwom Australia. I can be there in spirit!

xxx Asta down under

Hana said...

I am so amazed at your art work and would love to blog about the painting you did of little Fufu and the one that Butchy and Snickers are receiving disguised as a pizza. Do you mind if I copy some of the picture files and show them on my blog and also show them on the doggie forum I belong to? If you'd rather me not, that's okay too. Just let me know.

Kisses to you and your Mom (and your Dad)!

~Hana the Dog

Hana said...

Hi Asta, it's me again.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Your MOM is PAWSOME!

I just checked out the portrait painting you and your mom painted of Butchy and Snickers. Beautiful!! I love it!! You and your Mom are the bestest. And, thanks again for donating your painting to help Casper's medical bills.


Bogart H. Devil said...

WOW - you and your mom are SO TALENTED!!!!!!


the many Bs said...

Wow, Asta, your mommy is a beautiful painter. She made a wonderful beautiful amazing picture of Fufu. We are very impressed. It's just lovely and perfect. It's a wonderful tribute to the Hamsterier.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta aned Mom,
Thank you for doing the wonderful paw-trait of Fu Fu.. It is lovely and I think your mom is a amazing artist!

fee said...

you're a genius, asta, and your mommy's pawsome! i love that pix! what a pwetty pwetty surpwise!

Faya said...

Vous êtes de grandes artistes ! Félicitations, c'est magnifique.
Bisous, Faya

Gwyn Valentine said...

HI Asta,

I saw your drawing on Girlgirl's blog and i thought it was beautifully drawn!
What an artist both you and your mum are!


Hammer said...

Dear Asta

You and your mum painted the most beautiful painting ever of our bestest hamsterrier friend in the whole wide world. It made Eil so happy too, which is good.

Love from Hammer

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

What a lovely gesture and another great portrait! J X

Juno said...

Wow!! This is another boootiful work!! I just came back from Butchys and Snicker's blog. Your mommi's every single paining impresses us so much. Asta and your mommi, you are great team! (I am sure your daddy helps you two alot. ;) )

Momo xoxo