a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, June 23, 2007



(mom:she's kind of jumping the gun by a day, but she can't wait)

I decided to join in the game everydoggie is playing so you can know a little more about me

. Your age? nine whole months
2. Your age when came to live with your people? two months

3. What color is the collar you’re wearing right now? ORANGE

4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with? my aunt KAWEN

5. How much do you weigh? 17 lbs...some hoomans say I'm hooge for a wire foxy girl

6. Most expensive thing you’ve ever chewed up? just my stuffies

7. Do you like other Dogs? I've never met one I don't love yet..I come to a scweeching halt the minute I see another doggie, even a block a way, and wefuse to move till I can kiss them and maybe wrestle

8. Who is your best non-human friend?my bestest fwiend in the world is my twin Asta, if you mean awound here, it's Roxy

9. Squeaky Toys or Tennis Balls?pwobably squeeky tennisballs heheheh, I love all toys

10. Do you like to be brushed? yes on my back, noooo on the inside of my legs, so-so on the west of me

11. Peanut Butter or Cheese? There's more kinds of cheese, so it has to be cheese pleez

12. Do your people cut your toenails?They did in the beginning, but since my run is made out of cement, it acts like a giant emewy boawd and there's nothing to cut, heheheh, good twick, no ?

13. Any formal education? I'm home schooled(I don't know twicks, but I'm twying to study fwench, spanish, hungawian, suwgewy, and the piano)

14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny? The enewgiser bunny is nothing compawed to me, and then I flop

15. Five nicknames your people call you. pupcake, poodle, honey,flopsie,bunny

16. What is your best trick? I sit for about thfee seconds

17. Do you like kitties? do they play?

18. What did you have for breakfast? I always shawe my Mommi's baguette

19. Can you hunt (aka have you ever killed anything living)? are stuffies alive?

20. When & why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.? two weeks ago for a blood test so I could get my heawtwowm medcine

21. Where do you sleep at night? in between Mommi and Daddy on the bed of course

22. Do you like to swim? NO NO NO, unless I get lessons fwom one of you I'm scawed

23. Can you make puppies? I thought the stork brought them

24. Do you give kisses? just twy to stop me

25. Can you potty on command?only peepees, the poops just kinda come

26. To Cuz or not to Cuz? I love it equally with all my toys.I find,it has to be the wight toy for the wight moment don't you?


Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Asta UO, Happy almost 9 month bawkday.

xxx Asta down under

Duke said...

What sweet answers Asta! You're exactly 2 months older than Mitch!

Love ya lots,

Nessa Happens said...

Holy dog that is the cutest picture I have ever seen EVER! You are beyond adorable! You are the snuggliest thing in the whole world. Can I nibble on you?

Gus said...

Oh wow! It doesn't seem that long ago that you were a puppy. I agree with Nanook: That is possibly the cutest picture ever. Orange is your color. Don't let them make you wear pink.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Happy Nine Month Birthday!!
Thanks for playing. Those are many things to know you much better.
I like your picture!
Have a good night

Stanley said...


Happy 9 month Birthday Sweet Thing!

You are one mult-faceted pupgirl! There is always something new to learn about you. (For being less than 1 year old you are a truly sophisticated chica).

Love your photo highlighting your bootiful teeth! YOW!! I'd think you were ultra ferocious if I didn't know you were singing.

Here's wishing I could get some real smoochie kisses (*sigh*),
Your Goob Boy,

Joe Stains said...

happy nine month birfday!!

ToFFee said...

Almost near the barkday!

No problems letting your pawrents know! at least they could have a head start on your barkday pawty!!!


Nugget said...

Happy Happy nine months! I love your big happy smile, was you mum holding cheese?


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

What pearly white knashers you have! Mine are a bit yellow in comparison. Nice list. I'm surprised at the number of dogs who prefer cheese to peanut butter. It's PnB every time for me! J x

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Happy nine month burpday!

Bussie Kissies

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Happy 9 month barkday sweetie!

I so agree with you about right toy for the right moment. Sometimes only a tuggy will do, other times a stuffie is what's required.

Why do you get called Poodle?!

Oscar x

Faya said...

Joyeux déjà 9 mois anniversaire ma petite Asta...quelle lecture intéressante et instructive ! Gros bisous, Faya

Annebelle said...

Have a wonderful 9month birthday! I loved your answers to the Get-To-Know-ME Quiz. (I hope you don't mind, I took your cue and will do the same over on my blog!) What does "cuz" mean?

Great Picture!!

Putter said...

Hi Asta! Hi!

Happy Nine Month Birfday to you! Happiest Nine Month Birfday to YOU! Now I know more about you and I am happiest!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Frasier said...

Hi Asta,
You are a singin dog!You could perform for a ton of money!

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Happy 9 month birthday little one! Every month is meant to be celebrated haha!

Love those pearly white, wow what a smile, I need my sunglasses for that picture :)

I pee on command too!!!

BIG hugs and love from Billy Boo:) xoxox

the many Bs said...

awwww... you sleep right between your mommy and your daddy. that's so sweet. you are such a good puppy! we wuv you!

Hana said...

Happy 9 months barkday to you!!! You are a young thing, aren't ya?

Ben & Darling said...

Happy 9th month barkday Asta. You look very happy in that pic.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
Happy 9 months Barkday!! My barkday is round the corner too.. I can't wait! *running around in circles*

wally said...

What's up Asta! Happy 9 month birthday. You're just a baby (especially compared to me)! I hope you had a big blow-out party.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

HAPPY NINE MONTH BIRFDAY to you ASTA. I like your white teefies. :)

~ girl girl

Simba and Jazzi said...

Happy 9 month barkday.

Simba xx

Finnegan said...

Very interesting info about Asta! And I did not realize you are still a youngster! So cute!

My mommy sent my address. It takes her a while to get to things. What do humans call it? A HUGE procrastinator!


Sophie Brador said...

Wow Asta, any pressies for you?

Hammer said...

Hi Asta

I sleep on the bed too and I love cheese. I LOVE all food. I have a habit of taking off with the frozen food on the kitchen bench mum is trying to thaw out. I try to eat it frozen.

Love from Hammer

Jake of Florida said...

Asta, you said that you "come to a scweeching halt the minute I see another doggie, even a block a way, and wefuse to move till I can kiss them and maybe wrestle" -- well that's what we do too. Mom wonders how a 22-pound dog can turn into a 2-ton immovable statue. Either she waits until we get to see the other dog, or the dog disappears, or she tries to get us to move. Sometimes she just picks us up in desperation.

You asked on our blog if NYC is far. Well, in Mom's mind it is never far, but we think it's about three hours by plane -- and way too far for guys like us to just run over and play. We'd like to, though, because you are very, very cute -- and musical too.


Lenny said...

Happy 9-month barkday, Asta!
I enjoyed getting to know you better in the quiz. You are so sweet!

Your friend, Lenny

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Asta,

You're my best fwiend too!

xxx Asta down under

coco said...

Happy 9 month birthday, Asta!!!!! I LOOOOOVE that first picture of you - you look sooooo happy! I sure wish we could play!

I am 10 months old myself! My birthday is August 17th! When's yours?

Annebelle said...

I hope you had a wonderful 9 month birthday weekend!


Urban Smoothie Read said...

wit tat song, u can sing it every month....hahah