a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Asta running in the hall to dry herself off

My Mommi insisted on giving me a bath, this hooman obsession with baths is weird, but any way, when I finally got loose, this is what I did....madness in the living room a la Asta
I may not be able to post for a few days, I'll twy, but Mommi is on Jury dooty(maybe they'll lock her up, eek!) poor me is going to be home alone boo hoo hoo!!!!!!!!!!
which makes giving me a bath quadruple bad idea...no one will even see me, stoopid stoopid idea


Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...


You go girl. I got a bath on Monday and I do the same thing. I run around the house like a Luna-tic so I can dry off my wirey coat.

Looney Tunes

Faya said...

Quand je pense que j'ai 15 mois et je n'ai encore jamais pris un bain !!!!
Gros bisous, Faya

Joe Stains said...

this is hilarious! we do crazy time after baths too, Mom is glad to know we are not the only ones

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

No, no, no Asta, you need to get on a bed or couch and rub yourself all over it! Well, if the hoomans insist on bathing us we have to get revenge somehow, right?

Oscar x

Duke said...

I'm usually quite depressed after my bath (bleh). I hate being wet for HOURS afterwards! There is just nothing fun about a bath to me! At least you look happy about it!

Love ya lots,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Everyone has its own way to get dry after a bath, and yours its very funny!
I hope you don't be home alone!!
Have a nice day!

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Asta Up Over,
I do exactly the same thing when I have a bath, but sometimes mum wraps me in a towel and holds me till I dry off a lot, so I won't run in ciwcles.
xxx Asta down under

Maggie said...

asta , you think dat is kazy ?!?! yo should see me !! i jump on the couch jump over the couch attack mom and do zoomies like a kigillon times . i will post tomarrow , it was eather post or read my friends blogs. so i pickes #2 :)

Stanley said...

Do you ever rub yourself up and down the hallway walls? Try it, Asta. The hoomans love when we do that.

By the way, you sound all grown up when you growlllll.

Goob love to you gurrrrrlie,

Juno said...

Asta!! I cannot believe this!! I DO exactly the same thing after bath. I also rub myself up and down the carpet and everywhere. I cannot stop myself!! :)

Hope you're having a bootiful sunday.

Momo xoxo